Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1966 Wars Glass Emperor

"Hey, no wonder you call the plate. It turned out that there was an emperor in the side of the emperor."

The emperor is cold, "But, even if it is the great emperor, there is a gap with each other, and the next seat is blocked."

The voice is falling, the emperor of the glazed is the cold, and it has risen again.

~~~ The heavens and earth seem to be completely solidified.

The glazed emperor has also appeared a green spear, which is three meters long, exudes no cold breath.

The shape is shackled, this glazed emperor is already shot.


There is a huge ice cave in the space, and the wipe wipes a lot of cracks extend.

In this huge hat, "Hey !!!"

A shocking, I saw a huge behemoth that was completely condensed by the cold ice.

With the stunner, this flood beast has come to the front of the sword.

The sword is like a look, the body is in the heart of the bloody ocean, it is like a bloody ** God. He glanced at this flood beast, and immediately folded directly to front.

One pointed out, the world is silent!

The flood beast is completely condensed by the cold ice, and his chest suddenly broke a hole. He made his endless power broke out. In an instant, he bombarded this huge beast.

However, the wild beast has just collapsed, but he saw a tall and glamorous figure. It is already broken.

call out! call out! call out! call out! ~~~

Nine times in the joint pop.

Each time I talked out, I left a beautiful white light in the void.

At that speed, the Thunder lightning cannot be described.

The most important thing is that this nine population, all blocked the time and space, completely lock the sword, so that he did not have the opportunity to dodge.


The sword is sinking, but both hands are used.

"Blood Magic!"

Black! Black! Black! Black! ~~~

One of the bloody palm prints came out and slammed it.

Every time I slam, this bloody palm is directly directly for a giant mountain, this giant mountain's blood cloud is like a volcanic.

And the spear of the glazed emperor, it is endless cold ice.

This is a positive confrontation of volcanoes and ice.


I only heard a dramatic roar.

The whole world is completely covered with the endless cold ice and the blood clouds, becoming gorgeous.

The sword is unparalleled in the absence of the voids, which can be very clear to induce the collision of the two energy collisions. It also flashes with the strange light.

The power of the Emperor, the emperor is really strong.

On the single power of power, it will not be possible.

Just then ... !

A person who is shadowed from the core of the battlefield, which is a sword.

As for the Great Emperor, it is still in the world of heavens and the earth, and that the sky is full of half a world.

Obviously, this collision, the emperor of the glazed is absolutely superior.

"Hey, but it has reached the great level, just like this, I also want to block this seat?" Glass Emperor is cold.

See this, the sword is not a double eyeliner.

The sword is indeed only to restore the hierarchy of the peak of the chaotic border, but also did not reach the most powerful chaotic environment. On the power of power, ranked sixth glazed emperor with the world's supreme list, finally It is slightly different.

However, the sword is an ancient strongman, and there are many means.

Sure enough, after the sword was taken back by the glazed emperor, he saw his body and became a ghost, a bloody illusion.

Delicate numbness of blood color, all over around.

Single use of naked eyes, even the power of the soul, can not find these bloody phantom, who is the Buddha of the sword.

Until the sword shot ...


A quiet appearance of a palm of the glazed emperor, his hand finger, his fingertip has a bloody light, pointing to the head of the glazed emperor.

After the glazed emperor, there was a three-meter-long ice cone with an air, and there were ten roots in the dense lace, and it was attacked.

These ice cone are very fast, and they are not affected, they pass directly from the sword, but they have not encountered any entities.


The sword is like a ghost, but it has once again appeared on the side of the Glass Emperor.

"This guy, fast speed? And the means of use of time and space is good." The emperor glazed.

Suddenly ... The five meters high of the glazed emperor has extended from the two heads and four arms, plus the glazed emperor's own skull arm ...

Three-headed arm!

And also contain special combination, the head arms can be perfectly matched.

I saw her six arms at the same time holding ice-cold spear. At this moment, he had a thorny, in addition, her three heads, one of them flamested, and the charm.

The second head is a whispering, whistling, and vibrating time and space.

The last head, it is the eyebrow and open the third object, a light beam, which contains a pound of destruction, and also blasted by the sword.

The sword is a frown, under the many means of this glazed emperor, but it is once again forced to go.

But his speed, his use of time and space, far from the Emperor of the Glass.

With the use of speed with time and space, he fought with the glazed emperor once again, although the glazed emperor has already showed three six arms, many means, but it also couldn't help but sword, both sides can say that the fight is quite, glazed The Great barely occupied some winds.

"This glass emperor is worthy of the sixth in the world, the strength means is very big." The sword is unmainted, "Unfortunately, the strength of the sword has just returned to the peak of the chaotic boy, and the distance from him There is still a distance from the Dingsheng period, otherwise ... "

However, the sword can fight with the Great Emperor with his own means, it is already good.

In the battlefield, the color of the glaze is cold.

"This person is too strange to the power of time and space. Fortunately, his strength is not as good as me. The eye of this glazed emperor is from time to time.

"I can't let this person, I will continue to fight, and I have no sense. He is obviously heard that the sword is unparalleled. As long as you can hold the sword, you can control him!"

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