Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1968, three emperors

"I now give back the glazed emperor, but how long does it taken, this glazed emperor will definitely be able to kill other strong, and even the whole drainage of the world, will come." The sword is not bilaterally gloomy.

The fire industry, the value of value is really thinking.

The evil spirits just found the fire community, and only a simple understanding of the fire community, it was found that the fire community has the potential to be strong in the holy place.

In fact, the potential of the fire industry is large, and the evil spirits and even the blood knife guess.

One place, even if it is a Shengling, it will be extremely interested.

Not to mention the power of all parties.

And the sword is unparalleled, naturally I want to keep the fire world, I don't want him to be divided by the power of the Shengfa.

But in this way, it is destined to face the entire vast chaotic world! !

"No matter what, the fire community is my hometown, my root!"

"As long as I am still alive, I will never allow anyone to finger it!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it has been determined by the heart.


Among the voids from the green fire industry.


The body of the glazed emperor once again found that at this moment, her cool face, but she took a few colds, but it was a bit hard to look.

Next to the Glass of the Emperor, the martial artist and the blood knife will stand respect.

"You two, starting to this seat today, staring at the fire world, staring at their one fell," the Glass of the Glass told.

"Yes." The Emperor offenders and the blood knife nodded.

The glazed emperor has a magical shape and has left it.

See this, the emperor offeit the emperor is light, but the blood knife is surrounded by a strange light.

"I didn't expect that even the glazed emperor personally shot, it couldn't help but the sword was unparalleled. I was even forced by him." The blood knife gods can be quite horrified.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled, and some of the scores of the sword are unparalleled.

But these records are not enough to face an emperor.

But now ...

"The Glass of the Glass is now, it must be invited to invite other great powers to shoot together, even if a few great achievements, I am afraid that I can only force the sword without double, so as to kill the sword is unparalleled ... I am afraid it. No one dares to do this. "The blood knife gods moved.

At first, he did think that the Glass Emperor will revenge him to kill the sword.

But just a conversation of the emperor and swords, but he listened, this glazed emperor's mysterious power behind the sword, there is a great jealous, she does not truly kill the sword. dead.

Even if the sword is unparalleled to humiliate her, she called her old woman, and when she is rolling, this glass emperor just only wants to teach him.

In other words, the Golden Emperor is only a falsehood to promise him.

Since the glazed emperor has such scruples in the emperor, the other emperors of his invitation are certain.

I want to really kill the sword is unparalleled, and the emperor of the glazed emperor has been invited by the emperor. It is hard to do it.

"It seems that I want to kill the sword monarch, revenge for the brother, I can only use the last trick." The blood knife goddess is cold.

But in the me, he does not move the look, and the emperor next to him can't see it.


Ancient battlefield, a volatile.

The Glass of the Glass is quietly suspended, but not long, a dark body shadow has greeted.

This dark shadow is the nine holy owner!

"Glass, you are so urgent to find me, what is it?" Jiu Hao is in front of the emperor of the glass.

The Jiu Han Lord came to this ancient battlefield for the first time, and in the 1990 years of this battlefield, he did some opportunity, but it was not too much, and it was still The chair of failure to make his strength is not obtained.

And his strength, it is still still revert to the peak.

"I am looking for you, naturally there is a good thing." The emperor of the glazed looked at the Saint-Saint-Lower, even if there were some things in the green circles, it said.

After listening to the Emperor of the Glass, the Jiu Hou's holy thing became extremely sharp.

"This ancient battlefield, actually gave birth to a big world?" The nine holy home is quite shocked.

"This fire industry does exist, but unfortunately there is the existence of the sword, I want to take the fire community, but the result is forced to retreat, no way, I will come to you." Glass Emperor Tao.

"The sword is unparalleled? This kid, how is it?" "Jiu Hanzhi is cold.

The sword is unparalleled, and his heart is full of murder.

"If I have not guess, this green world should be the sword unparalleled hometown. It is the truly foundation. He is so amazing, the talent is so high, and it is afraid that it is afraid that Glass Great Road.

"Say, this sword is not too dazzling, I am afraid that than the original white emperor will be more dazzling. This top genius is called incredible, let alone our second era, I think there is only one This green world is likely to have such a genius. It can be born in such a place. This kid is really good. "

The Jiu Han Master glared with his hands, and immediately saw the glazed emperor. "Glass, you come to me now, I want to join my hand, go to the sword, no double?"

"Yes." Glass Emperor nodded, "This sword is unparalleled is the biggest reverberation in the fire industry. I will wait for the fire community, I must solve this sword."

"So, according to what you said, the sword is unparalleled with an emperor. It has a treasure in his hand to manipulate the five black and dark virtual images. It is also the power of the Emperor, plus himself. A certain amount of the card ... so the battle, even if I am talking to you during the period, I have not necessarily grasped. "Jiu Han House.

The emperor of the glass is sinking.

Indeed, although she is very strong, she is a strong emperor, but the Nine Holy Lord is now injured. The two teamed up, and it is estimated that the top can also fight with the sword. There is no one. Even if you can have some advantages, the advantage is afraid that it will not be too big.

"This way, let's wait, I invite someone." Jiu Han House.

"Good." The emperor of the glass nodded.

Jiu Hao is even tailoring.

These two great waves have been waiting for a while, and the third emperor is coming.

A purple robe, lazy, middle-aged appearance, giving people feel extremely gentle.

This purple robe is lazy middle-aged, and it is the fifth in the world, and the emperor of Ziqi!


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