Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1969 is well known

"Purple deficiency, is it you?"

The glazed greatly looked at the emperor of the emperor.

As far as she knows, purple virtue of the fame and fortune has always been extremely indifferent.

Like the ranking on the heavens and the earth, no matter whether it is in the fifth, he is still in the end, he is unfinished.

He also rarely shot, and many things to the Holy League are also ignored, it can be said that it is a more supernatural.

But now, this purple virtue has come over.

"I didn't expect to be recognized as the most superficially essential, will be interested in the green world?" The emperor glazed smiled.

"The big world that is from the ancient battlefield, wonderful, I am not interested, I am not very fast." The emperor of the purple smiled.

"Hey, don't think that I don't know, you are really interested in the fire industry, but the sword is unparalleled?" The Jiu Han Lord looked at the great emperor, flashing a variety of color.

"No matter what I am interested in the fire world, I am still interested in the sword, as long as our purpose is the same, don't you do?" The purple emperor smiled.

"It's right, the value of the green fire is unusual. There is a sword in the district. Where is the eligibility to have such a world? It is better to join hands, first take the fire community directly, after the other Several discovery, then the business is in the same way, anyway, as long as the Qinglu community is in the hands of our three, then the benefits of our three are sure. "The Glass of the Glass said.

"It makes sense, if so, then let's don't delay, go directly." Jiu Han House.

The emperor of purple is slightly smile.

Immediately, these three great doors have been directly left.

However, these three emperors have just left a long time, and there is still a distance from the fire industry.

A message is also circulating in the power of the people in the world in an amazing speed.

This news is the existence of the fire world! ! !

A green circle with infinite potential!

At the same time, it is also the biggest treasure of the ancient battlefield!

The news is spread, this is the three great emperors who are rushing in the Qing dynasty, and it is also known.

"The news of the dead, the fire community has already spread." The nine holy mainly colored, and asked the Glass of the Emperor: "Glass, what happened? Is there only one you know?"

"I have never said that I am the first to discover the fire circles." Glass Emperor cold channel: "The first found is evil spirits, he was killed by swords, as for the news to tell me It is a goddess of the gods that I have just broken through the holy land. He is the brother of evil spirits. "

"He inform me the news of the fire community, and the condition is that I will kill the sword for him. I just promised him. Now he knows that I can't kill the sword, I naturally want other ways. Open the message and normal. "

"You know that he will open the news, why didn't you kill him directly?" Jiu Hanzhong cold voice.

"Nine quiet, you are as shameless to you?" Glass Emperor ridiculously: "To say, you can guarantee that he doesn't have any preparation for me, assume that he has already informing other people, let the people hide. What is this? I kill him directly, but I will let the news announced in advance. "

"Although the news is open, the minimum, we still account for a course."

"Well, glaze is right." The purple deficiency next to it also opened: "The world will be discovered in this ancient battlefield, sooner or later, it will not be able to stay, but we have more people, we Three have been stepped forward, yes. "

The Jiu Hao is not more, no more.

I immediately accelerated the speed of the hot fire.

At this time, the ancient chaotic world, as well as this ancient battlefield, has been completely sensational.

"A big world? This ancient battlefield, actually gave birth to a big world?"

"This world, but the most important thing in the ancient battlefield, the land of the aura with the cultivation environment, but the best, if it is able to practice in the inside ..."

"Unlimited possibilities, this green world is really unlimited!"

"Walk, go, we have also hurry!"

"The world is born by the ancient battlefield, I really don't know what kind of situation will be internally."

There are countless strong people vibrating, and they have rushed over the direction of the hot circles.

There are also many strong people in the human territory, as well as those special ethnic groups, and I also learned that the news is also rushing in the Qing dynasty in the first time.

Want, the current hot circles are already true.

However, when the blood knife god is spreading the news, he only mentioned the green circles, but it still did not mention the sword unparalleled.

He is very clear, if there are many high-level high-level high-prunities of the Shengshi to know that the fire world is now in charge of the sword, some of the top of the Chinese Union will definitely find the way to find the sword, and let the sword have no double initiative to hand over the fire. No matter whether it is It is still a lot of swords, but it may be low.

But now as long as the sword is unparalleled, I still have a hopes, I don't take the initiative to put the green fire industry, when the power of all parties will kill, the sword is unparalleled, and if you want to regret it, I am afraid it is not too late.


Within the fire, the sword is unparalleled although the disc is sitting in the room, but the ancient chaotic world and the movement of this ancient battlefield, he can get a detailed information from the stars.

"Are you well known?" The sword was unparalleled, but did not feel unexpected.

He knows that as long as this ancient battlefield is discovered, the green fire is not able to hide.

Now that the power of the people in the chaotic world is all shaken, they have come to the green fire.

The fire industry will also bear unprecedented pressure.

"I have not contacted me in the high-rise strong, it seems that the people who have spread the news only explain the fire community, but they still have not mentioned me." The sword didn't have a double sucking.

"The ancient battlefield around the surroundings will be over, and if you want, if you want, you can take it!"

"But the fire industry is my root, anyone else does not want to have a pointer, this is my bottom line!"

"I hope that you shouldn't force me, otherwise, I can only use that trick!"

The sword flashed in the buddy.

In addition to him, there is a top sign in addition to him.

That is the strongest basement, and the final card.

That card, less than the end, the sword is not easy to use.

But if you really have anxious, the sword is unparalleled, but it will not hesitate to take it.

Daddy, fish dead! !


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