Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1970 is forced!

And in the people of the people of the ancient chaotic world, they are shaking for the news of the fire world.

In ancient battlefield, it is not too far from the fire world.

At the end of this ruins, there is a palace.

The palace is huge, and the inside is mysterious.

A golden robe is worn in this area, this old man is just a general god, from the Dijianmen.

He is a coincidence that this is found to find out that this is the foundation, and immediately come to explore, and want to find the internal chance.

However, all the way, he did not see it half of the opportunity until the deepest place to this land.


This golden robe old look suddenly, he looked at the air in front of him, the oldest in the air, there is a movie tray to sit.

"No wonder, there is no machine. It turned out that this palace was already in the first place." The golden robe looked at the vastness of the air, and there was a wonderful envy.

This ancient battlefield has a lot of ambience, but as so many people think, some opportunities are in advance, they are very normal.

A bitter smile, this golden robe is ready to turn around.

Suddenly ... The figure of the tray is sitting on the air, but I opened my eyes.

This is like a dazzling, just like a gem, and her body is still standing.

She is beautiful, her figure is enchanting, and she is in a nut-fitting and red robes. It is even very hot.

There is no doubt that this is a niche, one, but every man will tease the world.

Along with the enchanting woman standing up with this red robe, there is an extremely horrible breath.

The horrible atmosphere is the first time to cover the old people.

The golden robe is also a god, but in this breath, it is actually exposed an unprecedented horror, his body is also shaking.

I took a deep breath, this golden robe old people looked at him: "Old Emperor Jianmen Sword Luo, see adults, olders unintentionally bother adults, please invoice."

"Emperor Swordsmen?" The beautiful woman's appearance was moved, but her pace was moving, and she was slowly walked in this golden robe.

While walking, the rays in the red robe enchanting woman are more dazzling.

"I ask you some questions, you answer." The enchanting woman in the red robe finally went to the heroes of the golden robe.

"Yes." The gorgeous old people have some holes, nor do they know that they are falling into a special state.

Just a moment, the red robe enchanting woman has already learned what he wants to know from the old people's mouth.

"This battlefield has been discovered by the cultivator of this era?"

The joined woman in the red robe is slightly lighter, "since the battlefield has been found, the fire community has been found, and I don't know how the sword is unparalleled?"

With a smile of playing, immediately the beautiful woman's body is moving, and it is also in the green world.

Shortly after she walked, the gods of the golden robe were completely recovered.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"What is the adult?"

The golden robe old man is awkward, and there is no informed thing about what you have just happened.


Outside the fire, the emperor of the glazed, the nine holy owner, the purple virtue, these three great powers have arrived.

When I saw the world in front of the world, the Jiu Han Lord couldn't help but scream.

The sword in the fire industry is unparalleled, and naturally, these three great emperories have been found in the first time.


The two broken sounds sounded, and the sword was unparalleled with the sword. From the green fire, he came to these three emperors.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is said before, how long does it take for it, this seat will come back." The emperor of the glass is cold, staring at the sword.

The sword is only just a glanced great, but it is too lazy to talk to him.

As for the nine holy owner ... He has a great hatred with the nine holy owners. At the beginning of the battle in the stars, the main iron of the Jiu Han is to kill him. Fortunately, there is an emperor thirteen shots, otherwise He is already falling, and this nine-Tang Holy Lord is now looking for him.

The scorpion of the sword is mainly solidified in the last big emperor, and the emperor of the purple virtue.

He knew that the emperor of the glass will be pleased to come to some help. Please come to the two emperors to come in his expectations, but he didn't expect that she actually took the great emperor.

For this purple delightead, the sword is unparalleled, and it is indifferent.

As long as others don't take the initiative to find him, he also rarely deals with others, and the temper is more mild.

Although he didn't see it with the emperor of the purple, he had a good time.

When the sword was unparalleled in order to give the demonship and the commitment to the monster, the devil is saved to the purple virtue, but it is not to stop, but it is not stopped. It is sold to the sword without a double.

but now……

"As the emperor of purple, can I sell me, I will be grateful." The sword is unparalleled.

"Sword Monarch, sorry, the Qingluian system is too great, so ..." The emperor of the purple is smiling, and the words have not been finished.

"Hey, sword is unparalleled, don't think of these unrealistic, this seat advises you, or old, I will actively make the fire circles, the province's handshake." Jiu Hao is a smirk.

The sword has no double, but it is a laughter. "Who is it? It turned out to be a nine holy owner, why, the hurt of the Holy Lord is completely?"

The nine holy main face suddenly changed.

More than two thousand years ago, the battle of the stars, he was seriously injured by the Emperor 13th sword, and even the other party did not kill him, just because he is not enough, it is not worthy.

This is definitely a shame that is never had.

"Hey, I was almost killed by the Emperor at the beginning of the stars. Now I still dare to find the door, the Jiu Han Lord, you can't worry, do you not worry about you again? The sword is unparalleled.

The heart of the Jiu Han is in the heart, but he bits his teeth: "The sword is unparalleled, don't think that the Emperor is moved out, it is enough to scare this seat. At the beginning, he saw it at the stars. Thirteen, although saving you, it is estimated that you don't know why he will shoot, that is, you have not had too much sex, just because some special sakes he doesn't want you to die, this It's more. "

"That is, as long as this seat is not allowed to die, the emperor should not come out."

"And this seat is the fire community, as for you to die, it doesn't matter, I just don't kill you."


PS: Today is 5 more!

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