Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1973 Powerful Help

"The sword is unparalleled, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you need help?"

The laughter of the people echoed in the world, but the people in the scene could not help but feel stunned.

The Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor of the Emperor, and the three people of the glazed emperor saw the people, and the eyes could not help but shrink.

There is no doubt that they have never seen this red robe enchanting woman.

However, the breath of this red robes, the breath of the woman, is not weak than they, and it has reached the level of the emperor.

And she appeared, even gave these three great stress, obviously the other party is not only a big emperor, and is also extremely strong in the emperor.

"I have appeared a mysterious emperor thirteen. Later, this sword is unparalleled, the servant has also reached the emperor, and now, there is a big emperor? And it is obviously unparalleled with this sword, what is the strong, what It's not worth money when it is? "The emperor of the glass is not muttered.

But they don't know, the swords at this moment are also quite astocused.

He looked at the enchanting woman in front of the red robe, but he turned over the sky.

This red robes are enchanting women, he will of course know!

"Linger island !!!" The sword is unhappy.

"Is it her?" Born in the sword, the king of the sword, also shocked.

Yes, this suddenly arrived in the red robe, and it was the Loch Island, who had stayed in the sea!

When the sword is unparalleled, when I left the green world, I got a big machine in the stars, passed the test of Nata Island, became a star of the star, and the stars in the sea. It is controlled by the Lenin Island.

When I first saw this Linger Island, the sword was still thought that the Lenin Island is also a star of the Star, and the Star Palace is deliberately arranged in this star.

Even the Lingyu Lord himself said.

When the sword is unparalleled, it has become the disciple of Stars, and the starry sea is in the sword. The Lenin Island is desperate, and the sword is unparalleled.

Just beginning, the sword is unparalleled.

It later, when he truly arrived at the stars, and became a new palace master. After he had a certain understanding of the environment of the fire industry, he has seen some unusual.

First of all, the star of the stars, including the Lord of Star Palace, I don't know the Lenin Lord, and it is more impossible to be arranged by the Star Palace master.

Second, the star is in the sea, it is impossible to appear in the green world.

After you know these, the sword is unparalleled to the true identity of the Lenin Island.

For this reason, he also trimmed the king, after all, Wang Wang also stayed in the stars, and the king said that it is unclear.

Until now, the Lenin Island once again appeared in front of him, and the sword was unparalleled, and the Lenin Island is really coming.

As for what is the star of the star, it is a joke.

After all, this Linger is now showing the breath, that is the emperor level!

During the Dingsheng of the Lord of the Star Palace, the peak of the emperor, and how can it be ordered?

Deep sucking, the sword is no longer thinking too much, but the direct opening: "Linger is the Lord, help, my sword is unparalleled, and there is also a green industry will be in mind."

"No problem." Liangyin Island smiled.

After laughing, he saw her jade hand.

Booming ~~~ Time and time tremor, the dark void in the sword is unparalleled, and the big dark jail in him is also directly crashed.

Endless light is full of heavens and earth, swords are unparalleled, and it has been completely relieved from the dark prison.

This scene, but the nine holy main color changed, "It is easy to defeat my dark jail, this person's strength, I am afraid that it is not for me."


The Emperor of the purple virtue and the glazed emperor appeared next to the nine holy owners.

As for the sword, the five gods naturally came to the sword without double.

"Liangyin Lord, thank you." The sword has no double-sensitive.

"Gull, don't be so polite, I am also in the green world for so many years, how much is a bit of feelings, will you let these foreign strong people occupy a green world?" Liangyin laughed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes have once again seen the top three emperors again.

"Linger is the Lord, next trouble, you are entangled in the middle of them." The sword has no double.

"Yes." Lunyu main nodded, and then he fell out, "these three people are the strongest person in this three people, I will stay with him, let him not shoot the opportunity, As for the other two, I will give you. "

"No problem." The sword has no double heart.

As long as the Lingyin Island is able to entangle the great emperor, the remaining Jiujing, the emperor, with him with the sword, the five demon souls, enough to be a front battle.

"Do it!"

The Lenin Lord has no nonsense, and the figure has floated.

"Wearing a purple robe, your opponent is me." Liangxin Island, the main rush, the evil spirits, but the gentle light is in the rays.

A violent virtue of the Emperor's Emperor, but the color is instant, and there is no longer that the wind is light.

"Oh, I can resist my illusion, good." The Liangyin is light, and then the hand has a monster blood rookie.


Distance from the distant distance, the bloody sickle in Lingkin Island is directly shot.

It's like the god of death.

" " "

The three knives were simultaneously swept, and it was actually formed in the void in the void.

These three knife rivers are extremely magnificent, indentation.

The knife river is filled, and the purple virtue is suddenly caught in the sea of ​​sea, I can't pull it for a long time.

He also directly shot attack, but whenever he defeated the knife, there was a more embarrassing knife to swept him.

Just instantly kung fu, this Tiandi supreme list ranked fifth purple virtue, was suppressed directly by Lunyao Lord.

"Is it so strong?"

The Jiu Han Lord, the Golden Emperor saw this scene, the completions were changed.

They see that although the strength of this Lingyin Island is far from compared with the mysterious power of the Emperor, it is much stronger than the general emperor in the chaotic world. If it is true to rank If she is absolutely qualified to threaten the row in the second Red Dragon king.

"This is in the peak state, and it is estimated to be in the wind." The Jiu Han is dark.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is one, the five gods, and also moved at the same time!


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