Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1974 Hometown?


The two sides will fight again.

But this time is different, the emperor of the purpleness is suppressed by the Lenin Island, and the remaining only the nine holy land and the glazed emperor.

The glazed emperor, the sword is unparalleled to let the sword are entangled.

As for the last nine holy, the sword is unparalleled, plus the five demon souls!

"I did one single one, it is indeed your opponent, but now ..." The sword is unparalleled, and the first ancient star is directly collapsed.

Seven ancient stars, just a collapse, nothing, it is easy to recover.

Through the broken ancient star, the sword has no double overall strength, and there is a lot of improvements, and then cooperate with the five gods.

In addition, there is also the Lord Island, who has pressed the purple virtue, and she is suppressed by the Emperor of the purple, and can directly show some knives, act to the surrounding battlefield, and bring some help to the sword. .


The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly played with the Jiu Huti.

This time, the Jiu Han Lord is far from the past.

He wants to easily sleep with the sword, it is impossible.

"Damn, my strength is not the most peak state. I will not take this sword without double!" The nine holy main color is ugly, and he can't help but look at the battlefield next to it. Almost the same situation.

As for the Emperor of the purple virtue, it is entirely on the side.

"This sword is unparalleled. From what is found, such a strong helper?" The inner heart of the Jiu Han is also a lot of fluctuations.

Previously, there was a horrible emperor for 13 shots.

Nowadays, a strength is only a strong power than his peak state.

How long does the sword have lived? How can there be so big to resist?


That glazed great face is poured, looking around, "There is this person to help, I don't say that I will take the fire community directly, I am afraid that I can't even become a step into the green world."

Indeed, they have now been completely restricted.

It is almost impossible to break into the green world.

And I know that the news of the fire community has spread.

Although the three people arrived here in the first time, the speed of the power of other parties is absolutely slow.

As long as they can't take the fire world in the first time, then they want to achieve the greatest benefits, it can be difficult.

Sure enough, just a moment of Jung Fu, it has already arrived from the power of the vital chaotic world.

The arrival is just a three ordinary gods. They are more close to the green world. After knowing the existence of the green fire, they have rushed over the first time.

After that, they saw the fire community, and they also saw a shock war!

"Scorpio, this, this is ..."

"Great Emperor, so many great emperors?"

"Jiu Han Lord, Zi Defe Great, Glass Emperor," There is also a famous Jun Jun, his sword has become an emperor. As for the beautiful woman, the woman is not knowing, but the strength is so strong, even loose deficiency The Great is pressed by her positive? "

"What are they doing, how can I fight?"

These gods are extremely shocking, but more is awkward.

And very quickly, they spread the news of this war.

For a time, those who are rushing to the hot circles are vibrating, and their speed is faster.

On the battlefield, no matter whether the three emperors or swords are unparalleled, they have discovered the strong people around them.

The sword is not double.

The nine holy owners, the face of the glazed emperor has become quite ugly.

They know that now may be just a few gods, but how long does it take? There will be more powerful people, even in the end, the whole of the Chinese, the whole, the whole, the world, countless people will here.

The fact is true.

The strong people around the fire industry are more than the more, almost all God and God.

But there is not long, rumble ~~~ A vast figure is coming, the atmosphere of the emperor is also spread.

" ?"

"Is the purple moon!"

Many strong people are all moving.

The strong people who are fighting in the battlefield are also aware of the arrival of the Emperor.

Jiu Hao Lord, Ziqi Di, the three people of the glazed emperor are extremely unsatisfactory, but since the purple emperor has arrived, then they don't want to take the first to occupy the green fire industry, and the three people immediately immediately give up.

"Why, do you continue to fight?" The sword was unbolded and stared at the three emperors in front of it.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have a good luck, you can help each time." The Jiu Hanzhi said that his eyes did not help but read the Lenin Island.

The battle to the present, Liangyin Island is always like easily and indifferent, and I don't know if she will take the truly strength.

But even if it is only the strength of the present, it is enough to make the Jiu Haozheng.

"Hey, can have the strong help, it is also my ability." The sword is unparalleled but the cold channel.

Even now, it has already been stamped, but both parties are still a try.

"You have eliminated the gas."

At this moment, the purple moon came over. He looked at the opposite sides of the tat, and his face was full: "What is going on?"

"What happened? Ask this sword and no double." The Jiu Han Lord smiled coldly and said: "His body, but there is a big secret."

"Dachip?" The Emperor of the Emperor.

"It seems that I don't know now, I tell you that this green world is a sword unparalleled hometown. When I know the special time of the fire world, I want to go to the fire industry in the first time. Exploring, the result was hit by him, and he couldn't have it. This is only for the nine, and the purple deficiency will come together.

When the Golden Emperor came out, everyone in the scene was stunned.

A look, the sword, the sword, no double.

The fire community is a sword unparalleled hometown?

Gay it?

And I saw this annotation around this, the sword is unparalleled, and I immediately son said: "Yes, the fire industry is indeed my hometown, but because of this, I will not have to agree. Don't want to enter the green world! "

I heard this, many strong people in the scene were silent.

Although it is the purple emperor, looks not from one change.

The fire industry, if it is like a magical, there is unlimited possible, then the Holy League will definitely try to take it, and then modify it, and create a fresh-fired world, which means that the future will be fully controlled in the future. Here.

But this green world is a hometown of swords ...

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