Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1975 parties come

Silent, the Emperor of the purple month finally opened again, "All the things, this matter is not small, according to me, still wait for someone else, and negotiate it together."

After that, this purple moon quietly looked at the sword.

In the bottom of my heart, the purple moon is standing in the sword. There is a majority of the fire world, he is a great emperor, which is very difficult to play too much.

The words of the Violet Emperor, the three people who made the Jiuwei Holy Lord nodded.

"That's good, wait until the other people have arrived together." The nine holy main color is indifferent.

Anyway, the plan of their three has failed. They want to occupy the fire community in the first time, and the biggest benefits are already impossible.

But even if they don't get the biggest benefits, they will never look at the swords and unparalleled continue to occupy such a big treasure.

As for the sword, there is no time, there is no time to stand there.

He knows that he will face the power of alliances in the world.

So he has been preparing for him.

Time passed, more and more strong people came to the void outside the fire.

These arrivals have also seen the fire community, and they also know the relationship between swords and unparalleled and firefire.

Suddenly, a shock was shocked.

"No wonder this sword monarch talent is so high, the original hometown is a green world!"

"There is only a magical place in the hot world, and you can give birth to the genius like him, and the news of this ancient battlefield is not spread, but it is covered by the fire industry. This sword monarch It is definitely a great benefit from this ancient battlefield! "

"That is sure, early listening, this sword monarch is the sky, I think that many of his many means are from this ancient battlefield, there is also the front of the stars, the stars have come out so many soldiers. And where did the troops come from? There is no doubt that they are definitely available from this ancient battlefield. "

Numerous strong people are talking about.

At this moment, the big half of this ancient battlefield has already arrived outside the fire world, even the great emperor, in addition to the purple moon, it has come three.

On the beginning, the nine holy owners, purple virtues, glazed emperors, the fifteen emperors on the top of the world, have arrived in seven.

As for those big emperors, or they will be dead for all years, or stay in the town of the chaotic world.

And, this is just a human cultivator camp.

The special ethnic group, which is also a lot of strong people.

Especially the top, there is the four peak ethnic groups in the town.

These four big peaks, the same, the status and the deep, and the heritage is also in the special ethnic group.

And the four peaks, respectively, the ancient god group, swallowing the heaven, the gods and the black scorpion.

Among them, the ancient gods, the recognized close-up ability is first, and it is also a stronger family in the four peaks, and the ancient god of the ancient gods is one of the top overlords in the first era.

The swallowing family is the most overbearing ethnic group, they grow up to swallow all kinds of blood, the minimum, but the overall strength is second only to the ancient gods.

As for the rest of the god group, the monk is equally ancient and strong, and the strength is also extremely strong.

As now, in these four peaks, there are emperors to come from personally.

Among them, the ancient goddess arrived the emperor, and the eyebrows were in full swing. !

After this Jiuxing Ancient God, the sword has also seen two acquaintances, respectively, the ancient kings and ancient king.

The ancient king and sword are unparalleled.

It can be said that except for the bloody door and Huangquan Palace that has been in the darkness, all parties in the vast chaotic world have arrived.

And their goals, there is only one, the fire world! ! !

However, they want to really go to the hot world, they have to remove an obstacle, then the sword is unparalleled in the front of the fire world.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, standing with the Liangjie Lord, the sword is one side, his scorpion is cold, staring at the unique strong in front of the dense numbness in front.

His heart has an unprecedented pressure.

"Good guy, so many mixed-chaos, this time in the many mixed people, I am afraid there is a lot of gathering here?" Liangyin Island also secretly praised it, his eyes were in the sword, "Sword is unparalleled So many people are eyeing your green world, do you have a grasp? "

"I don't know." The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't know?" Liangyin is the main eyebrow.

"It doesn't know, but you can gamble." The sword was unparalleled with eyes, but his eyes were decided.

When the sword is unparalleled, it has been brushing up in front of everyone.

When there is a lot of strong people, the sword has no two sides stopped, deep sucking, the sword is unparalleled, and the many strong people are slight, and they will open, "the sword is unparalleled, see all the positions, all the position should be rushing My fire is coming, but unfortunately, my green circle is just a small temple, but it is not so much strong, so I will ask you to redeem my green circulation. "

"Sword Monarch."

A indifferent voice suddenly sounded, I saw a full body skin red, like a high-rise man who covered a layer of flame standing.

This high man is known as the Emperor of the Sword of the St.

However, a total of fifteen emperors on the Tiandi Supreme Plan, and this is just a fifteenth place.

At this moment, this is a great way to live: "The fire community is the core of this battlefield, with endless potential and wonderful, so importantly, not you can occupy, please hand over the fire Let's also have a member of my Chinese, as long as you hand over the green circles, my Holy League will definitely not treat you, I can discuss it, leave a border in the green fire industry, how? "

"Leave a border field? But I don't know how many practitioners in my green circles, what should I do?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is ..."

,, " It is so important that it is not suitable for some ordinary cultivators staying there, but you can find a way to transfer all the cultural people in your green fire to other places, and guarantee that they can continue to grow in the future. "

Although this is the words of one person, he stayed in the Shengshi for so long, he can affirm the highest level of the Shengshi will definitely be this result.

However, this result is never double desirable.

Sure enough, the color of the sword has become cold.


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