When the brigade of Daewoo Dynasty saw the sword unparalleled and others, the sword was not worth each other.

"This is only one of the squads of Dawu Dynasty. The first thirty points in the first list, the strongest is the ancient inflammation, with our strength, completely hope to fight with them." The sword is unbloated.

"Gu Yan is handed over to me, there is the top 30, the old two, you deal with one." The sword walked over.

"Okay." Yang Yi Xuan nodded, indifferent: "Although I can't guarantee that you can defeat him, he wants to defeat, I am absolutely not so simple."

"Old four, with your energy and one of them should be entangled in one person, do you not be a problem?" The sword didn't ask.

"Well." Su Ziro nodded, "I can definitely make him unable to get out in a short time."

"That's good, there is the last one to give you to Baili Mart." The sword was unparalleled and looked at Bailian.

"Haha, no problem." Baiyorchen laughed.

"As for the left left, there is no top 30, Feng Yu, Mu Yingying, two of you should also be able to cope." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Feng Yu is not hesitant to Mu Yingying.

"In this case, then it is fixed, let's go!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the body shape is turned into a stream, and it is directly riped.

"The people of these small dynasties, they dare to take the initiative to kill us!"

"Haha, you will slaughter them."

"The sword is not paid to me, others, you let go to kill." Ancient Chinese exploded.

The genius of the two teams in the instant is straightforward.

Yang Zi Xuan and others have found their opponents, and the sword has no pair in the front side, and the first time will be with the ancient Chinese war.


A sword light instantly caves wore the void galloping.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is exhausted, and it is a second type of only my style without my sword.

On the occasion of this type of power, the void is like crazy.

The giant ax behind ancient body also appeared in his hand, a shuttle void that was stacked by an ax.

"Opening!" Ancient Yan has bursting, and the giant ax in his hand is directly angry.

Domineering is incomparably, it is enough to smash the mountain.


The two are impact together, and the terrible power of the two outbreaks at the same time, and there is a substantially impact wave sweep.

The trees around them are detachable.

The sword is unparalleled at this moment, which makes his body, can't help but quit the step.

"I don't do my best to show my own style, is it still not his opponent?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Thunder, right, his huge ax" contains Thunder! "

"He should feel the idea of ​​the Thunder, and also feel the context of the fire, combined with the two artists, so that his attack is extremely violent." The sword was unparalleled.

Thunder, violent fierce.

The fire is equally irritated.

The two artistic conception, this ancient attack is not violent, not strong.

"His strength is stronger than the blood cloud." The sword is not double-finished.

Just a round of confrontation, he understood the strength of this ancient Chinese.

Like blood clouds, this ancient Chinese is also a conventional intention to combine a mood, but the difference is that the blood cloud is just a success, but this ancient Chinese has reached a half-step yang.

Therefore, the overall strength is natural than a lot of blood clouds.

However, the sword is unparalleled in these two months, and the strength has also improved, so it is not afraid of this ancient arms.

"Hard hard, I am not his opponent, the speed, the flexibility of the body, is entangled with him."

The sword is unparalleled, but the shape is suddenly floating for a ghosty phantom. The next moment appears on the side of ancient Chinese, the three kids in the hands quietly thorns the past.

Gu Yan backham, easy to block the sword, the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and the strange appearance is on the other side of his ... It is the attack of the wind and rain, and the selfless selfless Show out in hand.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

In just one instant, the sword is not doubled, and every sword is incomparable, and a sword is with a sword with a sword to make an ancient violent opportunity. Gu Yan can only wave the giant ax. , All of the swords shadows all resist.

"This little child ... is really flexible." Ancient nature is somewhat gloomy.

He is best at power, is a frontal confrontation collision, but the sword is unparalleled with his own speed with the flexible figure to face him with him. He has no choice but.

This brief hand, don't say defeat or kill swords, he can't even be in the wind, and the opposite is always in passive.

Gu Yan immediately understood that the light was relieved, and it was impossible to have a sword, and his eyes did not help with the surrounding.

At this point, his face became more sinking.

I only see a few battlefields around, and the situation is like him.

Yang Changxuan has a genius of the Daewoo Dynasty with a strong thirty, and the two did not fall into the wind.

And Su Soft, her means is amorous, and the whole person seems to be a cava, her opponent is also a woman, ranking twenty-up in the standings, but I can't take this woman from which direction attack, all It was easy to resist by Su.

As long as this woman wants to open Suve, this woman is going to fight with others. Su Guang immediately took the initiative, although the attack is not very strong, but it still makes this woman completely out of the house.

As for Feng Yu, the sky and the two people jointly, fight against the three Dafu dynasties, and also fight the flag.

Whole situation, how to see is like a battle against enemy.

See this, Gu Yan sighed, then waved, "withdraw!"

Several geniuses in Daewoo did not hesitate, directly pulled it, and then left with ancient Yan.

And the sword is unparalleled, standing in the same place, watching the genius of Dawu Dynasty, it is easy to tone, but the face is exposed to the face.

"Return it."

"Let's fight back a brigade from Daxie Dynasty!"

"Haha, even the squad of Dawu Dynasty couldn't help but let us."

Benli Chen and Feng Yu are very happy.

"Don't be big." The sword is unparalleled, "After all, this is only a squad of the Dawei Dynasty, and it should be a relatively weak squad. As for another team, the strength should be more stronger, after all, the point list The second rains are ranked, we just didn't touch it, and I went to the other brigade. "

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, the people around you have nodded.

Indeed, they are hitting a brigade of Daewoo, but this is nothing wrong with it.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double look, and Yang Xuan, who was next to him.

Su Soft, Baili Morning, Mu Yingying, Feng Yu Tian also looked at Yang Zai Xuan.

And when I saw Yang Ren Xuan at the moment, everyone's face became an old.

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