Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 199, the first, Yang Tian

At this moment, Yang Zhanxuan is closely closed. There is also a stunning breath on that convergence, just instantly this atmosphere has reached the extreme, far beyond the category of Jin Dan, but then immediately pressed Down.

After half a ram, Yang Chang Xuan's breath is completely restored to calm, but now Yang Zai Xuan, the breath is significantly much better than before.

"Half-step yin and yang?"

"Haha, break through one!"

"Old second, congratulations."

The sword is unparalleled and smiled and looks at Yang Zai Xuan, and it is also joy in his heart.

They all see that Yang Zai Xuan has broken through a half-step yin and yang.

Plus Baili Chen with Feng Yu, and the six teams were there, there were three people in half a step.

In addition, Yang Changxuan is very strong, and before, it is not broken. It can have the first thirty battle in the standings. Nowadays, breakthroughs to half a step in yin and yang, and the power will definitely grow.

"Old second, your strength now, I am afraid that it is weaker than me." The sword didn't touch the nose, and the weird looked at Yang Zi Xuan.

"It is almost like you, but the fight should not be a problem." Yang Zi Xuan also revealed a smile.

"No matter what to say, the old two your strength breakthrough, our team's overall combat power will be upgraded again." The sword was unparalleled.

The hundred miyphic people next to it are both excited.


This is the overall strength, and now Yang Renxuan has skyrocketed, and it is undoubtedly very important to improve their overall power of their team.

If it is now, let them face the squad of the Daxian dynasty, they will definitely be more relaxed.

At the same time, it is surprised to celebrate in the Breakthrough of Yang Zai Xuan, who is not far from the inside, and the seven strong people who have just waited for the sword without double them. Walk.

"I am really shameful, we are from the Dawu Dynasty, and the squad we consistently even came even if the squad from the small Dynasty was not." Gu Yan Tieqing face.

Several other Dawei Dynasties are not well seen.

In these genius, there is a green robe man, this green robe man is one of the top thirties before the standings, and the man who has just been in this green robe is to fight with Yang.

"Just that person ..." This green robe man is frowned at this moment, and it is still murmured.

"Chu Dong, what happened?" Gu Yan looked over this green robe.

"Nothing, I just feel very familiar with the person who has just handed with me, as if I have seen it." The green robe man Chu Dongdao.

"Oh?" Gu Yan.

As the martial arts at the Jinan level, memory is uniform. Under normal circumstances, as long as you have seen a person, you have an impression, even for many years, it is hard to forget.

Now this Chutong will feel that Yang Tuan Xuan is familiar, and that may not have seen it before.

"You are from the Daewoo Dynasty, but just that person is from a Tianzong Dynasty, the distance is so far, the gap is so big, how can I see?" Ancient Yan doubts.

This Chutong patted his head, trying to recall, it can be confidential, "I think of it, I think it is!"

"It's him!"

"It's he!"

Chu Dong shouted.

"Who he is?" Gu Yan asked immediately.

Chutong took a deep breath, and immediately positively: "Our Daxian Dynasty is the first person, Yang Wangzi ... Yang Tian!"


This is an ancient temple, but also the genius of several Daewoo Dynasties surrounded.

Daxie Dynasty, the territory is vast, and the population is much, and the military is even more than.

Such a huge dynasty, there will be many problems internally, and there is a reward list in Dawu Dynasty.

This reward list is that the Daewoo royal family is released, and it can appear on this reward list, which will make the Daxian dynasty royal family to pay attention to it.

The Dawu Dynasty ranked first in the reward list, which is Yang Wang Zhi, Yang Tian!

Daxie Dynasty royal family has explained the reward of Yang Tian ...

However, you can kill Yang Tian, ​​bring his body to Qiankun to rush back to the royal family, and enjoy the three governments, the money is millions of pounds, the spiritan, the Dadu Dynasty royal secret treasure, there is no treasure, let it choose A kind of!

If you can give Yang Tian to the royal family, seal the first-class king, enjoy the eight houses, the money millions, the pilot Dan 100,000, Daxie Dynasty royal secret treasure, no treasure, let it choose three kinds !

Task, in the Dawei Dynasty, the first-class king is high, but only the princes of the Queen Dynasty royal family, and the eight houses seal, if it is put in the Tiansong Dynasty, it is equivalent to a bank. The territory!

As for the money and spiritual Dan.

There can be the treasures of the Dawu Dynasty Royal Secret Bao Pavilion, let's choose three doors ... This has a fatal appeal to any of the priests of Daewoo.

After all, the Royal Secret Bao Pavilion of Daxie Dynasty, which is more precious than that of the Secretary of the Dragon Palace of the Tiansong Dynasty.

The endless treasure in the inside, natural value is extraordinary, let it choose, what treatment is this?

A few years ago, when this reward appeared in the Daewoo Dynasty, it would be sensational with the entire Daewoo Dynasty.

Numerous strong people are eager to find the king of Yang Wang, who is in the reward, can result that Yang Tian still seems to have completely disappeared, and there is no trace.

And now, this Yang Tian once again appeared?

And is the pointer hunting in this Northwest Twelfth Dynasty?

"Chu Dong, you determine that you didn't see it wrong? The person who made a hand with you, is Yang Tian?" Gu Yan asked, his scorpion also had a hot hot.

Find Yang Tian, ​​think about the things of Yang Tian, ​​who is not hot?

Even the genius of this group of Daxie dynasties, killing Yang Tian is more important than being valued by those ancient sectors.

First-class king!

That is in the Daewoo Dynasty, it is a master of hegemony.

Even if they can't live Yang Tian, ​​as long as they kill them, it can be a first-class Hou, still is the earth emperor.

"I have seen Yang Tianyi a few years ago, of course, I won't look wrong." The Chutong Zheng nodded.

Getting the confirmation of Chutong, the genius of the Dawu Dynasty became excited.

"The first Yang Tian!"

"Kill him, no matter what, you have to kill him!"

"He must die!"

These geniuses have become scarlets.

"Yang Tian, ​​must kill." The ancient Chinese eyes were also cold and cold.


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