Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1979 swearing to death, never succumb!

"Stop, hurry !!"

The emperor was desperately.

And others will come back soon.

"The sword is unparalleled, stopped, hurry !!"

"Sword monarch, don't impuls, everything is good !!"

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you want to do, don't forget, your green circle is also on the ancient battlefield !!"

Countless people roar, a angry gaze, the sword, the sword walked.

Under the horror, faintly hide a fear!

At that time, the power of air storm is too horrible.

"Why, now I am afraid?" The sword is unparalleled, but the riot of the short-space storm is still not stopped, but it is more intense.

Since the empty, there is also the destruction of the destruction from the surrounding breath, and even have a lot of strong people who have been scared by this destruction of the breath.

The sword is unparalleled, but it will continue to ring with a bit of madness.

"In fact, I don't want to use this brand, but unfortunately, you are too deceived !!!"

"I really thought that my green fire industry was a soft mortal, who I want to pinch?"

"What is the Chinese Sword? How is many special ethnic groups? Even if the whole of the chaotic world, the parties, how many great gathers gather?"

"The fire industry is my hometown, who dares to dy, I want him to die !!!"

"I want my fire in the green circle to all transfer, leave the fire community, my sword is unparalleled, I don't promise, I am a hundred million cultivator, and it is absolutely not to agree. I have a strong ancestor of my green circles. More impossible to promise !!! "

"My fire circles, fighting with this ancient battlefield as ashes, but also swearing to death, fighting to the last person, occupying the last blood, and never yield !!!"

"Come on, there is courage, then kill it!"

The sound is like a thunder, rolling in the world.

After the sword has no double, there is a lot of the cultural circles in the hot circles, and their ears are echoed to the laughter of the sword.

At this moment, they all cleared their hands, and they were desperate, and they were also coming.

They, born in the fire world!

Here, it is their root!

If you have a strong strong, fight the dead center to save the green world?

Not to mention, only 10,000 years ago, the Golden University of Jin Guard killed, the fire in the green world, the countless cultivator went to success, and how many strong people were sacrificed, and finally, under the leadership of the sword, winning the survival It's time to grow up to today.

Today, the potential of the fire industry has begun to gradually discover, a thriving scene.

The many high-rise power of the fire world is, but also pays hard, especially their leader swords.

Now, the so-called strong people from the vital chaotic world in front of them, but they have to deprive their hometown, and they rushed to other territories.

They can't swear! ! !

"Battle!" "Battle!" "Battle!"

"I will wait, I am willing to follow the Shuangcheng Lord, swear to death !!"

"War to the last person, the last drop of blood !!!"

"Never yield !!!"

"Daddy, the same !!"

A roar, with an unprecedentedness that is unprecedented, and the sky is swaying.

The entire fire community, countless cultivator, although their strength is not worth mentioning in this group from the power of the chaotic world, but they are still willing to swear to death!

The war is turning the sky, which is moving in the sky.

The first side of the fire industry, the vast chaotic world countless strong people gathered, but at this moment, these strong people looked at each other, and one was silent.

They felt the war from the fire world, as well as the determination.

The most important thing is the determination to worry about the dead world.

Fair, the fire world is to pay with them.

And the key is that they have the same capital with them, and once the air storm is completely broke out, then everything will fly to smoke, maybe some of the strength machine guns, such as those great power, with a high strength, You can survive from this time and space, but others will die.

This ancient battlefield will also thoroughly eliminate clouds.

"How to do?"

Jiu Han Lord, glazed emperor, purple emperor, and the emperors of other three peaks aggregated together.

These gods have even strong, but they have an unable to feel at this moment.

The weakness of that time and space.

"This death, I don't know who is in this ancient battlefield, the key is a big array, the key is that this big array is now in the hands of the fire world." Jiu Han Lord low Shen.

By now, the riot of the air storm has not been completely stopped, and it is more and more stronger.

In the face of that time and space storm, no one didn't feel bad.

There is a threat of time and space storms, and then add a look at the death of the fire industry, many people have given birth to retreat.

It can be retired, but they are somewhat unwilling.

At the time of these strong people, the voids will come to the void, and a gray robe is slowly stepped.

He, white hair, the skin is equally white, and it feels fashionable.

He, obviously a man, but has a beautiful beauty that is ashamed for many women in the world.

He, one appeared, the place where someone appeared quietly.

Numerous eyes have been brushing to see him.

"White Emperor !!"

"Too good, the white emperor personally arrived!"

"Strong, Bai Emperor?"

There are countless strong people in the field.

The sword is unparalleled, and people have seen it.

"Is it finally here?"

The sword was unmisturized. He always gave the Baili to the Baili early, but the white emperor had not sent it before, until now, the Ben Dynasty is stalemate, this white emperor has appeared.

For Bai Emperor, the sword is quite good.

However, it is good, and the fire is so huge, this white emperor is the leader of the Sheng League, the first strong, the sword is unable to determine the white emperor who is standing.

The Bai Emperor appeared, but the first look at the light beads in front of the sword. Through the light of the beads, the changes around the ancient battlefield were seen in the eyes, and the completion became dignified.

"The sword is unparalleled, stop the big array first." Bai Emperor opened.

Everyone also looked at the sword.

The big array is still going to run, and the destruction of the breath is getting stronger and stronger, which is equivalent to a knife that is suspended on the scene.

The sword is unparalleled, solemnly looked at the sword without double white emperor, and immediately, the big array stopped.

The void around the ancient battlefield, including that time the sky storm, it gradually calm down.

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