Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1980 sits down and talks

The destruction of the destruction of the destruction from the nephew of the surrounding voids slowly disgraced, and many of the strong people present were slowly easy.

The eyes of the white emperor are surrounded by: "This matter is already aware of this, if you continue to fight, if you continue to fight, then it is bound to die, this seat is not asked to see this, so it is better to sit down first. , Talk about it. "

After that, the Bai Di swept the top of the Chinese Union and the top three special ethnic groups.

The great emperor of the Holy League naturally did not dare to violate the order of the Emperor, as for the three special ethnic gods, nodded.

They know that they will continue to fall back or not.

"The sword is unparalleled, what about you?" Bai Emperor watched the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

If he is not necessary, he certainly doesn't want to use the killing of the kill, go to the strong people in the chaotic world in front of him.


One of the white emperors waved, and immediately appeared in a blue temple. This palace banned.

"Come in." The voice of the white emperor echoed, he himself was the first to enter the palace.

The Great Sorrows, and the three special ethnic groups have spanned the palace.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not hesitant, and it is also in the palace.


The huge palace, there is a respect of the throne standing.

At the palace, the dense numbness dozens of throne stands, and some of the power of the world's chaotic world, sitting here, like the Tianling of the Lingxiao Temple, the first king of Shenwang Island, these peaks They all gather here.

Of course, these emperors, including Tiaoling God, they are very clear, they can only listen to this palace, but they have no words.

True to speak, is the big emperors sitting on the top of the palace.

! ! !

I saw a faint shadow condensation, in addition to the great emperors outside the fire world, those who have not arrived, and they have gone to consciousness.

The 15th Emperor of the Heaven and Earth, all arrived.

The emperors of the special ethnic groups are sitting here.

And attention is that these great things are sitting on the left side of the hall, all gather there.

On the right side of the main hall, it is clearly another camp. This camp is naturally a sword is unparalleled. She is sitting next to him, Luo Yu Wang, sword.

Compared to another camp, the sword is not too much, but because there is that time and space storm, the sword is unparalleled.

As for the white emperor, it is the most central in the end of the two camps.

"let's start."

The white emperor said, then silently, even the eyes are slightly closed, obviously not going to biased any party.

He is super, high height, although it is a strong force that is recognized, but he is almost unreasonable.

The Holy League, the special ethnic camp, many of the great faces, and then a old man wearing a simple gray dress up.

This gray clothes first met the white emperor and other emperors, and then he saw the sword unparalleled, "Sword Monarch, the old man."

"Tianchen old ancestors." The sword was unparalleled and humble.

Tianchen ancestors, the world is ranked fourth, second only to Jiu Haozheng.

And many of these years, most of them are in this Tianthen ancestors with the Emperor Emperor.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, and when he rushed, the Tianchen old ance was a great emperor who was optimistic about himself.

Therefore, there is this tribute to this Tianchen ancestors and swords.

"The Jian Jun is also known, the old man has always been very good to the growth of the sword monarch, as long as you grow up in the future, you will become a great force in my Holy League, and the fact is true." Tianchen old ancestor is compliment. One turned, Fangcai: "But this green circle is not the same!"

"It's value, its potential is too big, there is also a great help to my Shengfa, you are also a member of the Sword of the Sword, so, I hope that the sword monarch can be considered more. One or two, my Holy Level will remember your contribution of the sword monarch. "

When you hear this, the sword is unbolded is a sink.

"Tianchen old ancestors, I am indeed a member of the Holy League, but the Holy Level is a loose, there is no constraint, the purpose is to deal with the two big dirtens, with some potential crisis, I can do it. , When there is a difficult time in the Shengling, it is enough. "

"It is not good to listen, the Holy Sales will come to me, it is gone, but the fire industry is different!"

"That is my root!"

"If I want to abandon my hometown for the Sorrowfow, I have a joke, even if I promise, I will not promise for hundreds of millions of cultivators in the hot community."

The sword is not blessed, and the sound is also extremely cold.

"The sword monarch, is there a little room that is really no business?" Tianchen Laozu frowned.

"Of course, there is, otherwise I will not sit down with you." The sword has no double silend: "But you want me to get room for it, you have to take out your own sincerity, you want me to have countless cultural circles. Everyone is all shifted, letting the fire community are completely let it come out, it is impossible, don't think! "

"I don't know how you want the sword monarch?" Tianchen old ancestral.

"It's very simple, I can make the value of the green fire circle play in the Shengba, but I have a few conditions." The sword has no double.

"What conditions?" Tianchen ancestors, and many strong people present in the sword.

"The first condition, the energetic people of the vast chaotic world, even the real god, absolutely can't step on the hot border." The sword is unparalleled.

But his condition just mentioned ...


The Shengshi camp has a great shot, and many strong people have anger.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to come out sincerity, and you are such a attitude?" Tianchen old ancestors stared at the sword and unparalleled, and some ugly.

All the big energy and even true gods must not step on the fire world, that is, only the practitioners below the gods and the world will enter, this is the difference between this is not to go in?

This is the sincerity of swords.

"Don't worry, listen to me."

The sword is unbolded and indifferent, looking around.

Although these strong people present, although they were angry, they also pressed anger, and listened to the sword and unparalleled.

"In fact, all of you will understand the value of the fire world." The sword is unparalleled. "You think that the value of the fire industry is the abundant heaven and earth aura, is the unprecedented cultural environment, you want to put you The fire community is created into a holy place that transcends the Thunder Island, but it is actually doing this, which is completely a waste of the fire world. "


PS: Today is 5 more!

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