"Waste resources?" The many strong people were in the sword, and they were unparalleled.

"Yes, the fire world is now comparable to the world's ability to practice, but in this cultivation environment, it is not a peak strong, but ... genius!" Low, "The more superior place, the higher the birth of the genius," like ancient times ... "

"The ancient times, the genius enchanting is like a cloud, far is not what we can compare with our era. If we are more comparable, our time is standing at the top of the top, put it in ancient times, I am afraid that the top is Can be considered two streams, even the first-class genius is not, this is believed to be clear. "

When I heard the sword is unparalleled, many strong people have silent.

The ancient times, the most prosperous era, the gap is indeed too big to talk to what they are now.

It is also true that it is the same in talented on the talents.

There are countless top geniuses in the ancient times, and any one can be called now, it is a miracle.

"Sword monarch, what do you mean?" Tianchen old ancestors query.

"It's very simple. If you create a better cultivation of the green fire circler than the Thunder Island, this can only help the highest level of the world's chaotic world, although it can make the most powerful power of the ancient chaotic world Big improvement, but there is no change at all, but if the value of the fire industry is reflected in those young genius, it is completely different. "The sword has no double sound.

"I raised the strong gods of the monument of the chaotic world, the strong gods must not enter the fire community, that is, want to create the fire community into the first day of the chaos world, the giant cradle!"

"I will take a large territory in the Qingfang community, the Sorrowfay, special ethnic groups, and the power of the ancient chaotic world, they can send a batch of disciples to this territory, and as long as they have never been broken to achieve real gods. It can always live in that, even in that, it has been proneing. "

"Although this is the case, I will not see any results in a short time, but with the generation of inheritance, their post-generation disciples will become stronger and stronger, one generation is excellent than one generation, even these postmenities will continue to be born. Some people with special physical fitness. "The sword has no double.

"Special physique?" There are many people in the scene.

"Yes, as long as the cultivation conditions are superior, some baby, naturally have some unique physical fitness, like my father, is a rare Sword spirit, my good brother, is Tong Tian Bao Dan, this It's just before my green fire world, and as the cultivation environment is getting better and excellent, the special physical fitness of my fire community is getting bigger and bigger, now, single, I know, I am green There are special physical fitness in the community practitioners, and there are more than 30 people, there are still many special physical fitness, have not been disconnected. "The sword said unparalleled.

"This, this ..." There were many strong people present.

Special physique, in the vast chaotic world, but countless cultivars dream.

Only with special physical fitness, it is equivalent to the qualifications of the top-on-peak power, and then only need to work hard to work with the opportunity.

Like the body of the sword, it is a natural sword strong.

Tongtian Bao Dan is reincarnating, as long as there is sufficient resources to cultivate, it is destined to become a master of the top alchemy, and even it can be a powerful energy.

This is a very envious special body.

But in such a physique, in the vast chaotic world, it is indeed too rare, the top ten cultivation, countless days, has a special physical cultivator, and it is still countless.

But now, a single green world is now found to have special physical people, it has exceeded 30?

What is incredible.

The eyes of these strong people have become scarlets.

Indeed, as the sword is unparalleled, the fire community can become a cradle of a day. If it can be reasonably utilized, it can completely born a lot of top genius, even comparable to the first era, it is better than the ancient times. .

And these geniuses, it will grow up in the future, even if there are dozens of tensilation, there is only one truly growing up, and it is still the birth of the top of the ancient chaotic world, which is better than building a cultivation, Too much.

"Sword Monarch, even if you are telling, but I have to have a big energy even if I have a real God, I don't even have to enter the green world. They arrived in the fire industry, isn't it completely controlled by you, what do you want? And what do you want? And as far as I know, your green world is a lot of true gods, if it is my Chinese cultivation Even my true gods, then the cultivator in your green fire is not willing to bully. "The suddenly opened.

"At this point, I can guarantee that my green fire world will never have a cultivator who will settle the territory occupant, and will never interfere with anything in the field. And if you really don't worry, I can take a step back, allow you to choose ten of the big people to form a ten-person alliance, sit in the Town of the town all year round, but this ten big energy can only be God or God. "The sword is unparalleled.

Everyone around people will not be sorted up.

Just ten big energy, and all the gods were with God, naturally couldn't constrain the sword unparalleled, but the cultivators in the green fire world, but there is no problem.

There are ten big energy, to protect the little guys below the world, should not be a problem.

As for the sword and unparalleled, naturally there is a Shengling, there are many strong people who have the top forces of all parties, and they should not be chaotic.

"All, this is my first condition, I don't know if you are willing to promise?" The sword wrapped around around.

Those gods and immediately discuss it.

After short talk, Tianchen's ancestors will open again: "Sword monarch, you also know that the vast chaotic world is very large, the light is my Chinese, but also have a lot of forces, let alone special ethnic groups, so we need the territory affirmation There are also a lot. "

"How many territories will be arranged to the Chinese government, give special ethnic groups, and all parties forces, this will then say, now I just want to know if you are willing to promise my first condition, just send true God, and ten gods or gods The cultivator of the top ten alliances of the emperor, stepping on my green circle? "The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, this condition we promised." Tianchen old ancestors nodded.

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