See Tianchen old ancestors promised, the sword is not a double eye.

This first condition is actually the most important condition.

The first condition contains a key issue, that is, the next year, the power of the fire world!

If you let the Shengfa, the special ethnic groups are all in the hot world, and the sword is unparalleled. If there is any big array, you want to completely control the fire industry is still extremely difficult.

But now, just the practitioners below the true God enter, and there is also the ten big energy alliance.

Regardless of which ten of the ten largest people choose, as long as there is no emperor, the sword can be suppressed.

The essence of the fire community is still in his hands in the hands of the green.

The cultivator of the fire industry is still the owner here.

This condition has been made, the sword has no double basic purpose has been reached, and next, it is to try to fight for greater interests for the cultivator for the green circulation.

"The sword monarch, talk about your other conditions." Tianchen old ancestors fought in the sword. "

Now the Shenglean, there are also the special ethnic groups, in fact, there is no way.

The sword is unparalleled, or the final brand of the fire world is, it is too terrible, so that they don't dare to force too much.

"My second condition is from today, you are in this ancient battlefield, anyone banned the surrounding area of ​​the fire industry, that is, you can see the beads. There is a huge head. "The sword has no double silent.

This time, many strong faces have changed immediately.

The great skull in the fire circle was the huge head of the fire in the green battlefield.

In addition, the head of this head is definitely, it is definitely a great opportunity.

This head is attractive to these strong people, far more places in this ancient battlefield. There are many strong people who have already launched their minds. After solving the things of the fire, they will start this. The head is smashed.

But now the conditions of the sword are unparalleled, but it is not allowed to be within the heads of this head.

"All, you are afraid, I don't know, I have been born by this battlefield, I have already had a lot of years, more than 40 million years, and in such a long time, many cultural people in my fireworks, It has always been in the surrounding ancient battlefield, and it is in the scope of the country. It can be said that this headed nine-centered country has been cultivated by my fireworks, including I have been searching for it, and the chance behind this skull, huh, huh ... "The sword was unparalleled smile, but did not finish.

I heard this, the hearts of these strong people were once.

Although they don't dare to believe in swords, they can also judge.

The fire community stayed in this battlefield for so long, will definitely search for the treasure in the surrounding search, this heads have been searched by them.

It has been searched for a TV game ... Although many opportunities are not found, the value is not as thought before they have thought.

"Moreover, I have to think about myself, but I have to consider the disciples of you, and if they grow in the fire industry, they will need some trials, and the fire industry is inside. Some dangers, a world can almost impossible, do not experience the experience, naturally they can only expect this ancient battlefield. "

"So, the territory of this head occupying, you will have these consecutive disciples, how do you have a cultivator in my green world?" The sword smiled.

He said the head is the way, but he can actually be clear.

This head is in the territory, the endless opportunity within it, and it has found it all.

However, he did this, and it is indeed considering the cultivator of the fire industry. Of course, the general chaos world will arrange the cultivator in the territory of the fire industry, and will also follow the benefits.

The strong face on the field looked at each other and hesitated.

But at this time, the end of the most central white emperor, suddenly opened his white eyes, "this condition, you can promise."

After finishing, his eyes closed again.

Bai Emperor is in person, but these strong people have some hesitated, but they have not said more.

This condition is ultimately promised.

"The third condition." The sword is unparalleled around the people. "I hope that in this ancient battlefield, you can give me a certain number of DVDs or the resources of the same value for the same value. "


"I still want to wait to wait for Dow? What?"

"Get in in inch, get inch,"! "

The crowd is changed, and several great emperors have gone.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have made many concessions, but you are now, but have some extensive?" Tianchen old ancestors also low.

"Excess? True?" The sword is unparalleled is a cold, "I am present, you think that this ancient battlefield can always be so stable, let you see the way to search for the opportunity, is it true? You Never want to think, if there is no big array around the ancient battlefield, what will this ancient battlefield be becoming? "

Everyone is all.

There is no big array, that result, they are naturally clear.

Think about it will not be cold.

"It's because there is a big array to limit the surrounding time and space storm, which makes this ancient battlefield to be saved, not affected, and this excellent cultivation environment is also affected by the big array, but you can Also think about it, so strong is a big battle against the sky, I have to maintain it over, how much resources need to spend? How much treasure is spent, do you think it is easy? "The sword is unparalleled.

When you hear this, many people are silent.

Especially those who have a certain attainment on the array.

The big array around the ancient battlefield, it is incredible in them, and the more strengthened the big array, it must, of course, it is necessary to consume great energy.

This big array is so striking, that has maintained it, and the resources you need, it is absolutely an astronomical figure.

And the sword was not doubled again: "This big array is too big to my green fire world, before, because of the refurbishment of the fire circles, I can go to the surrounding ancient battlefield to win, I can barely maintain it. This big array, now we have already put the entire ancient battlefield, only this part of this part of the head is located, the resources you can get naturally reduced, at this time, I don't look for some resources, Also can you go? "

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