Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1983 Concession!

The sword is unparalleled, and that is talking about it.

He was very straightforward. This ancient battlefield can have a big change, and the fire community can have a big value. This is for the trial of the big array.

And the big array is indeed completely stabilized.

If there is no big array, everything is empty.

However, there is something that he didn't say it, it is the big array, in fact, it is not maintained by the energy provided by various resources treasures. This big array has been fully integrated, regardless of each other, maintaining the big array The source of strength is actually a time and space storm.

This is also the people who created this big array, the sword is unparalleled, and the mysterious one is in the past.

For so many years, the fire circles have been controlling this big array, but they don't need to consume any resources at all.

What he needs to spend now takes a lot of resources to maintain, just to get more benefits from these strong people for the fire world.

And what he said, in front of this large group of strong people, they have to agree.

Sure enough, the Emperor's Emperor has a certain drilled in the Monetary, "To maintain such a big one, the resource consumed is really thinking, even if it is concerned about my Chinese, it is not easy, green The fire community needs a certain amount of resources to maintain this big array. "

Other strong people have a little reluctant, but they only have to have a head.

"The sword monarch, let's talk, how many Dopcodes need?" Tianchen old ancestors asked.

"There is not much, any big energy, enter this ancient battlefield once, you need to pay two thousand Daojing as a remuneration." The sword is unparalleled: "Note that I am talking about it once, that is, said, No matter how long you stay in the ancient battlefield, you stayed tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, as long as you don't leave, just two thousand DV, but instead you only stay in this ancient battlefield only hundreds. Year, and even only for decades, but because you left once, next time, you will pay two thousand DV. "

"I will come to this ancient battlefield, which specializes in arranging the dragonfly."

The many strong faces appeared, and they nodded.

Two thousand Dow, a little more rich top chaotic really god can come out, and what is nothing to do, they can accept it.

However, alone, one person, no one, can come to this battlefield to come to this battlefield to come to this battlefield, so many people give two thousand cars once a time, add it, it is one Astronomical figures, and if they leave it last time, wait for the next ancient battlefield, they have to pay the David.

This is a huge financial circuit for the fire industry.

"Sword Monarch, these three conditions, we all agreed." Tianchen Laozu said.

"Don't worry first, I still have the fourth condition." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is there still?" Tianchen old ancestors frowned, "Sword monarch, your conditions have not avoided too much?"

"Reassured, this fourth condition, has nothing to do with the interests of you, just a private thing." The sword was unparalleled, but the eyes have become cold, "I found this time this time this time. People have a little, even if they are even less, this account, I naturally have to clear, so my fourth condition, I hope that you can tell me, who is, first leaked this ancient The battlefield is located, then pushed my green circles to the tip of the wind? "

There is no double voice in the sword, and the faintness also has a murder.

These strong people present are relaxed.

They also thought that the swords were unparalleled to make any harsh conditions, but now just to find people who have leaked the ancient battlefield, there is no relationship with them, they naturally don't care.

"That person, this is aware." A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice, and the expression of the sky was the glazed emperor.

There is no accident for this sword.

This glass emperor is the first in many emperors to arrive in the fire world, and they directly called his name, it is obviously the virtual truth of the fire industry, and certainly someone tells him. .

"The news of this ancient battlefield, there is also the person who counts the green fire industry, is a goddess, a goddess, a bloody knife, a blood knife." Glass Great.

"Blood Knitting?" Most of the many strong people have exposed the color.

Obviously they have not heard of this blood knife.

"The blood knife God is a brother of the evil spirits. You should know why he will count on the green world." The emperor of the glazed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is also very important.

The evil spirits were the first to discover this ancient battlefield, but the result is dying in his hand, and the evil spirits will definitely have a news from the blood knife before death, this is the next scene.

"Since this blood knife is a big energy in the holy land, then I have to kill him, I don't know if you will block the emperor of the glazed?" The sword didn't have a double.

"No." The emperor of the glazed said: "This blood knife is very embarrassing, this seat is also put by him, even if you don't shoot him, this seat is not going to him."

"That's good." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Sword monarch, this blood knife will not use you to take it person, my Holy Lead will find a way to make it, and then send it to the sword monarch, even if he can't kill him, he will send his body. Come over, how? "Tianchen Laozu said.

"Then there is a lot of life." The sword has no double road, thank you, "My condition is these, since all of them have promised, then the next is negotiable, I will make it out. The territory of the territory. "

When the sword is unparalleled, he will continue to discuss with Tianchen ancestors.

Discussions naturally avoid bargaining, but finally reached an offensive.

The green fire community gave the three-year-old territory, giving them a disciple of the people of the people of the chaotic world, so that they continued to be in these three-centered territories.

There are many green circles, and the three-year boundaries are not small enough to accommodate a lot of practice.

Of course, the St. Alliance, the special ethnic group is the beginning of the side of the territory, but the sword is unparalleled, and there is a top-lasting result.

Since then, both parties really reach an agreement.

Of course, this agreement, both sides can say that they have made great concessions.

They are all there is no way, they have to let go, after all, there are great counseles.


PS: Suddenly a little urgent in the afternoon, first update three chapters, the other two chapters are being yet, it is estimated that at 9:4:00!

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