Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1984, fog sea

The sword is unparalleled, and the representative is the whole green world.

Compared with the green world, the whole is completely in the disadvantage, and the value of the green fire industry is too big.

After knowing the exposure of the fire community, the sword is unparalleled, and the fire world is now to make some concessions. He can only do our best to protect the interests of many cultural refiners in the green fire.

Now, although he lets a three-centered territor of the fire world, the fire is still within his control, and the ancient battlefield where the head is around this head is retained, plus the future parties Entering this ancient battlefield must pay a certain vast crystal, supplement the resources needed by the fire world, is already very good.

As for the Shengling, the special ethnic group ...

Because the scorpion sword is unparalleled, the scruples are incorporated into the big storm of the time and space, they have to make concessions.

Even, they can face the entire ancient battlefield, including all the tetherent storms that are all annihilated in the field, they can't afford it.

After reaching an agreement, the strong people of all parties are all over, and they are ready.

And it is certain that the Shengling, special ethnic groups, and there are some strong powerful people in the world, but also have the next discussion to decide how many real Gods, the following practitioners go to the fire industry, in addition, there is also 10 The alliance of the energy consisting of energy, which ten people are, and there is a dispute.

Of course, this has no relationship with swords.

Inside the palace.

"The sword is unparalleled." The white emperor that has been closed, opened his eyes.

"Bai Emperor." The sword was unparalleled.

"I didn't expect it before, your hometown will actually be in this ancient battlefield, and if this is not gueled, the emperor should be from this ancient battlefield?" White Emperor asked .

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"Sure enough." Bai Emperor smiled, and immediately opened: "I heard that your strength has improved these years, now the seventh step, how much is it?"

"It is already very close." The sword has no double.

"Is this?" White Emperor watched slightly, said: "Although this seat knows breakthrough, it is lucky, it is strong, but this is still hope that you can break through the morning, after all, this time, the chaotic world is getting more and more Taiping, the strong people of the two big yin are also taken out, no accident, how long does it take for it, these two big yin power will have a big action. "

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and you will note, "understand."

Soon, the sword is unparalleled.

After leaving the palace, the sword is unparalleled directly into the direction of the hot world.

Not close to the Sword South Tian, ​​Wang Yuan, and Su Yuan, etc. who have been waiting within the fire circler, and Suirong and others will immediately welcome.

"Double, how is it?" Jian Nan Tian asked.

"Old three." Others have also stared at the sword.

Their eyes are looking forward to.

And the sword is unparalleled, "it's okay."

Simple and three words, but the many cultivars in the green fire world will be excited.

You must know that it is just that they still have a death, and they have to die with each other fish.

And they have already done it to death.

But now ... okay?

Everything is solved by all the problems?

"Really?" Wang Yuan still can't believe it.

"Of course." The sword laughed, and immediately saw the sword in the southern day. "Father, you immediately discussed all high-rise strong people in an emergency green world."

"Okay." Jiannan nodded and immediately arranged.

And the sword is unparalleled, with the Luo Yu Wang, the Lingyin Island is coming to a secluded empty.

"Luo Yu Wang, Liangyin Island, this time, thank you." The sword has no double.

Lingyu is the tower shrugged and did not say much.

Luo Yu Wang is solemn: Jian Jun is polite, my ancient gods are the blood, you have the blood of our royal family, since it is a new emperor, but I don't know if you return to me when you follow me? "

"Go to the ancient gods?" The sword is unparalleled. "You also see that I am busy now, wait for a while, waiting for the green circles and this ancient battlefield completely stabilized, I will go to the ancient goddess Look."

"That's good, this is my message. After you arrived in the ancient god, you can directly send me a direct message." Luo Yu king handed a piece of message to the sword.

At the end of the end, this Luoyu Wang has a respect for the sword.

After Luo Yu Wang, the sword was unparalleled and looked at the Lord Island. "Lien Lord, so many years have never met, there are many things I have been confused, I don't know if you can answer me?"

"Yes, you asked if you ask." Liangyin Island smiled, she knew that the sword was unparalleled will definitely ask her some problems.

She also has psychological preparation.

"Liangyin Island, you should know what I want to ask?" The sword is unparalleled to look at the Lord Island, "First, it is about the origin of Liangyin Island, if I have not guess, you There is no relationship with the stars, before you talk about the stars, just to choose disciples to the Stars, I am afraid not this? "

"Indeed, I don't have any relationship with the Star, as for the palm of the stars, it is also to do this." Lingyin Island said.

"Who?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Xuan Yi! You should know it." Liangyin Island smiled.

And I heard the first word, the sword is unparalleled but fierce.

"Sure enough?" The sword was unparalleled, and his heart is actually guessed.

"As for my origin, you want to see you, I am from the battlefield of the surrounding battlefield, that is, the distinctive cultivator of the ancient times in your mouth, but I am just a small person in the ancient times, and I was also inexplicable. I went into the battle, when the battle of the battle, there were countless horror existed, I was in this battle, but the luck is still good, at least live. "Liangyin Island said stand up.

"Although it is alive, it is very miserable, and I have been sleeping in this ancient battlefield. I haven't had a way, until I encountered the mysterious power called Xuan Yi, he woke up, and Recovered the strength for me, but as a condition, I have to control the star sea of ​​the stars for him until someone can recover freedom. "

"And then the star of the Star Palace controls the starhae sea, but also the mysterious one, I don't know anything, how can I control the star sea?"

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