"In fact, the star is in the sea, it is very early, it should be that the mysterious one does not know what the means get it, I just pressed the stars, but I said that it is a stone tube Just, as for the next thing, you know it. "

After the Lenin Island is finished, it will look at the sword.

The sword has no double eyes, and immediately asked: "Since you are the strong people in the ancient times, don't you know Xuan Yi?"

"I don't know." Liangyin Island moved his head directly. "I am just a shortcoming little person in ancient times. If it is put in the battlefield, it is equivalent to a small soldier, and even the small soldiers are not as good, and this is a mysterious one, although I am When he saw him, he felt that he was weak, but his means, but it was not what I can, I can definitely be a big man in ancient times, and such a big figure, I am I can know. ? "

The sword is unparalleled.

Liangyin Island, like the sword, in ancient times, it is just a small person, and the kind of inconsisfaction.

But it is also a small person, and the sword is also a probe of a sense of intelligence, so he has heard of Xuanyi.

And the Lenin Island is better, and even the name of Xuan Yi has heard of it.

"Understand, you will tell the Liangyin Island, you have joined." The sword is unparalleled.

"I said, you don't need that kind of polite." Liangyin Island smiled slightly, "Yes, I will stay in the green fire in a period of time, but I will take long before I go to the battlefield, this is me. The message maker, if you have trouble, you can send it to me. "

"Well." The sword is unborn, and this entry is directly accessed.


The fire community, a vast void.

The power of the various forces from the fire industry, including many high-level power, gather together at this moment.

At a glance, there are hundreds of people.

And the sword is unparalleled, sitting on the most center of the people.

"All the people." The sword is unparalleled, "" This time the vast chaos world has dropped, they have an unlimited potential of my green fire industry, and I will take my green circles directly, but because I am jealous of me. The biggest one of the world, now they have returned, and I just negotiated with them, both sides have gone out of the concession to formulate an agreement. "

"As for the content of the agreement ..."

The sword is unparalleled to say in detail the conditions agreed by both parties.

After that, this big void has fallen into short silence.

"Let's get three% of territories?"

There were many cultural refiners on the fire community frowned.

30% of the territory, for the entire fire world, it is already a lot.

And this three-component territory is enough to live in the endless cultivator, which is definitely a huge price for the fire world.

However, most of them also understand that the power of the fire industry is too weak in front of all parties to the whole of the chaos world.

It can be said that it is negligible.

If the other party does not have the final card, they are afraid of the qualifications of the negotiations.

Now, only the three-year boundaries are lost, and the fire community also saves the ancient battlefield where the head is located, and many Dopcore resources can be obtained in the future.

It is very good.

They believe this, I am afraid there is also a unparalleled city owner's great effort. If it is replaced with others to talk ... I want to know that now, now the strongest God is true.

Zhenqi in the district, facing that large group of energy, even there are so many emperors, I am afraid even looking at the other side, don't say to the other party.

Only only their myths and swords of the fire world are unparalleled, there is courage, this qualification, dare to give the entire Tope League, to the whole of the people of the whole chaotic world, to provide the conditions.

"Father, Wang Yuan, gave out the three-year boundaries, will arrange it by you, try to complete the transfer of the cultural practice of my green circulation, and the cultivators who are sent in the accidental chaotic world. It will arrive in this hundred years. "The sword has no double.

"Yes." Jian Nan Tian told Wang Yuan.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled. I suddenly saw the many cultivars in front of them.

"Why, is you very uncomfortable in your heart?" The sword was indifferent.

He saw that many people in front of him could not come down.

If you don't accept the gas, they certainly don't get it.

The fire community is their hometown, and the results have to let 30% of the country to give each other.

Even if there is nothing of the card, the endless practitioners of the fire world can only leave the country, go to other territories.

However, they didn't dare to say more.

"Actually, I am also very uncomfortable, but I have no way, who makes me the fire industry is in a weak?" The sword is unparalleled. "The ancient chaotic world is too big, it is too much more than the hot circles, strong There are too many people, the light of the energetic, now arrived in this ancient battlefield, there is already thousands of people, and the power of the green circle, the local growth, but even not a single one."

"Don't look at me, although I have the power of energy, but in the realm, I did not reach that step."

Donned, the sword is unparalleled to continue: "Light of this power, what qualifications are eligible to call the board with the people of the chaos world, go to the Shenglion?"

Everyone is silent.

Weak meat, they know this truth.

This world is all fists.

Looking in the expression in front of the people, the sword is unparalared and smiled: "But you don't have to worry, now I am really like the world, but I am not as good as the world of chaotic, but my fire is great. On the chaotic world, this is also the reason they desperately want to occupy my fireworks. "

"Just give us time, as long as you are present, including your many disciples, many posthers, after a long time, the overall strength of my green circles will be leaping, and even completely achieved the Shengzheng, even completely exceeds The point of the alliance, when we arrived, our fists, should be our things, we can get it back. "

When I heard this, everyone was holding hands, and I also burst into a strong essence.

They have a fight against a fight.

And this scene is precisely the sword is unparalleled.

Regardless of the grievances you have suffering now, you don't tighten, but the fighting spirit of many cultivators in the hot community is unyielding, absolutely cannot weaken.

As long as this is constantly growing in this unyielding, the fire industry can truly reach the step he said!

At this time, Wang Yuan once again opened again. "In fact, this time, although the fire industry has paid a small price, no matter what, our biggest potential crisis is proud of it."

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled and the eyes are also bright.

The crisis is released.

After he knew that the evil spirits found this ancient battlefield, the sword has always begun.

In particular, the ancient battlefield is exposed, the fire community is exposed, and the sword is not bored is more complete and tight, and it is afraid that the fire community encounters devastating strikes.

To this end, he wants to do everything, paying the greatest effort.

He also made his best to strive for the greatest interest in the full turn of negotiations with the strong people of the Outdoor Chaotic World.

Until now, both parties reach an agreement, all the dust is set.

Despite the consideration of the 30% of the territory, the couldn't at least a fire world, but it is saved!

"Stained, the fire community, I will still keep the life, when I turned out to have a life of my life, let a lot of the ancents ... Rising Sword Emperor, the Round Temple, the Hall of the Hall, the Red Lord, I Didn't live up to your own tha! "The sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, his heart that has always been raised, and finally.

This relaxation is not just a pain, and there is a full relaxation.

But this is a sudden relaxation, but the sword is unparalleled.

"This, this feeling!" The sword is unbeded and the eyes are also fierce.

This feeling, so far, it has also encountered many times, and naturally will not feel unfamiliar.

This is ... I have to break through!


He stayed in the ultimate God stage for so many years, and now, the breakthrough opportunity, finally arrived! !


PS: Today is 5 more!

Sorry, because the afternoon is temporarily replaced, it is the full moon wine cliff in my little princess. It is said that it is good to go, but I have a wonderful afternoon, causing two chapters to be updated late, I hope everyone can forgive me.

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