Terrible, metamorphosis! ! !

Say invincible, never too.

The sword is also finally known, why can the White Emperor can be tall, why make the second era have many great elements, even a trace of provocative courage?

And why Bai Di is in the face of the Emperor, knowing that the strength of the other party may be stronger than himself, but it is still not afraid.

That is because of the white emperor, it has already invincible.

Bai Di is also reversed, stepping on the seventh step, and not accidentally, he should now reach the final stage of the seventh step.

The vastness of the power is enough to let the body crash dozens of times and still do not die.

Coupled with his super strength, even if the opponent in his face is much stronger than him, but the other person wants to kill him, it is absolutely impossible.

Because it is not defeated, it is invincible.

"I just stepped on the seventh step. The power can only support himself to reorganize four sects, but I can't bear it in an invincible place, but at least, I have no fear again!" Channel.

Do not mention the ancient times, do not mention the first era.

On the second era of single single, he is absolutely already walking.

In the face of the great emperors of the second era, like these people in the King of Red Dragon, Jiu Hao Lord, and Zi Dynasty, the sword is unparalleled, but it is also afraid, because even these emperors are now adding together, want It can be said that it is difficult to kill him.

In addition, after reaching the seventh step of the reverse repair, there is a secret, and the sword is unparalleled can also be displayed.

This secret, naturally, from the most powerful refining secret "Taikoo Sky".

This secret says he has been a long time. He has never practiced it, but now ...

"The most powerful refinery secrets in the ancient times, even in the many refining mystery of the ancient times, this too ancient virtual sky is also in the top ten. This is just the first volume, I am just refining, all It's enough to make my body and even the power, I have reached a new point, and my strength will get a leap. "

The sword is unparalleled.

But so secret, he now has practicing qualifications, but wants to really refine the first volume, but it takes some time.

"Come slowly, anyway, the first volume of this too ancient virtual body, I have already solemnly enlighten, even if the steps are slightly difficult, I will definitely understand the first volume of this secret. The sword is unhappy smile.

After the body of your perfect chaotic, after you have a certain understanding of your own strength, the sword is not repeated, but it is right.

In the mountains, the sword is unparalleled to sit on a throne, next to the swords, Wangyuan, Suogou and others gathered.

"Double children, look at your breath, is it broken?" Jiannan flashed with a variety of different color.

"Well, just broke through." The sword smiled.


Some people around are very happy.

"I am a hot world, I finally have a genuine real cost." Wang Yuan even said.

The previous green circles, although there is no double sitting in the town, the sword is unparalleled, there is a sword, but whether it is a sword, or the Lord Island Lord that gives the sword, the unparalleled, is not really a green world, as long as it is The sword is unparalleled.

But at that time, the sword was unparalleled, but the realm did not reach the power of energy.

In the fire industry, a genuine big energy in the goods has been born until now, it is finally there.

"Father, you should also break through? I can feel that your soul is very vast, I can't use it for how long I can condense the substance soul." The sword was unparalleled.

"Well, it's fast, within 10 years." Jiannan Tiandao.

Everyone is a happy.

The sword is not a double brow is also a pick.

"Well, talk about it, what happened to I have a closed custom?" The sword didn't ask.

The people who immediately surround them immediately said some things happened in the past three thousand years.

For these three thousand years, the fire community has completely stabilized, and the power of the people of Wancha Chaos will dispatch to billions of days in the 30% of the territories. After three thousand years of reproduction, the number has already increased several times, and the sword is unparalleled. What is said, these people born in the fire circles, born, born, is more stronger than other places in the chaotic world.

And one generation is better than one generation.

That 30% of the territory is now being changed to a Halloween, and the remaining seven-made territories are called anti-fire domain.

Two big territories, because the two sides camps are constrained, they have few people with each other, and naturally have a little friction, and the speed of the parties grow very amazing.

Especially genius, it is too much in the entire green industry.

It also includes a lot of special physical fitness.

However, because there is too many genius, most of the days, most of them will choose to go to the Outdoor Chaotic World.

On the ancient battlefield, even the enthusiasm of all parties in the chaotic world in the world, but also have many opportunities, many of the opportunities, and even causing many events. There are countless strong people to compete.

But for the opportunity, treasures are struggled, and it is reasonable, in general, there is no big change.

Everything is calm.

After the three thousand years have a simple understanding, the sword is unparalleled, and there is too much. He has already handed over to his father, Jian Nan Tian, ​​Wang Yuan Suofeng a few people.

Subsequently, the sword has went to see another three.

These three people are the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, the owner of the temple, the Lord Nie Yun Demon.

The three majors of the stars have arrived, and they are in the green world.

In fact, according to the agreement, the people of the Outdoor Chaos World, in addition to the ten largest people who are responsible for sitting in the town, any big-capped people are in the fire world.

However, the three people in the Yuan Temple, but it is very special.

Because these three people, there is no double for swords, it is my own.

So I learned that when they arrived in the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled, and Wang Yuan didn't bid them into the fire industry.

"The palace master, you can finally be customs." The Lord of the Demonstone looked at the sword and was clearly excited.

"The palace master, your breath, breakthrough?" The main eyes of the Yuan Dynasty were bright.

"It's a breakthrough, but this matter doesn't have to speak, you know it yourself." The sword is unparalleled.

"Great." The three patriarchal are big.

They know that swords are unparalleled in the real stage, they can strip the peak emperor, and now a break, enter the seventh step of the reverse repair, and its strength must fall.

Now he, 80% can already be an enemy!

The Emperor, they finally had an emperor.

How do this not excited?


PS: Tomorrow, my little princess is full of moon, what I have to do today is too much, so I will update it normally today.

In addition, I will have a break in August before, but I will definitely in August, but I haven't been determined by the specific day. It is estimated to go to mid-year or go. This time is too busy. I don't have time to convolver. Forgotten.

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