Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1990 Cheng Wang defeated

"Three, the guests of the star of our star, are the old age, what is it now?" The sword will ask.

"Gu Qing is old?"

The three people in the Yuan Dynasty, the top of the Temple, the main opening of the Temple: "The guests of the Guests have not received too much in my star, I learned that this news of the ancient battlefield, many Guests have elderly I can't help it, even if you know the command, I will prohibit them from stepping into ancient battlefield, but they promised, but there are many passengers to run over, and only Jiuyin God, Xuanwu God Emperor, and A small number of gods are old and listening to the order. "

"Oh, I am unexpected early." The sword was unparalleled.

He has ordered these guests to give these guests, and it is possible to use them.

However, this crisis in the actual fire community does not require the appearance of the star.

"Those who listen to the old man who told me, from now on, I can freely go to the ancient battlefield and even the fire community. As for those who don't listen to my order, there is no need to pay attention to them, I have no need to pay attention to them, my crisis in my star has already been released, these don't Listening to the departure of the guests, continue to stay in my star, but will become a bumper. "The sword has no double.

"I understand, I also mean this." Yuan Dian is laughing, and I will open the mouth: "The palace master, I have an idea, I don't knowually, I said."

"Talk to see." The sword is unparalleled.

"The fire community is the palace master your hometown, and you are dominant, and my star is the same as the palace master, whether the palace owner can fight for some resources in the green world, such as ...... The old nest of my star, that is, the Yanyu Xing River, move to this green circle? "Yuan Temple.

Next to the monetary temple, Nie Yun Temple also looks forward to watching the sword.

Three thousand years have passed, the wonders in the fire industry have long been reflected.

Now who knows the fire world is a real cultivation of the holy place, genius cradle.

Numerous strong people are eager to go to practice, but the territory is so big, and those who can repair it is destined to be limited.

The star, because the sword is unparalleled, many core disciples include some strong people to enter the fire world, but this free access, which is more moving directly to this.

If you hear the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword is unparalleled.

In fact, he was known that after the Qi Xing River, he raised this idea, but it was not in the case before, and did not think more.

But now ... Don't use him, the three temples are directly mentioned, and the sword is unparalleled can easily contribute to this matter.

"I will arrange it immediately, let the green fire community spoke out of the border of the stars as the old nest of the stars, but that is so huge, I want to move, is not easy?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The palace owner does not know, the Yanyu River looks huge, but however, it is just a special treasure. You can directly refine the Yanyu River directly, bring to this green circle, and then extend it again. Just! "Yuan Dynasty laughed.

He is the unique spirit of the Yanyu River, and it is also the best to naturally understand the Star River.

"It is so very good, you will prepare, wait for everything, I will return to Xing Chen, moved directly." The sword has no double.

"Yes." Yuan Temple mainly headed down.

Soon, the monette is the mainstay of Nie Yun Temple.

As for the main hall of Yuan Dynasty ... His book has been staying in the Qianxing Hanoi, which is not able to go out, which appears in the green fire industry, and a temporary formation of the body.

After the matter was completed, the avatar of the Yuan Dynasty was naturally dissipated.


The fire in the green world is void, and the middle-aged man in the face is standing there, waiting quietly.

Not long after, there is a robe old in the green fire.

This robe is a sword.

"The Glass of the Glass is sitting down, seeing a big man in the sword." The Emperor offenders respectfully.

Sword, although it is just a sword, a sword of swords, but his strength is, but it is a genuine great emperor. This, the emperor, of course, respectfully treats respect.

"This is my owner to send me." When the emperor offeit, he said, while taking out an old black tower.

This black tower seems to be ordinary, and the fact is that a power is extremely suppressed.

At this moment, this black tower is suppressing one person. This person is naturally the blood knife!

The blood knife god, the news in the vast chaotic world, is the culprit to push the green circles to the tip of the wind.

When I talked about the conditions, the sword was unparalleled to say that the SAR will find the people who will spread the news and sent it, and the Shengshi will naturally look.

I have to say, this blood knife is very embarrassed, but it is also very secret, but in front of the Holy League, it is still nothing, and it is quickly found and then suppressed.

By now, I know that the sword is unparalleled, I sent it from the emperor of the emperor.

"People leave, you can go." The sword glanced at the emperor of Feathe.

After the emperor of Yu Yu, I got out of the blood knife, I was in the sword, and I was in the direction of the hot circles, and then I went away.

The fire industry, a volatile empty.

The blood knife of the blood, blood, the whole body is all bonded there, even the power is completely imprisoned, and it is not used in the same effort.

At this moment, he has long, as a dead ash, a desperate.

! ! !

A shape is slowly imposing in front of the blood knife.

"You, is the brother of the evil spirits, the blood knife God?" The sword was unbolded and indifferent, overlooking the blood knife.

Of course, now, the sword is unparalleled to this blood knife, and there is no hate before.

Although the blood knife god, although the blood knife is calculated, it calculates the fire industry, but it is actually just revenge for his brother.

"The sword is unparalleled !!!" The blood knife is dead and staring at the sword. The souvenir is born, but more is helpless and unwilling.

A goddess in his district is absolutely impossible to kill the sword without double killing, can only rely on the calculation.

And he also made his greatest efforts to calculate the sword and unparalleled, and guide the power of the people of the chaotic world to kill the door, but he did not think that even if it faced the whole dramatic chaotic world, this sword is unparalleled It turned out to be alive.

"You have no hatred with me, you just revenge for your brother!"

"You have a reason for me, calculate the reason I am a green world, but I also kill your brothers and sorrows, killing, so ... You have no right or wrong, only Cheng Wang defeated."


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