"Is it a defeater?"

The blood knife is in the heart, the head is not from low.

But the next moment, he fierce his head, screaming: "The sword is unparalleled, it is a powerful, but you don't want to be too satisfied, I am dead in your hand, but how long, you will die In the hands of others, it will definitely !!! "

"One day in the morning and evening, you have to die !!"

The blood knife is like a madness.

The sword is unparalleled, but it shook his head.

When the voice fell, he saw the sword unbound finger, and a light beam shot the head of the blood knife.

Blood knife god, the scene was killed.

See this, the sword is unbolded but indifference.

"Maybe you are right, one day in the morning, I will die in someone else, but as long as I don't do it, I will do everything I can improve my strength and do everything you can ascend himself. "The sword is unmarkarized, and it is very unparalleled.

at this time……

! !

There is no sign of the sound of the Sword.

After the sword, there was a long-standing blood and sword, and the blood peaks found in this moment were actually trembled in the moment.

The sword is unparalleled with blood peaks, and it is also possible to feel the excitement of the blood peak sword at this moment.

This is very good, I have something to have something that is unable to have something.

"What's going on?" The sword was unparalleled, "Since I have reached the blood peak sword from the master of the teacher, this is the first time that the blood peak sword is so excited, and it is not in the battle. There is no sign, no It is an accident that it should be induced by something. "

Inserting a moment, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a message to start the message.

And very fast, he learned the reason.

Just just, that is, he killed the process of the blood knife, there was ancient battlefield in the ancient battlefield around him.

This ancient battlefield contains a variety of opportunities.

The cave house left by the ancient power, there is naturally a lot.

In this three thousand years of the three thousand years, this ancient battlefield has appeared in the ancient battlefield.

Every time the ancient cave is born, it will cause all parties to compete for, but the opportunity in the ancient cave house, some are being got, but more the opportunity is still intact, it is not a chaotic world Fangqiang does not want to get these aim, but it can't get it.

Some of the ancient cave houses contain tests, and those tests are very demanding. Many of them can be caught, and naturally, these tests are not available.

And now the ancient cave, in fact, several strong people have not intended to come in, and they get a chance in it, but because the organic edge is being obtained, this Dongfu is completely born, and the movement of the triggered Extremely amazing.

Especially for swords.

When this Yuankuong Government is born, it is not only a sword. In this ancient battlefield, all the swords of the swords, the swords of the swords they have, have a certain sense of sensing, and naturally notice.

"Nine Swordsman? That ancient cave, named Nine Temple Sword House?"

The sword is unparalleled and browsing yourself from the information you just got from the Shengshi.

The first batch found that the strong understanding of the ancient cave, has a basic understanding of the Yuankong House, know the origin of the cave, and also know the chamber contained in the cave.

The Sword of the Sword, contains endless swordsmanship, including all.

These swordsysides are placed on the Jiuzun Jianrumu in a very special way, and this nine-respects monument is the largest machine contained in the Nine Sword House.

However, this nine-prince is scattered in the nine corners of the Nine Sword House. If you want to get it, it is not that easy. At that point, I found a strong man of the Nine Sword House, that is, because of an unexpectedly got a sword, this It caused the entire Nine Sword House to be born.

"It is obvious that this Sword of the Sword is a swordsmanship. The Jiuzun monument, the large number of swordsmanship, these swords can be from the ancients." The sword is unparalleled, and the lips are obviously Some heart.

The strength reaches this level, let alone the swordsmanship, although the power is strong, but the ambiot world is limited, it is too far more than that of the ancient times, or it is too far more than that.

So, if you have a few ancient swords, the strength of a swords will definitely improve the strength.

The recognized first sword cultivator like the first era, solitary sword emperor!

His own sword talent is strong, and also breaks out of his sword, but he is really the biggest base card, which is always the priest! !

That is the first era of crossing, and the capital is invincible.

The emperor is a sword of the ancient times.

This sword, although the sword is unparalleled, but it is not easy to show, plus only a mission, too monotonous, only as a base card in the battle, but now the nine swordsman's sword It is completely different.

That Nine Swordsman ... It is a large number of swordsms of ancient times, and any kind of trumpet contains a lot of ancient times swordsmanship.

This is no more attractive to the sword.

"Sword." The sword is unparalleled.

"Master." The shape of the sword appeared in the sword without double.

"You are in ancient times, I have heard of a sword strong called the nine," said the sword.

"Nine is the Swords, Jiujiu?" The sword immediately moved.

"It seems that I have heard of it, talk about it." The sword has no fun.

"Back to the master, this nine, I have heard that he is a strong in the ancient times, and it is a strong sense of swords. If it is not necessary, the top majors like ancient times will generally It is easy to provoke such a strong, in addition, this nine is still called the sword! "

"That is the true sense of the sword!"

"He likes to collect many swordsmanship, and the general swordsman still can't see it. It is not the extremely high and exquisite sword. For this reason, he often challenges some swordsman, when he is challenged, he likes to take it. The sword is cheats to gamble. If the other party lost, he has to give him the strongest sword. He is a long time, and many of the strong swordsmanship, countless. "

"Also because of this, he has the name of the sword, and his swordsmanship, I am afraid the most in the ancient times, a lot of strength than his strong sword, knowing the sword is far less than him."

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