Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2002 Magic Jun

An enchanting palace.

Three energetes of energy, the battle of chesty is there.

"Check, give it to it!"

"This is that it knows that there is such a big energy, you can invoke the sword monarch, let the sword monarch shot for him to deal with this seat !!"

"Be sure to give me it out, this is a thousand knives !!!"

At this moment, the is like a mad wild beast, he has risen red, and the three people who are rushing, and the three people who are rushing below are attached to the power of him.

very clearly, he has never take the initiative to be sinful and unparalleled. Even if you have the problem of dealing with the fire world, you just stand in the perspective of the St. League, this is not a sin, On the stars, he did not have any communication with the star.

Therefore, he can be sure, the sword is unparalleled because of his own hatred.

Very large possibly, it is a strong, I don't know what method, please move the sword and unparalleled, come to deal with him.

And the other party is estimated to let the sword monarch want to take him, so that he loses some faces.

This time, he faced the face, although it is a sword, there is no double, but it is unparalleled to the sword. He can only break the teeth.

Because the sword is unparalleled, it is still the strength, but it is far from him, the potential is even more endless, not his sin.

Therefore, he can only vent all anger to the strong who invited the sword.

,,,... ...

On the other side, the sword is unparalleled once again came to the cold night.

"This mirror makes, you have a look." The sword is unparalleled to the mirror symbol of yourself to the cold night.

After the night of the night, I took a closer look, and her eyes became more and more.

After reading the screens in the mirror, the emperor of the cold night sucks, and the sword is unparalleled. "Thank you Jian Jian Monarch!"

"I am shot for you, but I also see the scholar of the Sword Monument, I don't give you no," Sword is unilaterally. "

The cold night nodded, but immediately took the Sword Monuo to the sword.

This is already refined by the cold night, but now the sword is unparalleled, but the process is also very easy.

After refining, the sword is unparalleled immediately, and I found the remaining Xuanluo sword on this Sword.

The three Swordsman adds up, this muanluo sword, the only thing is quite happy, the sword is quite happy.

"The night of the night," The sword didn't have a double, "that" the sacredness can become the emperor, but I have no hatred with him, but today I obviously find him trouble, deliberately, he should guess him. It is concluded that someone invited me with some costs, so there is no accident, he should go to find everything, and it will soon find your body. "

"Die Xie Jian monarch reminded." The cold night nodded, she also guessed this, so she has decided, immediately left this ancient battlefield.

As long as I leave this ancient battlefield, even if I find out that she invites the sword, she is unparalleled, but the vast chaotic world is very vast, and I want to find her is not so easy.

The cold night, the emperor left, and the sword is unparalleled to return to the fire industry as soon as possible, and if the can find the cold night, whether the night God can survive, the sword is unparalleled, but it is too lazy to pay.

He is just a transaction with the cold night, and now the transaction is completed, and the follow-up thing has nothing to do with him.

There is no double city and the room is in the room.

The three blue stone monuments stand quietly, and the sword is unparalleled. Before staying in these three green stone monuments, carefully refer to the Xuanluo swords you have in this three sctonia.

The Xuanluo sword in the three sword monuments under the sanctuary of the sword, and the complete and strong swordsman appeared in the sword unparalleled mind.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled to close your eyes, and the whole god is always concentrating on this ancient Xuanluo sword.

Time passed, the sword is unparalleled in the sword unparalleled drilled.

On the way, he also went out once, leaving the fire community and this battlefield, went to the star.

Refinetize the star of the star of the star and then moved to the fire world.

Since then, the old nest of the Star is also placed in the green fire.

After completing, the sword is unparalleled to continue to turn off.

In this closed customs, I have passed one thousand eight hundred years.

This is more than eight hundred years, regardless of this ancient battlefield around, or the cool circle is quite calm.

The speed of growth in the fire industry is also very amazing, more and more genius have emerged, and even started from the world of the chaotic world.

However, this is calm, just on the surface, in the dark, but the wind is ridiculous.


In the vast chaotic world is the most dark place.

~~~ A large number of dark rivers are spread all over the world, this river is like Huangquan, these black river water, like Huangquan water.

Here, it is the old nest of Huangquan Palace.

The most central, the floating island, the floating island, stands at a tall tall tower.

Inside the tower, a darkness.

In this dark, there is a respectful and praise, I am dense, I hope that there are dozens of people. These ten people are wearing a black robe, and the breath is extremely strong, and it has been The big energy of God is above.

In the forefront of these black robes, a huge bin bronze sculpture stands there.

This bronze sculpture has a high height, with a bronze ghost mask with bronze ghosts, eight hands, eight hands holding a variety of weapons.

At this moment, the bronze sculpture is actually crazy.

The high body of thousands of feet is walking in tremor, shaking the mountain, and this huge tower is shaking.

I found this scene, and the lower part of the black robes under the lower part of the people were lower, and the atmosphere did not dare.

With tremor, the huge bronze sculpture began to slow down.

Just for a moment, this high bronze sculpture is completely complete for a buddhous skin of a bronze skin.

This burly man is a strong muscle, a face of the beard, the hair is also messy, and the body is faintly with a hint of stench, as if it is a living wild.

But that is, the appearance of this wild man, but the many black robes under the lower squad.

Next moment, everyone is the opening.

"Congratulations to the magic, the magic is coming!"

"Congratulations to the magic, the magic is coming!"

The sound is shocking, constantly echoing in this dark tower building.

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