Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2003 White Hair

"How many years have you been?"

"The strength of this monarch is completely recovered!"

"Hahaha ~~~"

The height through the two meters of the wild man sent a lucky laugh, the sound echoed in the tower, and fried in the ear of the black robe.

For a long time, the laughter is dead, this wild man is like the ice of the beast, and the one who is full of prior to those who have grown.

This person, it is a white robbery that it is more than the surroundings.

"How are you ready?" The wild man asked.

"Everything is already ready, just wait for the magic monarch to come to the earth." The white robe said.

"Very good." The wild man grinned and continued to ask: "What about two places? What are they prepared?"

"I don't know, but it should be almost the same." White Robe Human Road.

"Oh, in this case, what is waiting for, immediately send them, this is to see them." The wild man said.

"Yes." White robe nodded and quickly arranged.

After several days, a darkness of darkness.

This dark void, with the ancient chaotic world, is inconsistent, but it is not in ancient times, there is no relationship in the first era, and it is not entitled.

At the end of this dark void, a respect of the throne stands here.

The king is sitting on the wild man, respecting his side, respecting the white robe.

But at this moment, there is an existence of another two throne in addition to this wild man.

! ! !

A strange power started to condense, and immediately on the throne opposite the wild man, there was a white woman on the veil on the veil.

This white woman is covered with a veil, but from her body, there is no one who does not make people feel around.

If you take the veil, this white woman smiles, perhaps it can also cause a snapper.

"Cold as snow, I have seen the magician." The white woman appeared in front of the wild man in front of the field to respect.

Seeing the people, the wild man brow is a wrinkle, low and drink: "What is going on, where is the burning ghost, how to send a little bit of a little girl?"

"Incinered is in the most important stage, innocent slit, so let me come over." The white woman is cold as the snow.

"Hey, you can represent the burn old ghost? Can you represent the blood behind you?" The wild man didn't smile.

"Magic Master." The white robe next to the wild man is whispering: "Although this cold is not old, the means is very good, the blood is behind the secret after burning I have a four-point five cracked, just like a plate, but not long ago, this bloody door was united with the Thunder's means, and the blood of the blood is the snow, she is now a bloody door. "

"Oh?" The wild man is light, but still smiled: "Such a little girl can unify the blood, is because there is a full support of the burning old ghost? The eyes of the burning ghost I really don't really have, find a little girl, when the successor, I can't make the old ghost for so long, I am fascinated by this little girl? "

Although this wild man is joking, the speech is clearly disdainful.

But at this time, the white woman opposite him is cold, but suddenly raises his head, looks up at the moment, her eyebrows suddenly appear a special mark, her eyes become gray, do not straighten color.

There is also a black long hair, and it is instantly whitening at this moment, and the white hair is fluttering.

A unprecedented destruction of the breath spreads.

The destruction of the breath, which is completely different from the kind of breath that is destroyed to destroy the road.

This destruction is not from the power of heaven, but from the cold body.

"White hair is gray, the body of life, the place, the grass is not born!" The wild man is frowning, the face has also become more dignified.

He once again watched the cold, but it didn't look at it in a little desperate.

"I can't burn the old ghost to choose you. It turns out that you are the passage?" The wild man is low.

When he mentioned that, he was obviously flashing in a different color, and it was frustrated with a fear.

Obviously, what he said is extremely fearful.

"I respect the identity of the magician, but I hope that the magician people are talking, but they have to pay attention to their identity, otherwise ..." White haired is cold, that is a special light in the grayness. This is bright, and there is endless magic.

"Good guy, I have been awakened?" The wild man shared in the heart, and his tone became clear, "misunderstood, little girl, no, it is a cold door, don't misunderstand!"


Cold as a snow, the eyebrows have disappeared, and her white hair and gray are gradually recovering the black.

The destruction of the destruction of the destruction from her body is also slowly dissipated.

"Magic monarch, can we talk about it." Cold as snow.

"Of course." The man laughed and watched the cold as soon as soon as the snow was not desperate, but it was not afraid.

After all, it is no ancient.

If he saw the cold as a snow, he will absolutely fear.

But now, no one is limited, even if the one in the ancient war is enough to take the first five emperors, he is not afraid, and it is as cold, and he naturally does not need a scruple.

At this moment, on the last throne, a shadow was also slowly condensed.

This body is covered on a bloody, but it is a blood color, but it can't see his appearance. It is obvious that this person is just a body.

"Just waiting for you." The wild man grinned.

Cold, snow, also looked at the blood.

"Let's talk about it, we are ready to be premiered, just look at you." The bloody people show a pair of empty blood, sweeping the wild man and the snow.

"I have no problem with this side." Savage man said.

"My bloody door has also been prepared, the only thing is still lacking, it is necessary to burn respect for a while to wake up again." Cold as a snow.

"You are there, there is no burning ghost." The wild man laughed.

Cold as a snow, indifference, did not answer.

"Since it is already ready, then according to the previous plans, you can do it!"

"Good." The wild man is looking back.

They have waited for a long time for a long time.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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