Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2010 intrinsic

"This, is it the dark mill?"

The face of everyone has a shock.

Before they just saw this dark crushes from the mirror screen, they couldn't see all scenes in the mirror screen, and the volume of this dark crushes was significantly increased in the past ten years.

"This black dark mill is extremely amazing, and the power is constantly enhanced. We must destroy it in the fastest time." Tianchen old ancestors low.

"Don't delay, all of you are ready?" The Di Di's sword walked four people.

The sword is unparalleled, the Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor of the Toyan, the nine-level emperor, the four people face each other, and Zheng's main point.

See this, the white emperor is watching, and the spin is a transparent bead.

This transparent light contains a gray mystery, and it can also see a thunder to beat it.

"This is ..." The sword has no double look.

This transparent light beads have seen.

Breaking the beads!

Specially used to break the array or ban.

A long time ago, the sword was unparalleled in the green industry. He didn't go out. When he was fighting with the golden country, the fire industry was able to take a break of the bead.

However, the broken bead came out at the time, with the white emperor, and the power is too far away.

"This is a broken bead in ancient times, there is such a hierarchical break, even if it is a strong big array, it is enough to tear an mouth, but this mouth only continues in an instant. You have four challenges to break in. "Bai Emperor told him.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

The white emperor did his hand.

He drives this to the bamboo bamboo directly, and he will throw the arms against the surface of the huge dark mill.

Breathing the beads just appeared on the surface of the dark mill, the dark roller immediately had a kind of lug, which looked very amazing, and strong.

With the disabled beads exploded, the horror power broke out, crazy, torn everything, the heavy high-spirited port is also directly torn, and a gap sufficient to pass through.

"That is this time." Bai Emperor flashed.

"Walk!" The Jiu Hao is a low drink.

When I have prepared four people, I haven't hesitate to tear the gap toward that, and I haven't entered the gap in an instant.

And the four people have just passed, and this gap is immediately converged, disappearing.

"I'm going in."

Bai Emperor and others stood in the dark crushed void, and a look was extremely dignified.

They don't know what to have in the dark mill, and I don't know what the sword is unparalleled. But because I don't know, someone must have a first step, he explores.

"Hope, they can live out from this dark crushed circulation." Tianchen Laozu said.

"Not only need to be alive, the most important thing is to meet me, wait for this dark crushes, or wait ... Waiting for this dark mash to continue, we have to die in the morning and evening."

Other emperors around me have nodded.

They are very clear about the responsibility of the swords and four people.

It can be said that they are almost the key to the vast chaotic world from this crisis.

"They have a huge responsibility of four people, but I am waiting for the people outside the dark mill, the same is the same, there is no great idea." Bai Emperor Shen said.

"Yes." The gorses around them are cold.


Among the huge dark mills, the sword is unparalleled to enter the gap, but it is still within a huge array.

"Good guy, this big array is really cumbersome, not only with the outermost heavy powerful defense, even if there is a lot of prohibitions," nine emperors are ugly. "

", your use of time and space is the most good, and on the array of law, it is also the most good at all our four people. Hurry with our ban on this ban." Jiu Han Master.

"I tried my best." The Emperor of Wheel was unpaired.

She is in the forehead, and the nine holy owners, swords are unparalleled, and the three people are followed by her.

"The sword is unparalleled." The Jiu Han Lord suddenly saw the sword in the way, "I have had some hatred before, but this time is great, I hope you can be public and private, and this four teams Taking me, I hope you can listen to my instructions. "

"Reassured, as long as you don't count me on the way, or smash me to send it, I will naturally listen to you." The sword has no double cold channel.

"That's good." The Jiu Hao Lord deeply saw the sword and no one, nor did it repeat.

Just in the four people broke into the dark mill, when these banned coverage, the dark mill was in the depths of the dark mill.

In the dark, the three stars stand in the throne.

Cold as snow, wild man, there is also the bloody side of the blood.

In front of them, a black robe person respectfully.

"The three adults have found the position of the intruders through the big array, but their strength is extremely strong, but also has broken through the strongest obstacles, now there is some ban, but if you want to have some ban in front of them Kill them, and even stop, afraid of it. "The black robe said.

"If you kill it, you can't die, then you will send a strong man in the past?" The wild man hit.

"Yes, but when I arrive at the speed of us, when I arrived at us, they will already have the scope of the ban, which will really appear in the world, that is, I can't get it before they enter the boundary. Kill them. "The trekock man said.

Savage man sinks.

If you let those people really enter the boundary, many secrets in this world will be exposed.

"Forget it, it will be exposed until it is so late. After they have passed the ban, will it appear in the territory?" Asked the wild man.

"After the position of their position, it should appear near the Yinyi Shenfu."

"Yinyi God?" The blood saw it, "Since you can lock their position, immediately send the strong to the past, kill them with the fastest speed! It is best to get it yet. The specific information of this world, or it has not yet passed the information to kill them. "

"Ling Zong is near the silver wing god, told him to rush, there is he shot, don't want to escape! Hey, want to break the big array inside, thoroughly Destroy, idiots dream! "

"Yes." The black robe is lifted, and even if it is overloaded.

The sword is unparalleled. Several people of Jiu Han is not known at all, they have been stared by each other in the dark mill.


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