A volatile, clear sky, white cloud blossoming.

And in this empty, ~~~ The void is directly twisted, followed by the four stones to get rid of it.


"I finally came out."

The sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, the Emperor of Toy, the nine-level emperor is relaxing.

I have just been in the area where the ban is covered, it takes time to be vigilant, I don't dare to relax.

Until now, they finally gone from the banned area.

"Here is ..." The four people have a surrounding void.

Enter your eyes, a quiet and peaceful.

This is constantly rotating with the outside world, the dark mill, which is completely two things.

"Sure enough, there is a Qiankun." The sword is unimaced.

"Is this black niche in the territory of human cultivators?" Nine Territory frown.

"The dark crushed circulation is very incomparable, from it, it has already had a broad country, such a large area, and human cultivator is not surprising." Jiuhe Holy Master, "Go, let's go around Search. "

The sword is unparalleled.

Then four people searched around.

On the way, they also found that the temptation of their world, the cultivation environment is also very good, although it is impossible to compare with the current green fire industry, but it is slightly stronger than the top ten holy situations of the vital chaotic world. some.

However, how long, they really saw a city of human living.

The city is extremely huge, and the human cultivars owned during the period also countless.

The sword is unparalleled, standing in the void around this city, and four people have completely converge of their own breath.

"The glazed emperor concealed the way, which is really good, we use this way to hide the breath, even if an emperor has passed from the surrounding, we may not find us." The Emperor of Wheel said.

"Just just use it to hide the hidden body is good, but if you appear in front of the other side, you can see your realm." The nine emperor smiled.

"I am waiting for the three people. I am too conspicuous, the sword is unparalleled, the task of this soul is explored, I will give you it." The Jiu Han's main prince didn't look at it.

"No problem." The sword is unparalleled, and the moment of his soul is spread, only instantly covered the entire city in front of it.

Many cultural people in this city also appeared under the sword unparalleled eyelids.

"Oh?" The sword flashed in a strange color. "The quality level of the cultivator in this dark crusher is quite high. This city has a lot of cultivatters, almost all have reached the world, even I have a lot of real God, but the strongest is just a chaotic true God. "

"Chaos is true God? It's too weak. From the mouth, you can't get anything worthless. Let's find it around, this world of cultural practitioners are so high, that big can be sure, Let's find a way to find one. "Jiu Han House.

The sword is unparalleled.

Four people did not stay in this city, and immediately continued to search for the surroundings of this city.

Soon, the four people found the first energy in this dark crushed mill.

The big energy is just a god, and it is also in a city.

One tall tower.

A black robes are sitting there, and there is a bowl of wine in the hand, drinking it in the beautiful.

Suddenly ... !

A figure, no signs of signs in this black robes in middle age.

"Who?" "The middle age of the black robes was shocked and the moment was vigilant.

After he turned, he found a young man who was wearing a blood robe and his long sword looked at him.

"Some things, I want to ask you, I hope you can answer me truthfully." The sword smiled.

The middle-year color of the black robes changed, but when he was aware of the breath of the sword, the breath was only a slightly loose, but the completion became extremely cold, "Hey, Although I don't know why you are, but the way you ask this question, it's too much to hegemony? "

"Overbearing?" The sword is unparalleled, can't help but touch the nose, the next moment, bomb! ! !

A huge neighborhood, directly oppressed the middle age of the black robes in front of it.

This black robes have been invested in the sword and unparalleled intrudence, but now this will come to the black robe, but the black robe is changing.

His body is even thriving.

"This midney ... The middle of the chaotic boulder, at least the top of the interim of the chaotic border, even possibly the giant that has been across the peak of the chaotic border!"


The middle age of the black robes is very shocked, and the face is also revealed.

"Now, do you still say that I overbearing?" The sword smiled.

"Double dragon domain dominion will meet adults, what is the problem of adults, even if I ask, I know anything." The middle age of the black robes respect.

"Sure enough, this world is always the strength, in the world of the chaotic world, this is now the world's world, and it is true." The sword is unbeded, but immediately started carefully.

He asked, nature is something about this world.

In the face of his inquiry, the middle age of the black robe is that the Dragon Domain domain is also answering.

The sword is unparalleled to this world, and it has finally been aware of.

The world where he is now is indeed a big world, an incomparably, and there is no longer ancient world.

This big world is called the three imperial world!

As for why it is called three emperors, it is said that this world has appeared three powerful powers. These three strong people have been called three emperors, and they have been worshiping in this world countless strong, even Rumor, the three imperial circles are created by the three emperors.

However, as the years passed, the three emperors did not see the trace.

And this three militaries, the current pattern is also very clear, and its territory is divided into three different levels.

First of all, the bottom is the domain.

This domain can be explained as a piece of territor. In a domain, there is a large number of people, and there is a large number of cultivators, and each domain will have a recognized domain owner, this domain master, Almost all of the strong people in the sunshabitation are, which is the gods level of the ancient chaotic world.

Above the domain, for the god!

Rumor, there is a total of one thousand three hundred domains in the third emperor!

This thousand three hundred domains have formed an eighty-four gods. Every godman controls ten sectors, and every god, the existence of a house, this government is generally strong in the middle of the chaos Being equivalent, it is equivalent to the emperor of the ancient chaotic world!

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