Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2012 Yinyi House Lord!

On the god, it is a state!

The largest in the Trilutinology is the state!

One state occupies the seven gods, eighty four gods, will spend 12 states.

Everything in this twelve state has a supreme leader, according to the Star Star, the leader of the state is a giant that has reached the peak of the chaotic border.

"Twelve Leaders, Eighty Situ House, One Thousand Thousand Domain ..." The sword is unparalleled, it is secretly shocked.

And he wants to learn more information from this day, such as some of this world.

This world is a huge annihilate dark mill, definitely has a secret.

Unfortunately, this day is so much, for this three royalties, a domain owner in his district, and an ordinary chaotic boy is naturally un qualified.

"Which of the Dragon Domain belongs to, who is his owner? How can I find the owner?" The sword did not ask.

"Go back to the adult, my double dragon domain is under the Yinyi Shenfu ..." The star is immediately answered.

I know everything you need to know.

call out!

A sword is lighted, and the head of this starry is directly smashed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the star of the stars he asked is only the common sense of the three emperors. This day, the star is certainly skeptical or guess, and naturally can not leave.

The star is dead.


The three figures have appeared in the swords and unparalleled, nature is the three people of Jiu Han.

"The three just heard it?" The sword has no three people around.

The nine-Trin Holy Lord's three faces are extremely dignified.

"One thousand three hundred domains, every domain domain is the general god, which is already a thousand three hundred gods, the master of the eighty-four gods, that is the eighty-four gods Emperor, there is also the leader of the 12th state, which is equivalent to the twelve great !!! "The Emperor of the Wheel is not shocked," the strength of the strength, these three emperors, so strong! "

"It's really strong." I even toldly, "these domain owners, the owner, and even a state leader, it is only in a state, but can be such a big three imperial world, no Maybe all the strong people have served as the domain owner, the position of the owner, there is definitely there's a lot of strong people I don't know, this is all added, the strength is strong, I am afraid that I will not be weak than me. ! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the nine-level emperor is also crumpled.

These three royal borders are indeed strong enough, and they can be more and more likely to be compared with the ancient chaotic world. This is not very likely.

"There is a dark mill of destroyed everything. There is a high level of practice in the inside, and the strong people are so many three imperial boundaries, this ..." Four people are extremely ugly.

"No matter what to say, first tell the information here to the White Emperor. They will say." Jiu Han Han.

"Good." The nine emperor nodded.

After they entered these three emperors, they have been completely isolated from the outside world.

Whether it is a mess, or aware of the body, it is not possible to use.

But nine emperors, but can be separated from the soul, maintain contact with the Holy League, which is the reason why the nine emperor will appear in the four strong team.

The vital chaotic world, just a void around the dark mill, a palace standing, this palace is also holding the same speed as the dark mill.

Inside the palace, the soul of the nine emperor is sitting behind the end.

He entered the dark mill, everything you know in the third emperor, said it.

When he finished, the great powers of the surroundings, almost made a vision.

"Too too strong!"

The first open mouth of Red Dragon: "These domains we know now, the owner, and the 12th state leaders add up, and it is enough to fight with my Holy League in the power of energy. In addition, there is no power to serve these positions, the strength of this three millets is never added to the power of the chaos world. "

"If you add blood, the power of Huangquan Palace is hidden ..."

The people around them are silent.

This is silent, lasts for a moment, finally, the white emperor opened, "The three royal borders may be very strong, but it is still unable to determine. Does the strong in this three millet world will really run out of the chaotic world with me. Life and death, secondly, even if they are really tipped out, I will still be a battle, but now the most critical, or the dark mill! "

"The dark mill is not stopped, we are prepared, any means, even if it is strong, the strong is more, all are not used!"

Everyone is in the past.

Indeed, the dark mill is the key.

Only dark mills are completely destroyed, or stopped, and the chaotic world has a living.

As for the dark mill, the strong people in the three royal bordes are not their mainly payable.


The soul of the Baili Dynasty, I saw the soul of the nine emperor, "You tell you that, let him find a way to dig out the truly secret of the three milings, such a strong world, it is impossible to have a core secret, they have just asked The domain master, I am afraid that I just know the weakness, I don't qualify, I want to find a layer of layers, and I have to find a state leader, but also to dig the secrets of this world. come out!"

"Also, their speed must be as soon as possible, don't delay!"


The nine-level emperor is looking back.

And the soul of the Jiuzi Dijun is divided into the sword in the three emperors.

"Is a layer of layer to find?" The sword is unparalleled, "I have just got a place where the owner of the owner of the owner is, the government is the power of God, knows Things are sure more. "

"Well, I will find this Yuefu Lord." The Jiu Han Lord also agreed.

When the four people immediately started, according to the route given before that day, the place where the Silver Wing House was lived.

But they did not know, while they went to the Yinyuan owner, there was a void in the far away, and there were also several migratory places to live in the landlord of the bank.

That a few movements, the breath on the body is particularly amazing.

Especially one of the heights only one meter six, more short bald men, this bald man is short, but the body is extremely strong, his breath is the most stronger in these few people, and it is also the most amazing! !

And his name, called Ling Zong, his outer number, called the beast!


PS: Today is 5 more!

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