The Lord of the Yinyi, as one of the 84 Shenfu Preparators of the Hall of the Three Emperor, ruled a great territory.

"Where is the place where the Yinyi House is living?"

Above the void, the sword is unlimited to stand there, at the end of their sight, there is a building in the top of the top.

A large palace or the attic stands on that, and the top, there is a huge and wonderful manor.

According to the information you get from the Dragon domain, the owner is in this manor.

The power of the sword is unparalleled has also been induced by the existence of the owner of the silver wing.

", this surrounding time and space is given to you." Jiu Han Lord looked at the Emperor of the Wanli.

"Reassured, I will completely block the surrounding time and space, and ensure that this Yinfu Lord can't pass the information." The Emperor of the Wheel is self-confident.

She is the best at time and space, one to block the time and space, even if an ordinary emperor can't communicate in a short time, don't say that the Yinyuan Lord is just a god emperor.

"Oh, this Yuefu Lord is a big ." The sword is unliked, and it is interested in overlooking the manor.

"So, let's go to this Yuefu Lord." The Jiu Hao is cold.

Four people immediately poured.

At the moment, it is in front of the huge manor, one wearing a silver war armor, even the evil man who has a few points of silver rays, is looking over a group of people standing below, and a sharp sweep Open.

"Hey, Tian Xin dominant, good courage, did he do not know that the relationship between Murong family and this seat is not successful, and it turns out that the Murong family is bullied by the Su family?" This is a silver-war armor's sinister The owner is low, like a furious lion.

In the absence of the owner of the silver wing, it is a delicate girl. This girl is beautiful, and the body is a hot, it is definitely a demon, and there is also a charm voice, "the house, the owner, then The heart of the sky, can not only look at me Murong's home to be bullying, I heard that he also received a lot of benefits of Sujia, Sujia can be more than I Murong family, but much from this sky Lord. "

"Is there this?" The Yinyi House was anger, and wipes: "Give the heart of the heart, this seat gives him January, and he wants him to send Sujia's head to this seat. In front of him, if he can't do it, this seat is personally, you have to have his head !! "

"Yes." The people standing below are fearful, and they will leave quickly.

"Beauty, rest assured, there is this seat, this silver wings, no one dare to bully the head of your Murong family." The monk of the Yinfu is laughing, looking at the goblinating eyes full of hot.

"Thank you the host." The demon presence, the beautiful girl made a charm voice, and the spin is also giggling, but this laugh is just issued, but it is suddenly.

This demon, the beautiful girl is glaring, and the body is already soft.

Obviously, her consciousness has been annihilated.


When the Yinyi House was anger, a stunned qi joined with a pound of killing, and immediately swept it.


Four gods, aggregated in front of the Yinfang owner.

The owner of the Yinyi, who was originally also killed, when I saw the four people in front of him, but I killed my heart, but I was instant.

In the face of face, he can still see the breath of these four people.

Among these four people, in addition to a young man carrying the long sword is just outside the superaite, the other three, the breath of anyone has reached the point of this shudder.

"The giant of the peak of the chaotic border, the peak level!"

"And still three?"

The inner heart of the Yinyi host is also very angry, but immediately is the people who are immediately in front of him, and open the mouth: "Silver wings, meet three adults!"

He only gave a gift to the Jiu Hoshan, the Emperor, the nine-level emperor, and the sword was unparalleled.

"The Lord of the Yinfu, you are still not bad." The nine holy is very smile, but the eyes are all interested in the ground.

The body, nature is the beautiful girl.

This beautiful girl is the most favorite woman of the Yinyuan owner. This is the beautiful girl who is dead, and the murderous anger of the owner of the Yinyi Government can see.

But now, this Yinfu Lord is not a bit of temper, killing, anger is unfosit, some are just a fear, as if the person who just died, there is no relationship with him.

"I don't know how the three adults come, what is the command?" Yinyi House hosts.

"Ask you something, you answer." Jiu Han is cold.

"Early people inquiry." Yinyi government is very enthusiastic.

The nine holy mains, nature is also some of these three royalenies.

For example, some of these three royalties, some strong people or some secret practitioners don't know.

I can ask for a challenge, and the Yinyi host said, it is similar to that of the Shuanglong Domain Lord Tianxing.

"The Lord of the Yinfu, you are a god house, knowing things, can't just be these? For example, some hidden in this three imperial border, don't you know?" Jiu Hou's horses Tao.

Yinyi House is in the heart.

He saw a few people in the Shenghamer, and the giants of the three chaotic bodies in front of him should be a few leaders in 12 states. However, from the Jiu Han Lord, he asked him. The four people in front of the three imperial world seem quite unfamiliar.

One state leader, how can it be unfamiliar with the three emperors?

Why can you find some questions asking him.

There is no doubt that in front of these people are universal.

Although the heart is shocking, the Lord of the Yinyi House still does not move the look: "The adults said, I am just one of the people of the gods, and I know the most core secrets of the three emperors. In addition, I know some Things, what is more than the three adults know more? "

I heard the words, the sword did not look at it, and they were a smile.

"The Lord of the Yinfu, you will say it, it seems that this seat has to use some means, you are willing to tell the truth." Jiu Han is cold and smirk.

"Means?" The main color of the Yinyi House suddenly changed.

The nine holy owners have become cold, and he is dark, and the time covers the entire manor.

The big estate is in the end of endless darkness, and in this no darkness, the nine holy owner is dominated.


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