There is no darkness in this.

In the nine holy main visit, Li Mang was turned, and immediately had a dark storm to cover up to the silver wing government.

The Jiu Han Lord has begun to use his way, to ask this Yuefu Lord, and the sword is quietly looked quietly around.

However, in the sword unparalleled four people in this manor, the void is not far from the manor, and the six figures are already at the same time.

These six people, four men and two women, which are headed by one meter only one meter, but extremely strong bald men.

"The time and space in front has been completely blocked, and I can't tell me personally. This silver wing owner has not responded." A black old man said.

This black dress is the leader of the state of the Yinyi Shenfu.

"It seems that our speed is still slow, I want to arrange the trap in advance, I can only shoot, I will kill them." A red robe old woman is cold, and I will look around, "the four people Information, have you seen it? "

"Of course." The next few people, except for the first schurious bald man, nodded.

"The four people are the strongest strength, as for the other three strengths, and one of them is just a chaotic border, with our lineup, to kill them, should not Difficult. "Red Robe Old Women's Human Lane.

"Don't look at the beginning of the chaotic border."

The slightly hoarse voice sounded, but the head of the head is the head of the head. At this moment, his mouth also has a smile, Shen Sheng: "According to the information we get, this is called the prime monarch It is really war, but it is not better than the general chaotic peak giant. It can fight the peak of the sustain in the early days of the chaotic boy, which can be resistant, but I have been there. "

The bald man's words, it also nodes around five people.

For the sword monarch, they did not underestimate.

And if you let the swords have not heard their conversation, they will be surprised.

Because of these people, don't just know a total of a few people break into these three imenters, I don't know who these people are?

And I have already got the information information of them.

You must know that the sword has no double four strong teams into the dark mill, this matter can only know the highest level of the Shengshi.

But now, those people behind the dark mill are obviously known, and they know very detailed.

"Okay, don't delay, don't do it, I will arrange a major array around, let them escape, but they have a person who is extremely good at time and space, if she gives her some time, she should be from my big array When you escape, so you speed up, don't drag it. "The old woman of the red robe.

"Well." There are several people around them.

"You first shot first, let me see." Only the bald man is a sir.

See this, these five people have nothing to say.


Five body shape, simultaneous movement.

Within the wonderful manor, the Yinyi House is frightened, and the stations are there, and the eyes are faintly caught.

Although he is the interim of the chaotic border, it is the power of the emperor, but one person is in the face of the four great strengths, especially some of the wonderful means of the Jiu Hao, and has not supported him. Everything, it is over.

From the mouth of this silver wing government, the sword is unparalleled. They also finally got an important information.

It is, the existence of the emperor! !

The three emperors, the territory of the territory, 12th states, eighty four gods, one thousand three hundred domains.

This is well known, but in fact, this three royalties are really at the top of the pyramid, not the spirit of the 12 states, but the emperor!

The emperor is the truly controller of the three emperors, which is equivalent to the emperor of the ordinary kingdom.

However, this troops have been hidden in the dark and are not exposed to the way.

And in the third emperor, only the top of this world is in the existence of the Di Dynasty.

Like the 12th state leader, the eighty-four Shenfu, the owner, is known to know the emperor, but only a thousand three-domain domain is only a very few top power, and it is qualified to know.

The double dragon domain owner found before the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is more general, so it is not qualified to know the existence of the Esmanship.

"According to this Yuezhong owner, the Tachip has controlled everything in the third imperial world, like the 84th Goddess, and a thousand three hundred domain owners must pass the emperor consent. As for the 12th state leader, although it is the power of the emperor, they also have to listen to the emperor's instructions. "

"That is, the emperor is the real core of this world. I will wait for the truly secret of this world, find the core of the dark mill, so you must pass this emperor." Main road.

"Where is the location of the emperor, how is it going to enter the emperor?" The sword was unparalleled at the owner of the Yinyuan, asked.

The silver wing government is naturally answered.

From his answered, the sword was unbeaten and four people also knew that the location of this emperor, and some of the emperor, the bottom of the bottom.

"I know, I already know, this silver wing government is useless, even if I ask again, I am afraid I can't ask anything." The sword has no double.

The Jiu Han Lord nodded slightly, and the endless darkness immediately formed a giant hand to cover the Yinfu owner, instant Kung Fu, this Yinfu owner is already killed.

After all, the sword is unparalleled and four people are ready to go.

Suddenly ...

"Not good." The emperor of the fire is changing. "Someone broke into the time and space of I blocked, it is the emperor, but not only one!"

The sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, the nine-level emperor is also a shock.

"I am found so soon?" Jiu Han's master looks sink.

"It is really fast enough." The sword has no pair.

They previously entered these three royal bords before passing through the dark mills, and the big array around the dark mill was controlled, and it is bound to know that someone broke into.

And you should also know that the rival orientation they are, and immediately dispatch to kill them. They are also normal.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled. They have never thought of that the other party will actually be so fast.

They didn't just entered the three imperial bords, they just got some useful confidence, knew the existence of Ni Dynasty, and killing them for convenience of organizing a group of strong people.

This speed follows the efficiency ...

"Walk, let's go out!"

The Jiu Han Lord is low, and the sword is unparalleled, and there are all from the manor, and appear above the void.

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