Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2015 Hong Yinjian's collision

When I appeared in the void, the sword was unparalleled immediately noticed the five people in front of the front.

"Five Emperories? No, is six, and one is behind?" The sword did not have a double.

Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor of the Toyan, the nine emperor, the gods, also become extremely ugly.

They have learned that the strong in these three royal borders is very much, and the light is known, there are twelve.

But now it seems that the big strong in the three emperors is not limited, otherwise it is impossible to send six great emperors to this in such a short period of time.


A fairy golden rays suddenly rose from the surrounding void, completely covered around the world.

"Worse, these people have been prepared, this big array is not usually, even if I have all the best, I have to break this big burst, and these people are afraid to give us Go to the opportunity to bombard the big array. "The nine emperor is cold.

", do you have a way?" The Jiu Hao is the Emperor of Thalo.

The Emperor of Tale, good at the use of time and space, is to use them to leave with the purpose of time and space.

"Yes, but take a period of time to prepare." The Emperor of Wanluo directly.

"So, then I can only fight with them first." Jiu Han House.

The sword is not blessed, staring at the six people in front of the six people, but the five people in front of the six people are still good, but the last side of the beast is like a beast-like bald man, but it gives him a great pressure, but that The bald man does not seem to have the first time to do it. Now it is just the five emperors who kills them.

These five great emperors also kill the sky, staring at the sword.

While attacking, they also locked the goals.

Like the strongest Jiu Hao San Lord, we will join hands by the two emperories, and the left is left.

"Ziyi, the sword monarch, I will give you." The old woman of the red robe.

"No problem." Named Ziyi is a young man, a purple violet, staring at the sword with the smile of evil, "I heard that this Sword Monarch is best at one of the means." It is Hong Yu Jinjian, huh, huh ... "

The two sides camp, the strong people in the nine emperors, turned in a moment.

As a hand, the horrible power is swept in all directions, and the heavens and the earth are moving.


The sword is unbolded, and the hands are holding the blood and sword at the same time. When he is about to meet the purple hair, he is directly swinging directly.

The sword is sweeping, it's ~~~ A sword river appears in the sky, and it is very popular.

"The sword is good." The purple hair is smiling, but it is the same sword.

This sword, leaving a monster purple ray in the void, like a curved purple moon.


A low impact sounded, the purple purple man was shocked by the first time.

Obviously, in the power of power, the sword is unparalleled to occupy an absolute advantage.

The sword is unparalleled in the middle, just in the purple man, the man burst, ! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Five out.

Five-handed Hongyu Jinjian, each hand has burst out the speed of terror and the thrill, and kills the purple hair.

See this, the purple hammere man is stunning, and it is close to him, and there is also a golden light, and there is six in the face.

The six golden light is similar to the six golden light, and the lightning-like hole wears voids.

At that speed, five golden lights that were more than the sword were not very fast.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! ~~~

A fierce impact sound was loud, the sword was unparalleled with the five-handed Hong Kong King sword and the opposite side of the six golden light crashed.

But in this collision, his five-handed Hongyu Golden Sword is actually in the absolute lower air.

"That is ..." The sword was unbreaking, he stared at the six golden light of the purple purple man manipulated.

In the six golden light, it is also a six-handed gold sword.

"Hong Yu Jinjian? Do you have it?" The sword was unparalleled.

His Hongyin Jinjian is that he is from ancient powerful dragon seven, and the other party gave him during the eighth chambers.

From Golden Jacity to now, this Hong Kong Jincian gave him a great help and one of his most important means.

But at this moment, in front of him, this strongman from the three imperial borders in front of him, and he also drived Hong Yin Jinjian, and he drove his foot six handles, even at speed and even power, it was more than him. Hong Yin Jinjian has to be strong.

If it is just fast, he can understand.

After all, this purple purple man is a genuine big emperor. The feelings of time and space must have reached the ninth floor of the Taoizhi, which is much higher than him, and the speed of driving Hong Yinjin is of course faster than him. Can be on ... The strength of the sword is much better than the general emperor, but he just said with the purple hazelnut man, and it has also been determined that the other party is not as good as his strength.

Can both drive the Hong Kong Golden Sword Collision, but the Golden Sword is on him?

"Is it ..." The sword is unparalleled, and it has already thought of a possibility.

"I heard that the sword monarch, you are also good at Hong Yin Jinjian, I am still looking forward to it. I haven't thought that you just simulate the Hong Kong Sword, and it can only manipulate the five handles, so I am disappointed. "The purple hammered man took a travelery.

"Sure enough." The sword is unparalleled, but it is a moment.

He guess that this purple purple man driven Hong Yinji is a genuine goods! !

And the Hongyu Golden Sword you drive is imitation.

The imitation of Hong Kong Jacques, the power is naturally more than the true Hong Kong sword, it is far away.

This leads that this purple purple man's strength is not as good as the sword, but the driver Hong Yinjian has collided with the sword, but the power is more stronger than the sword.

"The imitation of Hong Yinjian is extremely strong, it is very strong, if you can get true Hong Kong sword ..." The sword flashed in the sky, but soon he was suppressed by him.

He knows that he is now not to kill each other, grab the top of the other party, and four people can leave here all the problems.

"Sword monarch, die!"

Zifa purple man burst into the montery of the montery, he was like a ghost, it has already opened the distance with the sword, but it is only fully drove the six-handed Hong Yinjian crazy, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled. I have adopted it, although Hong Yin Jinjian's collision is not as good as the other party, but with him to smother, it can easily deal with the impact of the other gold sword.

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