Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2016 is handed over to me

While the sword is unparalleled with the purple violet, the surrounding Jiu Haozheng, the Emperor, the Emperor, the Jiudi Ji Jun, also stood with his opponent.

And there is no exception to an absolute lower air.

In particular, the Emperor of the Tale, she faced the old woman, the latter used a scarlet spear, and the bloody breath is full of the big world, and the Emperor of the fire is not her opponent. In the trip to the battle, the Emperor of the Toyan has to divide a lot of energy to create an escape, nature is more wolf.

At this time, the name of the beast-like light is still standing in the rear, and finally did it.


His pace moves, it is already a fierce breath that is already awkward. At this moment, it is actually a sudden increase in violence!

This horrible fierce breath is a hair, and the sword has no double-faced.

"This person!" The sword was unparalleled to see the head of this bald man.

He can feel the incomparable pressure from this bald man. This pressure is large, in addition to the white emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor Chaos World, no one is better than he, like Red Dragon, Jiu Holy Lord These two are ranked second with the third strong in the Tiandi Supreme Plan, and there is no huge pressure to sword unparalleled.

There is no doubt that this bald man's strength is very terrible.

And he flipped, but it was the first time to go to the nine emperor of his nearest.


The light flashes, this bald man has already appeared on the nine-level emperor, and he hit the war in his hand.

"Nine, be careful !!!" The sword didn't have a double-play.

"What?" "The nine emperor is bigger.

He is not strong in the power of the Emperor, and it is relatively weak, and the person who is handed over with him. According to him, he is estimated that the war should not be weak in the glazed emperor, he is in hand with the other party, this is in the absolute slight, in this When the head man suddenly killed.


A ax, abrupt.

This ax, black paint, no sound.

But this is such an ax, but it contains endless destruction.

The sword is unparalleled to stare at the bald man, and the ax is clearly seen.

Seeing this ax, swords are unparalleled as if they see the endless territor, and the endless life is annihilated, and the smoke disappears.

This ax, the representative is destroyed.

The ax is coming, although the nine-level emperor is very shocked, but still barely waves the stone stick, and blocks the front of this ax.

A loud noise in the hands of the nine-level emperors, the stone sticks in the hands of the nine emperors have been flying directly, and the ax is still impacting directly in the nine emperor.


The nine-level emperor immediately spurted a blood, the whole man's face was too pale, and the body shape directly down.

Single ax, the nine emperor of the Emperor's level is hitting instantly.


However, it is like a beast-like bald man, but it is another step, and the black lacquered Tatrack in his hand is once again swaying.

It is still enough to destroy everything, containing endless advantage.

The nine-level emperor is uncontrolled, and his gods have been shocked. When the Wax is once again, he has no power to resist.

However, when the nine-level emperor is about to be overwhelmed by the giant ax.


The shape of the sword is unparalleled, but it has appeared in front of the nine emperor.

The battlefield of the sword is unparalleled with the nine-level emperor is the recent, and with the nine master, the Emperor of the Saint Wan, the two great emperors are pressed by the opponent, it is difficult to make hands, but the sword is unparalleled enough to be calm His opponent, so he immediately moved at the same time that the nine emperor was dangerous.

Although the first ax, he could not shoot.

But now this second ax is coming, but the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is squatting.

"court death!"

That's like a beast-like bald man, and the war in the hands of the war will rise again.


The sword is also sinking directly, but he has no vomiting blood, and it will stop the body.

"Do you stop?" The head man was surprised.

"Nine" emperor, quickly escape! "

After the sword has no double, it is directly emitted, and his body shape is also reversed behind.

The nine emperor can certainly do not dare to have any hesitation.

In addition, the Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor of Warro also burst this moment.

Four people have obviously have lost their war.

No way, if it is only the five emperors, they still barely cope, but as there is like a beast-like bald man ...

This bald man is too strong. When a ax will seriously hurt the nine emperor, and if the sword is unparalleled, the nine emperor is afraid to kill the second ax of the bald man, so the battle is added to the battlefield. It is not four people who can resist them.

However, they want to escape, which can be covered in the surrounding void, but it is a big problem.

", is you still not good?" Jiu Haozheng asked.

"It has been connected to the external time and space, but it is necessary to arrange a time and space channel, and it takes some time.

"How long does it take?" The sword walked over.

"Ten breathing, minimum ten breathing !!! And this still hinders me, I can arrange it, but I have just handed over with the emperor, I didn't have time to lay at all." . "

Ten breathing, if it is very short, but the strength reaches this level, ten breathing is enough to kill a long time.

The sword is unparalleled to see the six emperors after the heart, and the eyes are immediately condensed.

There are surrounding big arrays, they escape, the only chance, it is to let the Emperor of the Talemade come out.

The sword has a decision.

"Jiu Han Lord, the nine-level emperor, you have two full efforts to lay out the time and space channel, as for these six emperories, handed it to me !!!"

The voice fell, but the sword was unparalleled, but the body was moving toward the six great hair.


"Sword is unparalleled, you?"

The Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor of Tale, and the nine emperor is a glimpse.

If they do their three people, they will be arrested, and the sword is unseen from one person to stop the six emperories?

How can this stop?

"Do you want to use a stars?" Jiu Hao is coming.

In their view, the sword is unparalleled, only the base of the star secrets, the strength is the strength to face the six emperor, but the sword is a unparalleled star secret, not only for himself is a base card, but this The strong team is also a huge base card.

Now they just entered these three imperial bords, is it to use this card?


PS: Today, four more normal updates.

In addition, under the notice, tomorrow will begin to break out, and this broke out is different from the past, this time there is no conservation, it is impossible to update the ten chapters or twenty chapters one day, so the number of updates will not be too much daily, the top three The chapter is around, but I will try to last few days. I hope everyone can support it!

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