Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2019 Terrible Sword Musou

Booming ~~~ mainland comes.

"Be careful!" The six emperors were quite dignified.

"Look at me." That is like a beast-like bald man, a fierce step, in the moment of him, his body began to change, originally normal human appearance, in an instant, it is in order to A live wild beast.

This beast is very incomparable, and there is also a human palm, holding a black war horse.

I am going to sway directly.

Like a lightning, you have swayed.


The descendant mainland is actually broken by this ax, a lot of power to the power of the ocean, and flooded from the past, flooding a world.

This scene, was seen in the eyes by the sword, and immediately did not help but praise a sentence, "amazing !!"

But after admiration, he waved, the landscape world on the sky, converged into a pair of picture to fall into his hand.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is also the end of the endless power of the ocean, suddenly exploding.


The sword has no doubles.

The Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor of the Tale, the nine emperor is naturally not hesitating. When you drill into that time and space, the sword is not double.

After the four people did not enter the time and space, the air passage did not disappear.

This film is still in the void covered by the golden large array, and the dramatic ocean finally dissipated.

Six emperors stood in parallel, but they were extremely ugly.

"I have waited for six chaotic bodies to join hands, and even Ling Zong Mr. Ling Zong personally shot, and the result can't stay the four people?"

"Don't say that you will leave four people, even one of them has not left!"

"The key is the sword monarch, he ... it is terrible !!" A great couldn't help.

"Scary?" Several other emperors have also silentened.

Indeed, it is indeed terrible.

Perhaps the strength of the strength, of course, anyone can fight against the sword, and even more than the sword is unparalleled, the wild bald man Ling Zong can easily crush him, but crushing Pressing, but it doesn't really kill him.

The sword is unparalleled, the body of the body is too horrible.

One person, under their six emperories, supported eight breathing time, and the result was non-destructive?

What is this concept?

And this terrible is just one, and the second is the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

At that criticism, you can also cutly arrange the means to make a good return for yourself, and he will put a look at the way.

"The scary skill is strong, just like the monster who can't die, and the mind is like a demon. Such people ..." The old woman took a deep breath, "I have to hurry the things happened here. There is also this sword monarch, how can I say, let a few people recognize this sword unparalleled terrible, then take him out, otherwise, he will inevitably become our hearts. "

Several other emperors nodded.

In these big emperors, that is like a bald man in the wild beast, it is the murderer in the wild, "Sword Monarch, sword is unparalleled ... Your name, I record, and morning and evening You will die in me, I will definitely kill you !!! "


In the darkness of the dark, cold is like snow, a savage man, and there is a bloody blood to sit there.

"Six chaotic bodies are peak, deal with the four great emperors of the Holy League. As a result, he watched the four people left, oh, what is the Ling Zong to eat?" The wild man made efforts, There is also a hint of anger.

"This matter can not be full of them, first of all this time we act too rushed, only the six emperor's combat power, and then the information about our intelligence is wrong." The blood said.

"The information is incapable? Is it not the four people in the third imperial world, or said that the strength of them is not the same as our information?" The wild man frowned.

"The strength of the four people has a certain error." Of course, the Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor, the nine-level emperor, the three people said, the only sword monarch sword Unparalleled, he is much more powerful than we think. "

The blood of the blood is about to tell the content of Ling Zong and others.

"Six chaotic bodies, including Ling Zong personally shot, glimpse the sword without double foot 8 breathing time, there is no hurting him? How is it possible?" When a savage man knew this news, it was shocked.

"Although it is very incredible, the Ling Zong people do not lie to me, so the truth is this." Blood.

"The stem of the somewhere of this sword monarch is actually on this part." The man murmured.

At this time, the cold is almost open, "Maybe not because his gods are strong, but other reasons, after all, this sword is unparalleled is reversible, and the rebellion is back to the sky, with ordinary cultivation It is completely different. He has now broken through the seventh step of the reverse repair, maybe he has a new special ability. "

"Reversal? What is reverse? I have never heard of it." The wild man dismissed.

"Don't be refurbished, although this reversal began to appear in the first era, not existed in ancient times, but this cultivator, it is really terrible, like now, the big chaotic world is recognized, he is one Reversal, and his strength, huh, huh, say a few sentences, I am afraid that it is a magic man, I am afraid that it is not his opponent. "Cold as a laughter.

"This is not his opponent? Shantou, are you talking about it?" The wild man was cold, and I saw it in the cold.

Task, he is from the top power of the ancient times. Although it is not standing on the top of the pyramid, he is also a first-class power. Although it is limited to the heavens and the earth, it is not a peak power, but it is not Is there a comparison from the Baichai from the first era?

"I am not laughing, but there is a fact." Cold as the snow smiled: "The magic monarch, you also know that my bloody gates have been closed these years, but you know, why he has been Closing, never come out now? "

"Why?" The wild man came over.

"That is because many years ago, I biased myself with this white emperor, and the result was seriously injured by this white emperor. After returning, he closed it." Cold like a snow.

"What? The burning ghost was seriously injured by the white emperor?" The wild man suddenly shocked, and immediately asked, "What about the white emperor?"

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