"The Di Di is intact." Cold like a snow.

"How?" The wild man is incredible.

The blood of the bloody door was birned, as with him, from the ancient times, the strength is similar to him.

The burning is turned into a serious injury by the white emperor, and the closed customs have been so many years, the strength of the white emperor ...

"Before the burning, before the closure, he said that in this era of huge restrictions in this world, the white emperor is invincible unless it is in ancient war, it is enough to take the top ten super existence, maybe there is Qualification with the Battle of the Emperor. "Cold as snow.

Upon hearing this, the wild man is not striding up.

The top ten super existence on the ancient war?

The existence, even if he needs to look up.

The Emperor I appeared before, I was enough to make him a strong competition in ancient times, and now I am a big restriction in this world. He is not too afraid to the emperor.

"The reason why Bai Emperor is so strong is because he is the relationship of reversal, and the sword monarch is also reversible, and it is natural and extraordinary.

"Hey, no matter how this sword monarch has gone, since he has already entered the three emperors, then he will never let him leave, this time, this time, it is unfortunately, but nothing is important, it can't be used How long they will appear again, and if there is a chance to kill them. "The blood of the blood.

The savage man is looking backlit.

It's cold, so silent, there is no more words, but her is full of singular luster.

"The sword is unparalleled ..." Cold, the snow is also gently told.


The three emperors, a empty void.


The void is distorted, and a time and space has emerged, and from this time and space passage, the four people are across.

These four people are naturally swords, and they are four people.

After coming to this void, the four talents were finally tone.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The Jiu Han Lord, the Emperor of the Toyan, the three people, the three people, who are in the sword, have been seen.

They have a shock, and admiration, and gratitude, even if there is a large private hateger with swords, this is the same, the sword is unparalleled, and the same is true.

They are very clear, this time, if the sword is unparalleled, the three people can escape, and they are not necessarily.

"The sword is unparalleled, are you really nothing?" Muro couldn't help but ask.

You know, just the sword is unparalleled, but the six emperor have kill eight breathing!

Such a long time, change they have been killed, and the sword is unparalleled ...

"Reassure, there is nothing wrong." The sword is a smile.

He is also the fact that his body is indeed a big problem, just a loss of some power.

The six emperor's offensive is indeed strong, especially the bald man with the wild beast, his ax is too strong, and is in the sword, there is a lot of weakness, even if the five treasure tact is very weak, Let him hit the body.

However, there is a perfect chaotic body, and the body will be restored, so it can be repaired in an instant, so he has been intact.

But in fact, just the fierce battle, it is not easy for him, because he is consumed, it has exceeded 30%, close to 40%, and it is already equivalent to him to restructure a lot of gods, but fortunately That glimmer only continues to continue to take eight breathing, if it is dragging more ...

Top more than twenty breathing time, his power is exhausted, no power, his body can not recover now.

"Finally, it is still some of the body of the body. Although I have already had a treasure of the native of the five treasures, my own body is secret, but the too ancient deficiency is ..." The sword has no double.

The ancient deficiency is the secret of the ancient people.

Once he can refine into the first volume, the body will greatly improve, and then face a murdere of such a, even if it is attacked, it will be small, and the power consumed naturally, there is a lot less, and the life is Ability will increase great!

Unfortunately, this secret, he is still slightly different.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The low voice sounded, but the words were the nine holy owners.

The sword has also seen the Nine Holy Lord. He can see that the latter is quite complicated.

The Jiu Hao Lord is a great private hatred with him.

"I never owe everyone, today you have a grace, then from today, no matter what will happen in the chaotic world, I will never take the initiative to find you." Jiujing The main sketch.

"Oh?" The sword was unpaired, and the spin was also slightly nodded.

He has no good feelings about the Jiu Holy Lord, and he is still a hatred. However, this hatred is not too big. After all, the Jiu Han Lord has not given him substantive harm.

Now, both of them are in a strong team, and they can say that the two are tied to a rope, and naturally help together.

"Just experienced the war, let's find a place to recover." The sword has no double.

The three holy owners also nodded.

Just a battle, the Jiu Han Lord is still good, but the nine emperor is hit hard, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is, of course, it takes a certain time to repair.

We immediately found a place to recover from the four people.

The nine-level emperor has also conducted things happening here, informing the white emperor and the top of the Shengshi.

When I learned that the Sword Milies were attacked by the six emperors of the other side, the great emperors of the Holy Leagant mentioned her heart, but later, they knew that the four people were relieved, and the crowds were relaxed.

At the same time, they can be resistant to the sword unparalleled, and they also shocked and admired.

The time that is full of six emperors, it can be dying, this can be resistant, in the Holy League, in addition to the white emperor, I am afraid that no one can do.

And now they also know why Bai Emperor will let the sword have joined this strong squad, it seems that he is not only because his realm is low, the reason for acting is better, and his special 'beat', or ' The ability to kill can't die, is very large to the strong team.

Like this time, with the poorer of the sword, these four strong teams are in danger.

"I nine, telling Jiu Gu with swords, waiting for you to recover, you will hurry to go to the emperor, and the secret of the secret, the secret of the dark mill should be controlled, and even the dark mill, and surrounding Method, it is very likely to be within the emperor. "Bai Emperor said.

"Yes." The nine emperor Junzhong mainly.


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