Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2023 Pub Storm

"Unfortunately, I have been forced to ask the silver wing government too much, and I haven't figured out what special conditions needed to enter the holy peak.

"Nothing, find someone to ask." The sword is unparalleled is a smile, and his eyes have seen a pub for the front.

Almost all in any city is there, it is the same as this emperor.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is already going to the pub.

In the pub, the sword is unparalleled to sit down next to a table, and no matter what others' existence, drink directly: "It's a gasping."

"Adults!" A black waiter at the Pub hurried to the sword without double, this black waiter is also a chaotic true God.

"Give Laozi to take out your best wine." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." This black servant waved, a pot of wine has appeared on the sword unparalleled table, "Adults are slow to use."

After finishing, this black waiter intends to turn around.

"Don't worry, I still want to ask you." The sword called this black waiter.

"Early people have something to tell." The black waiter is extremely humble. He also saw that the sword in front of him is a strong man, which is naturally not he can provoke.

"Laozi is the first time to come to this emperor. I heard that this emperor has a peak. It is a cultivation of the holy place. Laozi wants to play, I don't know what conditions do you need?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Is this?" This black servant browed, reverent: "Adults, there are two ways to enter the emperor, first, the strength reaches a certain degree, becoming the deacon of the emperor, but this emperor Pavilion is generally served by the strong in the middle of the chaotic bid, and is also the strong in the middle of the chaotic bid. "

"Say the second one." The sword was unparalleled.

His current identity is just an initial period of an ordinary chaotic state.

"The second way is relatively simple. This imperial city will carry out a qualifying battle, and there are two levels of qualifying, and one is the chaotic real god, and the other is like adults. The initial level of the chaotic border, no matter who it is, as long as the top five areas can be obtained in the ranking battle, they are eligible to enter the emperor to cultivate. As for how long, I have to look at this person in the emperor. The manifestation is. "

"Like some talented genius, you can have been cultivating in Emperor, and when they leave, they must have joined the Triaces, becoming the top power in the emperor." Black sergeant said.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

This second pathway is a great feasibility to him.

"Laozi asked you, the next ranking of the Emperor, how long does it take?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Fast, the end of the last ranking battle has passed for ninety-five years, there is still five years, the next qualifying battle begins." Black servant replied.

"Five years?" The sword was unparalleled secret.

If it is not long after the ranking, it is necessary to open it again for nearly a hundred years. He must not wait for it.

But only five years, he still ress.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, but it is directly grabbed the collar of the black sergeant, and gets into his ear, "Xiaozi, Laozi gave you a benefit, this is a lot of cultivation resources in this Qiankun You, you have to arrange everything for Laozi, and I have to participate in that qualifying after five years! "

"Yes, thank you very much." This black servant took the Qiankun and suddenly watched, even respecting his head, then asked again: "Dare to ask adults?"

"Laozi called the beast, the beast of the beast!" The sword did not book, and his voice echoed throughout the pub.

There are also many other cultural people in the pub, and I heard the sword is not roar, many people are frowned, but most will not pay attention.

But next to one of the tables, a green girl is a smile, "Where is the beast? The name is called such a name?"

On the opposite side of the green girl, a son wearing a white robe, Yushu Linfeng, also laughed: "It should be ran out from those remote corners, and he didn't see the world, even enter the Emperor I don't know anything. "

These two people talk freely, although the sound is low, but they can't hear it with the strength of the sword.

I saw the sword without double immediately showed a fierce look, directly in the past, "What are you doing two dogs, what do you say?"

Dragonfly, there is also the green girl's face.

The dog is raising, but this is awkward to their elders.

"Is the beast?" The son has standed up, and he is in the eyes of the evil spirits. "In the Xiazhou Linjia, Lin Tianyi, this is my brother, from the pass Zhangzhou Situ family, what you just said ... If you now immediately like our hoe, I can do it in the past, otherwise ... "

"Otherwise, what is it?" The sword is unpacking, smile is like a blade, "" What dog farter, the Situ, the old man did not heard, don't take these so-called families to scare the Laozi, in front of Laozi, These family fits are not. "

"It's so biliary, in this case, don't blame it." The voice fell, but he saw that this biazen looks of Lin Tianyi's body has been illusion.

Just in this pub, this Lin Tianyi actually did it.


Lin Tianyi's breath rolled, and it was also a strong in the chaos level. It is also only the early days of the chaotic border, but his breath is thick, and the power is pure, which is much better than the general chaotic boy.

While his body is moving, his right hand is already in charge, Jin Heph, directly shot, and the power is out of the moment.

"Haha, good!"

The sword is unparalleled, it is not afraid, and it is a fierce fierce.

This punch, swords are unlikely to be deliberately retained strength, but in this way, the power of this punch is also good to treat the general top God.


The two collides and produce low bombs.

But because this is a pub, and it is in the emperor relationship. The two people have great control over the power. They have never let the power of the Shenli will come to come, but they have never destroyed this pub, even at the table. There is no damage to the chair.


Lin Tianyi is cold, but the palm is awkward.

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