Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2024, make a full set

Lin Tianyi has been completely red, and it is connected.

Obviously, the power can be controlled, so that the power is not yet, and the power of the palm is still stronger.

The feeling of worsening swords, as if a volcano has erupted.

"Haha, it means a bit."

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole set of hands is also covered with a lamina, but the next moment, a unprecedented violent breath is spread out of the sword.

"The Beastmaster God, the first style!"


There is a huge animal sound, and the sword has no huge beast vain after the sword.

And his fist is also carrying the power of thunder, once again exploding.

Since it is necessary to disguise a good man who is good at punching, and the branky man, the sword is unparalleled, and there is also a bureaucratively joined some boxing.

He walked for so many years in the vast chaotic world, and there were many kinds of secrets, and there were a lot of boxing, and the sword was unparalleled. It was a good energy, and the secret of his violence was, this is this beast. Emperor's punch.

This boxing method, but there are a lot of two seventens.

"Second style!"

"Third style!"

A boxing of a punch, constantly playing, each punch, stunned, but it is still easy to turn the space easily.

The sword is unparalleled, this quite horizontal fistband and that Lin Tianyi collided with the volcanic palm, one time ... !!!!

The low impact is in the ear. Under this special hike, even if the two deliberately control the power, it still has a small movement.

But the two are just an instant, less than a breathing time.


A big drink is abrupt from the pub.

The sword is unparalleled with Narutu, and it immediately stopped the action in his hand.


It's a flashing, and there is a center of the sword and the center of the sword and the two people.

This is an old man who has a white vicissituda, and his white must have hang it to the chest, but at this moment, he is a slightly ignorant gaze.

"You have two great courage, dare to shoot fierce in the emperor?" This vicissitudes were angry, and the majestic Shenwei was spread directly. This, the neighborhood has reached the level of the peak, which is the chaotic bid. The top top of the medium term.

Seeing this vicissitudes, the sword is still very embarrassed, but the heart is one.

"I will fight with Na Lin Tianyi now but now there is time, and I can control the power to make the movement and try to be more harmful. But in such a short time, there is still the peak of the emperor, and I can still I feel that I have just had a sharpness of the soul, I want to have the great emperor and I noticed here. "

The sword is unparalleled and dark.

Shocked this emperor defense.

His reasonable deliberately provoked this Lin Tianyi, but also handed over with the latter, in fact, it would try to test the virtue of this emperor.

But the result is much larger than his expectation.

Single monk is so strict, as the core of the Emperor, is also the emperor where the emperor is located, what is the guard?

Under such a guard, if there is no double action, what is the little action?

In the bar, many alcohols have stood up.

The most central in the pub, the vicissitudes are anger.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, but it has nothing to do with me. It is this kid to start, I can't stand in that him? "

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes are slightly smashed, and that is like the pain of the pain, it is the past.

The black servant just stood next to it, and the consequences of the cause of the fierce battle were clear, when he opened: "The actor is indeed, it is true that the adult is moving."

The elderly of the vicissitudes have seen the eyes of the responsibility to Lin Tianyi.

Lin Tianyi took a deep breath, after the vicissitudes of the old people slightly, he said: "The actor, I am Lin Tianyi, from Zhangzhou Forest home."

"People of Lin Jia?" The face of the vicissitudes of life could not be changed.

In the three emperors, there are many powerful forces and family, especially families.

Some unparalleled families have certain power and status in the emperor, like this forest, one of the ancient families.

Although Linjia will not have the giant of the peak of the chaotic bodies, but the strong in the middle of the chaotic boulder exceeds four, and there are three of them in the emperor, and the status is even higher than him.

"Hey, even if you are a disciple of Lin, but in the emperor, you must not be chaotic." The old people snorted, but the luck obviously remained.

"Yes, I remember." Lin Tianzi nodded.

"Okay, since both parties have nothing wrong, they are all scattered." This vicissitudes waved, and the spin left.

There is also a session of the pub.

There is only the sword unparalleled and the Lin Tianyi is still holding.

"Alcohol, I remember you, this time you are lucky, but next time you are not so lucky, are you not going to participate in the ranking war after five years? Just I will also go to participate , I will never let you have a good time. "Lin Tianyi coldly.

"Haha, there is guts and put the horse, and Laozi will then." The sword was unparalleled, and immediately grabbed the black waiter next to it, "Kid, took me to live."

"Yes, yes." This black servant will naturally lead.

Not long after, the sword is unparalleled in this black waiter, and it comes to a secret room. Although the surrounding of this secret room covers a heavy ban, the ordinary people will not easily come in, but in order to prevent the sword, the sword is still There is no three people from Jiu Han.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can't take it too much in this imperial city?" Jiu Han is frown.

The three people will look at all in the eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, there is some overbearing.

You can hear this, the sword is unpaired, but the road: "Since you want to play, you have to do a full set, let alone, since the strong in this three millets knows that we broke into, it will be careful, especially In this emperor, they will definitely stare at each strange power. "

"I came to this emperor with an early stage of chaotic bodies that didn't have a famous gas. I just entered the city, I was too deprecated. If I arrived in the Emperor, I still have to be cautious, careful, afraid it is harder. The strong people of the emperor pay attention to or doubt, and now I am very unreasonable, there is a certain shock, the strong people of the emperor, but will not suspect me. "

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