Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2026 (Tenth More !!!)

Sure enough, as a cultivator, it is possible to insist on the ten breathing in the hand of the silver bacterium.

One of the three or four people is only through this first round.

Time passed, and the people who have worked with Na Shuangjia soldiers before blinking.

"Next, the beast!" The old old man shouted.

"Haha, finally arrived at Laozi." The sword was unparalleled, and immediately went to the eyes of everyone.

There are many people present in the scene to gather their eyes on the sword.

Because the violent stalls on the sword is very powerful, they can't stand half-eyed.

The sword is unparalleled to the inner front of the silver troops, and also induced the ban on the 13,000 miles around.

"Start." The old man opened, and the silver armored soldiers did not hesitate, and they took directly.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, but it is not afraid, and it is also rushing forward.

"This guy, what is it doing?" Many people around the surrounding battle showed a surprised color.

Everyone knows that the silver armored struggle is strong, so when they are in hand with Yinjia Road, no one will be stupid to choose the front and silver Auntie, generally rely on some of her means, think about it. Supreme Yinjia Road is entangled, as long as it is entangled, ten breathing time is enough.

Like the sword is unparalleled, it is directly rushing, it is obvious to have a hard to touch the silver armor, this is the first one.

"Advance the age of punch."

The sword is unparalleled, and one of the hands of a lot of power is turned into a huge fist.

That Silver Armard is also a boxing of a punch.

There is no flower, and it is hard to hard.


The low hitting sound, and the terrible power collided, the sword is unparalleled is a slightly retreat, and the silver armored soldiers have not retired.

"His mother, this stuffy fist is really hard, but than the fist, Laozi is still afraid in the same order." The sword is unparalleled, and there is also an endless angry.

"Beastmaster" ... "


There is a huge sound of the beast, and the sword has no huge beast vain.

And his fist is also carrying the power of thunder, once again exploding.

A boxing of a punch is endless.

Every punch contains the power that has been in a wide range of cultivars.

The silver armor did not feel the feelings, and only know that the tribute is unparalleled with the sword.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

A fist collision with the impact of the fighting sound continued to echoed in this independent space, every collision has a lot of powerfulness, exciting, and static.

The sword is unparalleled with this silver armor.

In the outside world, it is a sluggish.

"This person, good power!"

"I dare to face the positive and powerful, and I didn't fall down the wind, and I didn't fall in the wind, and he was in the top ten in the people who participated in the ranking."

"Don't be single, it is very amazing, , right, too embarrassing."

The people around them nodded.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, it is really too embarrassing.

, ​​

In the sword unparalleled with the silver collision, ten breathing time have arrived.

That Silver Armard Directly stopped, although the sword was still a strong battle, it was easy to try, but it also stopped his hand.

Then the sword is unparalleled from that 10,000 miles.

After coming out, his eyes glanced over the many cultivars, and smiled. , the province's Laozi personally handed his hand, but not admitted, Laozi must be a must be able to fight you !! "

After that, the sword is unparalleled with a face, and it is coming to the side.

Although these people's cultivators are extremely ugly, no one is standing.

No way, the strength of the sword has just been revealed is really good, and there are fewers in these people to have a certain person.

In the crowd, the son Lin Tianyi stood in parallel with the green girl.

At this time, a young woman quietly came over, "Tian Hazy brother, what is the arrival of this allo, how can his strength be so strong, can you touch the silver armor?"

"There is no strong sense of strong in the three emperors, who knows where this haman is from?" Lin Tianzhi dismissed.

"Tian Hazy brother, you are also holding hands with this A **, how do you see about his strength?" Na Zi's youth continued to ask.

"He, the power is okay, the boxing will still be reluctant, I only know these two points, after all, I have time to play with him very short, I didn't come up all the power, as for him, did you have all the strength? I don't know. "Lin Tianzhu.

"Is this?" This Purple teach nodded slightly. He looked at the sword unparalleled, "this gasty is too embarrassing, powerful and terrible, I hope that I will try not to the next second round. I met him. "

The ranking war continues.

After the sword is unparalleled, there are many cultural renewers to make a lot of cultivators in front of the silver troops, including the son Lin Tianyi.

In the early days of the hundreds of chaotic bodies attending the ranking war, this Lin Tianyi is in the top, it can be said to be one of the strongest few people. He has nothing to do with this first round.

Not long after, this first round of ranking is completely over.

If you have a hundred practice, after the first round of qualifying, the remaining people only thirty-six people.

These thirty-six people are to compete for the strongest five places.

The rules of the second round are also very simple, which is two or two battles in the order of the lottery, and when they have passed the last nine people, they will be turned back, so that the five people who are unparalleled. .

After the lottery, the vicissitudes announced the first battle between the war.

The sword is unparalleled in this first battle, named Qiu Ming, as the sword is not born, soon, he noticed the Purple Square, who stands next to Lin Tianyi.

"The first opponent of Laozi is him?" The sword is unparalleled,

And the face of the purple robe is a little ugly.

He just prayed that you should not touch the sword. The second round of round will go to the beginning, he is unparalleled with the sword.


PS: Today is ten! !

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