The second round of ranking war is soon started.

A strong man in the early stage of the chaotic boy, played forward in the order of each lot.

In the crowd, the Purple robe man Qiu Ming has always been dignified.

"Qiu Ming brother, you don't have to worry too much. Although the vear power is strong, you only have to be stupid to talk to him hard, then there is a battle force, let alone this a beast is still only a single-player, Can you have a bad secret? How can I compare with your Qiu family? "Lin Tianyi looked over.

"Well, this is." Qiu Ming nodded, and there were some self-confidence.

Not long after, the jewelry went to the sword unparalleled with the monk Ming.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is already in the empty void. He took a smile and slowly came to the Purple robe, "" Faster, don't grind, if you are afraid, Directly, Laozi is too lazy to play with you. "

"If you admit defeat, you will rely on you?" Qiu Ming said that he turned his hand, and a black hole that exuded with the emerald bead appeared in his hand.

"Start." The old man who hosted the ranking war said.

"Haha, come!" The sword is unparalleled, and his figure is out of shape, like a live brown bear, the Qiu Mingzhi.

The horrible fierce breath is completely covered with this Qiu Ming.

Qiu Ming was shocked, but the hand of the long gun was once again used for a bit, and when the sword was unbolded, his body shape was a sharp.

Like a ghost, two jumping, hands long guns, the gossip, and the two beams are unwinding to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the two beam shocks are smashed, but when he crosses the desire to shoot this Qiu Ming, the latter has the same shape again.

"Your mother jumps up, there is courage, pick up the age of the age." The sword didn't worry.

"Stupid goods, know you strong strength, will I hit your front?" Qiu Ming is a cold smile, after a short man, his heart is more confident.

"The sky said, this guy, there is a brute force, but it is very general. With my Qiu Jia's alone's body, plus my gun method, as long as you care, You can always press him, even play him, this battle, can win! "

Qiu Migu smashed the light, the body is constantly moving, constantly unleading with the sword, and using his own body shape flexibly and continuously transfers the gunfriend.

For a time, the sword is unparalleled.

"Breast, bull!"

The sword is unparalleled with the bronze bell, and the completion is also incomparable. It is obviously an anger to add, and it is like a certain way to take the other party.

But in the surrounding people, they think that the sword is unparalleled, but they found that the sword was flashing in a madness.

call out!

The Qiu Ming waved as a poisonous snake to the sword. The sword was unparalleled. Under normal circumstances, there was no pair of wolves in this kind of junction, and the rifle is right, but the sword is unparalleled at this moment. It's awkward, it is actually a long gun who is hit that it is hit, let the gun hit on his body.


A low loud noise, the sword has no double shape, but it has not been retired, but his fist in his hand is connected.

"Kid, you also pick me up!"

"The Beastmaster God, the 18th style!"


A huge fist, like a tall god, fierce, is impacted to Qiu Ming.

This Qiu Ming clearly did not expect this scene, and he didn't have time to dodge, and he was bombarded by this fist.


A big mouth is blowing out, his body is also like a kite of the line, and it will be thrown out of rear.

This battle, the sword is unparalleled!

"Hey, the dog is numerous, and you can't take you when you are."

The sword is unparalleled, and when you are embarrassed, you will shoot your chest, just by Qiu Mingzhu.

There, there is a white trace, which is left behind, but it is just a white mark.

When everyone watching the battle, it was shocked.

"This guy, he actually resists Qiu Ming's attack, then defeat Qiu Ming?"

"Strong devil, hard anti-Qiu Ming hits, there is no damage to the slightest, and the body shaped silk does not move, and then immediately after the next counterattack will defeat Qiu Ming, this is too strong."

"The power is strong, the body is stronger, the only weakness, the estimate is the speed of speed, but his comprehensive strength is still terrible."

Everyone is squatting.

Previously, they think that the sword is unparalleled in this ranking, but now it can only be taken to the top ten, but now, at least the first five.

Of course, this is just what they think.

As for the sword, there is no double strength, and he will not show it, no one knows.

After defeating Qiu Ming, the sword is unparalleled to the battlefield, and the big gesture is standing there.

"How is the sword monarch, how to bully the little guy?" The Emperor of Wanli laughed.

"Sword monarch, you are also very good, if it is, I am waiting for you to know your true truth, I am afraid you only be a quite a little, and the strength is more powerful." The nine emperor also smiled.

The sword is unparalleled is full of bitterness: "Three don't laugh at me, I want to come to you, I will fight with these little guys. For me, I have to worry about it with an emperor."

The sword is unparalleled.

Fight with the emperor, at least the right, no bondage, will make the strength completely broke out.

But in this battle, he is a bundle of hand, from the words and deeds, to the power of the outbreak, especially in the fierce battle, the control of strength, speed, etc. must be properly Benefits, what is hard?

Such a battle, a self-suffering of swords.

He would rather go to the big battle with the great strength.

"To bear it again, you can wait for you to wait for you." Jiu Han is laughing.

"Indeed, the sword monarch, we have too high in the three realms, can't be exposed, these things can only be handed over." The Emperor of Wan also knows.

The sword is unparalleled.

The next ranking battle, everything is very smooth.

The sword is unparalleled, and the other chaos is the strongest nine people.

Then, the nine people kicked off, that is, a person must have a battle with other eight people, so they will pick up the strongest five.

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