Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2028 Lin Tianyi

Nine people's turn is also in full swing.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will greatly make it extremely perfect, whether it is a sexy or strength, all find a slice.

Wink, 80% of the battle, the sword is unparalleled, the record is five wins and two losses.

Such a record has ensured that he can be ranked first, enter the peak.

The last battle is more interesting, because his opponent of his last battle is that Lin Tianyi.

This is, when he just entered the Imperial City, he had a dispute with him, but also handed over.

And at that time, Lin Tianxi said to him, to go to this battle, now two people are right.

" brother, this is a stupid, give you, taught him for me." The green girl was tight.

This green girl originally watched the last nine people in this battle, and she could have a fifth position with her strength, and they can enter the peak. Who once I want this ranking? The battle suddenly appeared on the Batch of Black Malays, this green girl just lost in the hands of the sword.

And she wanted to enter the peak this time, it is impossible to wait a hundred years.

Therefore, this green girl has a lot of complaints against swords.

"Reassured, I will replace you, and I have this breath with myself." Lin Tianhao.

"Well, you have a day, you personally shot, this is quilted to take the head to escape." The green girl nodded, and there was absolute confidence in Lin Tianyi.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled and Lin Tianxi appeared on the open battlefield.

"Hey, is your kid?" The sword has no double-handed hands, still a big appearance.

"Hey, last time you are in the pub, I am not happy enough, today, no matter how it is, I have a victory." Lin Tianyi was cold.

"Okay, let you come over, don't be so much nonsense." The sword was unparalleled, and it was extremely unparalleled.

"Looking for death." Lin Tianyi angry, his hands became red, like two live volcanoes, directly shot.

In the moment of shooting, a lot of hot flames spread to the surrounding, all the battlefields were in an instant in a great fire sea.

At the beginning of the pub, no matter whether Lin Tianyi or sword is unparalleled, it is deliberately controlled his strength. We can never rate it, because the movement is not too big, but now the two can not have a scruple.

Seeing Lin Tianyi's palm of her hand, the sword was unparalleled, and the scarlet fist was also bombed.

Like the volcanic palm, the sword is unparalleled with the swords, and the fierce impact will be collided on the battlefield.

When both parties handed over, they immediately entered the stage of white heat.

To know, the sword is unparalleled, but the strength of the body is extremely stronger, because of this, many cultivators participating in this ranking battle, when I am playing with him, I can avoid hard hard, but only this forest Tianyi, but it is not afraid. The first one dare to fight against the sword, but also not fall into the wind.

"Haha, kid, I am a little bit, your strength is quite good?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, you are not weak, entering Emperor is also a nail, but unfortunately, you can make me before, so today, I will teach you well." Lin Tianyi's voice is cold, in the moment of the voice, he is There is a stagnary battle armor, which is terrible, high, high, high, high.

At the same time, his body has also skyrocketed, reaching three meters high, the breath is naturally rising.

"Fire secret surgery, burning mountain!"


Na Lin Tianyi's big hand shot, this shot is like a huge and surrounded by endless flames, it is directly in general.

The strong power is absolutely reached in the middle of the chaotic border, that is, the emperor level.

"This little child, the strength is really weak?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is, it is, it is once again putting the beast, and strives to resist.


A loud noise, the sword is unparalleled, and the farther shape is far away, and the void around him is burned by the flames.

"Hey, you can block me to burn the mountain, you are also worthy of pride, but next ..." Lin Tianzhu is cold.

"Fire secret, incinerate!"


The same palm is taken, but the power is more than the palm, but also more than a full foot.


The sword is unparalleled, but it can be followed by him without hesitation, and directly withdraws from the battlefield, and retreats to the people around.

"Forget it, anyway, Laozi has already taken into the top five. It can enter the peak. It is not necessary to fight with you. This battle will make you win." The sword is unparalleled to wave, a pair Sampling.

This scene, let the people around me, but they all cast a color.

They all see that swords are unparalleled because they are not Lin Tianyi's opponent. They did not grasp the palm of the next to Lin Tianyi. This immediately chose to withdraw from the battlefield, but he said in his mouth. He said that he is very generous. Lin Tianyi won.

This face is really thick.

In this regard, Lin Tianyi is also anger, but he is helpless, the sword is unparalleled, and with exiting the battlefield, he can't continue to chase.

It can be actually, no one knows that the sword is unparalleled, this is not a face, the fact is actually really told by him.

His purpose, just in order to enter the peak, it is already possible to enter, and it is natural to choose to continue to fight with this forest.

Furthermore, he couldad's 'a beast', the strength of the exhibition is now just right, but if he will reveal some means to defeat Lin Tianyi, then it is confusing, so it is clean. .

After several battles, this ranking was over.

The five strongest five people have decided, the strongest is Lin Tianyi from the Zhangzhou Linjia.

But the beast of the sword is unparalleled, the same also in these five people.

They are five, qualified to enter the emperor cultivation.

"You are five, you are ready, I will take you to Emperor." The vicissitudes of the host said.

The five people immediately exposed the color of the expectation.

"Haha, Emperor, Laozi, I heard that this is the cultivation of the three imperial circles, and I don't know how it is?" The sword is unparalleled.

"I have never seen the earth bag of the world." Na Lin Tianzhao glanced at the sword, with a touch of disdain.

"Hey, Lin Jialin Da Mong, Lin Big Geni, you are so powerful, not as we are in the first time," The sword is unparalleled is ridiculous. "

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