Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2029 Crown

"Hey, I can do it with you. Although I first entered the emperor, everything in the emperor, I have already been a clear." Lin Tianzhu rose.

"Is it? But what is it? Is there a copy of a copper plate with Laozi?" The sword was unparalleled.

Lin Tianyi is hysteresis.

"Okay, don't have noisy." The white-haired vicissitudes of life sank, "You listen, the emperor can be different from the Emperor city, the rules of the emperor are strict, in the emperor, No matter what identity or background, all violates the rules of Emperor, will be severely punished, no one can exceed the exception, so you are still a test point. "

"Yes." Lin Tianyi nodded.

"Of course, of course, Laozi can never make trouble." The sword is a laughter.

Under the leadership of the vicissitudes, the sword is unparalleled to enter the emperor.

When I entered the emperor, I saw the scene in front of my eyes, even if I had a wide range of swords, I also took a breath.

I only see the eyes, but a big super-imagined , the giant peak is at least 100,000 feet high, the pound is magnificent, and it is awe.

Within the giant peak, there is a seat or an attic, standing in a corner, but at the top of this huge peak, only a fine black attachment.

The black attic volume can be said to be a little pitiful, but it is the black attire, but the three emperors are so high, the emperor is located.

"Then, is the emperor?" The sword was unmarkarized, and suddenly his eyes were attracted by a void around this .

There, there is a three huge sculpture.

These three sculptures have also exceeded the height, both human body shape, but the appearance is extremely weird.

And these three sculptures, it is extremely mysterious, and every stone on this sculpture seems to have endless meta.

Because of this, the sword is unparalleled to see the three sculptures, and there are a lot of cultivators, which is obviously in that refinement.

However, truly attracting swords, but not the three sculptures, but is the most central center of the three sculptures. It is also the void of the three sculptures and the voids, where a huge gold swirl, gold swirl crazy Rotate, exudes a vast atmosphere.

At the most intimate place of the golden whirlpool, there is a golden light.

This golden light seems to be shaken all over the world, as if it is the most dazzling light in the world.

Even if it is a distant distance, the sword is unparalleled, but it is still able to feel the golden strength of the golden light.

"What is that?" The sword was unparalleled.

Not only one of him, the other four people around them have seen the eyes toward the golden vortex.

Even the eyes have a wire.

The vicissitudes of the vicissitudes they came in were open: "That is the most prominent holy crystal of my three emperors. It is said that the original three emperors left, because there is such a holy crystal, I have only It can always be very stable. "

This vicissitudes are also tall, but they don't explain too much.

"Saint Crystal?" The sword is not a bite, but he can see that the holy crystal in the golden vortex is unusual.

"The sword is unparalleled, I still stay in your sword, but I can still feel the endless energy containing the Golden Swirl. This holy crystal should be uniform. You will have to look at it later." Blood Peak The nine holy main road in the sword.

"I know." The sword is unparalleled.

Subsequently, the old people in the vicissitudes took their five people to visit a circle in this emot, and some of the cultivation of some cultivation in the emperor, some rules have been said in detail, and they gave them a place to live, they directly Go away.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is natural to be separated and do your own things.

The sword is unparalleled to come to the golden swirl before the first time.

This gold swirl is also very huge, and the feeling of unparalleled swords is like a giant big array, but it is very different from the big array, extremely mysterious.

Because of the close relationship, the sword is unparalleled, and it is finally reluctant to see the hormils in the golden swirl.

That is a piece of fluid gold, and the crystal stone, this golden stone is extremely unique, not only the pound of the pound, and the sword is unparalleled, and the feeling of the emperor from this golden stone.

Yes, a spite, actually with an imperiality of your emperor?

"What is the stone? I have never seen it in the vast chaotic world." The sword didn't have a double crying, and asked: "Jiu Han Lord, you have known this crystal stone?"

The three people in the blood peak sword also can also clearly see the external scene, and naturally can see the golden stone in the golden swirl.

But they also showed the color of doubts, obviously in their knowledge, and did not recognize this gold stone.

"I will ask the white emperor, and the other Emperor of my Holy League, see if they can recognize this gold stone." The nine emperor said.

The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that this gold stone is not average, and it is very important for the use of the three imperial boundaries, so he must first figure out the specific role of this gold stone.

Many of the strong people in the Holy Leverage, many emperors have repeatedly swayed in the ancient battlefields, and some things in the ancient times are more recognized, and they can recognize this spar.

Sure enough, I didn't have long after the nine-level emperor, and the Emperor Emperor took this golden stone.

"Three, there is a result."

The nine-level emperor is open: "According to the Emperor Emperor, this goldest stone is the imperial stone, which is an extremely rare precious special spar in ancient times. Its formation is extremely difficult, a small finger cover size The Crown, which requires a long-lasting market to form, and this finger-shaped highlights are more pure power, but it is more than a total of a gods. "

"Just because of this, the ancient times, some have a top-ended, which will use the Cross to use the Cross to use the sources of strange and horizontal, as the source of strength to maintain the operation of the big array."

"In addition, because this Crown Shile has an emperor, it is used to refine some treasures with emperor, and it is also a great, and the Emperor Emperor has gone through the ancient battlefield. The truth, he just took the crisp to give my soul, and did exactly the same as the golden stone we saw in the golden vortex now. "

"It's just that the Emperor Emperor is just a baby's fist size, but now we see this ..."

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