Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2030 Source of Power

The sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, the Emperor of the Wan Luo is silent, but their heart has already set off a huge waves.

There is no way, it is really that the Crown of the Golden Swirl in front of them is too great.

It is equivalent to a large mountain.

According to the East Emperor, the spermatin of the Greater Rock has a lot of spiritual strength than a goddess, that is, the high-level stone, the high-size stone, which is like a mountainous size, and the fine power What is amazing? What is incredible?

"In the ancient times, there is only the top of the top paradil for power, and it can be durable to the royal quartz, which acts as the source of strength, and now this huge royal stone in the emperor is also the third emperor. The boundary is a holy crystal, and the golden vortex around the holy crystal is clear, it is a big way of use, is it ... "The sword is unparalleled, and it has once again thought of it.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the white emperors have just been discussing. Since the major array on the dark mill can cover the entire dark mill, the range is so huge, and the power is so amazing, and it will definitely need an abundant power. Source, and this giant Cross is very likely to drive the key to the major array of dark mills. "The nine emperor silently.

The sword has no double eyes, he has already guessed.

Any big array must be driven must have a pure energy support.

Like his master, a giant big big array in the ancient battlefield, is actually a huge spacious time and space, as the source of strength.

The big array around the dark mill is so good, to maintain its operation, it is naturally not easy.

But this trime stone is absolutely the entire ability, and it can maintain the operation of the dark mill.

"That is to say, as long as we can ruin this giant criterion, the dark crimp is completely collapsed?" The sword was unbeded.

"Theoretically, there is no need to destroy this Crown, as long as it can ruin the way the Cross the Cross and the dark crushes is the way, the golden vortex around this Crown, let the Crown Stone stop supply Sleepy energy, the dark mill should also stop. "The nine emperor Jun is serious.

"In this case, then we will hurry to rule the way, destroy this Crown and the golden vortex." Jiuhe Holy Master.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still unable to completely, this transmirite is the key to driving the dark mill. Second, even if it is really, it is not easy to destroy it, but also a long discussion. "

"This is." The three people in the Shenghamer nodded and calmed down.

The sword standing before the golden swirl is unparalleled, it is a big look, the eyes are free to look around, the power of the soul has already been exuded.

"This golden vortex can be said to be the most important place of Emperor. The guards here are naturally unborn. They don't have a lot of emperors on the stem of the defenders, and at the darkness, there are three great powers, at the moment. Here, once there is a wind blowing, the three emperors can take immediate. "

"In addition, the emperor on the top of the peak is not far from here. Once there is moving quiet, there will be a lot of strong people from the emperor and the emperor, and there will be a short time. At least 78 The Emperor, and even more. "The sword is unparalleled.

Emperor, this is the most important place in the three emperors. The old nest of the emperor is here.

Want to destroy the crimp of the crowd in here, what is easy?

"Don't worry, anyway, I have now mixed into the emperor, just stay in this emperor for a while, I will listen to it, and then find the opportunity to shoot." The sword has no pair.

The three people of the Jiuwei also nodded.

They also know that this thing is in a hurry, must step by step, think of good fortune again.

Otherwise, the final result is not only their line of life, and even the four people who have four people have been over here.

Next, the sword is unparalleled in this emperor.

He is he is a cultivation that cultivates the cultivation of cultivation resources, but in the dark, he also smashed some strong people, and asked some questions on the side of the side.

Wink for half a year.

Under the effort of this half year, the sword is unparalleled. They have received a conclusion.

It is the criterion, which is indeed the most important treasure of the three emperors, and the source of the strength of the three emperors. Naturally, it is also the key to the dark mill.

As long as you can destroy the Cross, the big array on the dark mill will collapse.

"The goal has been determined, the next is how to do it." The sword is unparalleled, "In this emperor, we have no external help, but there is no conspiracy or means feasible, the only one can Selected, only the time of your hands. "

The three people of Jiu Hao have nodded.

The golden vortex is there where the Crown is there. If you want to destroy, there is no doubt that you can only break into the golden whirlpool, and you will take your thunder's means.

Only this kind of method is feasible, but the same they will necessarily encounter the hindrance of the top of the three imperial world.

Now that their only pursuit is an excellent time.

"I just got the news. After 20 years, Emperor will hold an event meeting. In addition to the three emperors surrounding the golden swirls, other emperors of other emperors will come forward, and Emperor All the cultivars in the inside will gather within the Palace, and the Palace is a certain distance from the golden vortex, even if the emperor is in charge of the road, it is estimated that there are ten breathing time to arrive, if we choose to pass The day of the conference, the grasp of the hand should be more. "The sword has no double.

The emperor is not far from the golden vortex, with the speed of the emperor, five breathing is enough to arrive, but if it is in the Palace, it takes a few breathing, and the middle is also about seven or eight breathing.

Don't underestimate these seven eight breathing time, nothing to do so, if you can come to this seven eight breathing time, then they have a lot of grasp of them.

"In this day, then we have to do it on that day, 20 years, although I am in the big crisis, but only 20 years, I still have to afford it." Jiu Han Han.

"Well, we also recognize." The Emperor of Tale, the nine-level emperor nodded.

Although they still face the block of the three emperors, there is no way to avoid it.

Soon four people have a consistent decision, just in the second year of the meeting.


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