"Twenty Years ..." The sword is unparalleled, but I can't help but hold my palm.

For twenty years, he is now just that he is now.

His Taikoo's virtual sky is now in the present, the distance to the threshold is very close, twenty years, should be enough to make him really refine the first volume of the ancient deficiency.

"let's start!"

The sword is unparalleled to take everything.

Of course, in addition to cultivating too ancientity, he occasionally shattering some opportunity to go to the emperor.

In the peak, a calm.

At least the calm is very calm, there is an emperor sitting in the town, and many strong people who cultivate the emperor or genius, all regulations, no one dares.

Time lapse, a shake, the subpoena will have only one month left.

This day, the sword is unparalleled in the loft room.

~~~ The power of surround around the sword, the musical meter of the sword is gradually emerged as a glimpse, and these black jade is even gradually formed, forming a layer. Black jade tai armor.

"The first volume of the ancient calendar is the first volume!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a deep light.

At the same time, let the body and the power, starting to change immediately at this moment.

The ancient deficiency is the secret of refining, the biggest role is the body, but it is still enough to give itself a degree of improvement.

Like now, the sword is unparalleled with the power, and he has been impact. His that he is very pure and strong, not as the power of the emperor, but it is raised.

After short film, the quality of the mass change has been completed.

When the Shen Li is completed, the sword is unparalleled can't help but hold his hands and feel the power of the extreme.

"Good guy, my strength strength, this improvement should be nearly three times?" The sword was unparalleled, and the heart also shocked.

He knows that once the first volume of the Taikoo is a big body, it is enough to make his skills to improve, but he did not expect to improve the improvement.

Three times! !

Strengthening this level, even if it is more than 30%, it is incomparably improved, let alone directly improve three times!

Simple Shen Li strength is three times more than the general emperor. If it is combined with the power of the ancient blood, his strength is inevitably stronger than the general emperor to stroner, and five times.

What a gap is this?

This represents, is simple than the power of power, he can absolutely crush the general emperor with the ruining and decay!

"In the Holy League, let go of the white emperor to say, the strength is the most powerful, but he will use his unique blood, full of power, and the top is more than three times to four times. In the power, I am more powerful than him. "The sword is unparalleled, and the inner is very excited.

The powerful power of strength is greatly improved, and the overall strength of his strength is also a certain extent.

Now, even if the feelings of the opposite, he can still go with the top of the top of the Holy League, like the King of Red Dragon, the Jiu Han Lord him is not afraid, even simple than If the power is powerful, he can also occupy an absolute upper.

Single appearance is so huge, but too ancient deficiency, the biggest increase is the body ...

The sword is unparalleled and immediately finds his own body.

His body, from the pureness of the power, the original is strong, and now one refining into the first volume of the ancient deficiency, the skin surface seems to be faintly, the black jade warfare is general, the strength of the body has changed the earth-shaking change .

This kind of pain, strong ultra-sword is unparalleled, even the sword is unparalleled, and now I don't know how strong my own body is.

However, he has a feeling, if he is now, if you encounter the six emperor's murder, in addition to the strongest Lingzong, the six emperors are afraid that it is hard to hurt him, don't say that they have laid. Eight breathing time, it is to murder 20, 30 breathing time, his body is damaged is not too big, and the consumption of the power will never be huge.

"Such a strong horizontal body, combined with the body of the five treasures, plus the perfect chaotic god of life, even if the body is damaged, it can rely on Shen Li to recover, my current life, or fight Ability ... absolutely referred to as a metamorphosis. "The sword is bright in both eyes.

He has absolute confidence, in the emperor, in addition to him, and has reached the Bai Di in the final stage of the reverse repair, no one can exceed him in the body of the body, it is simply killed.

"The ancient deficiency of the sky is 100%, my overall strength has skyrocketed, then it should be ready to prepare." The sword is unmainted, but the thoughts are consciously communicated into the sword, "the Emperor, I will start now." Go to the edge of the big array of this emotion, you can see if you can get a time and space channel. "

"Well." The Emperor of Wheel nodded.

After a month, the submission begins, and they are also intended to do it on that day.

Before you do, they have to take a good return.

Regardless of whether they can be ruined by the Golden Swirls around the Cross, they have to escape this emperor and the preparation of this Emperor.

The sword is still the big man's appearance, but the body is coming to the edge of the big array of Emperor, he is angry at this big array.

It seems that I am leaving, but I can actually be in the sword in his blood peak, but it is carefully studying this big array, as well as the surrounding time and space.

This movement is another ten days, and the Emperor of Wanli is still drilling, and there is no exact conclusion.

The sword is not a double person.

But at this time ...

"Well?" The sword where the sword in the edge of the big array is unparalleled, and he can see that there are two people in front of the front and flour.

The breath that the two people emitted is all the initial level of the chaotic boy, and the appearance is very young. One of them is the sword is unparalleled '.

Both of these people have found the existence of swords, and immediately gone.

"Oh, isn't this a beast? What are you doing here?" Lin Tianzhi smashed his eyes, and it was a cold idea.

The sword has no double ring holds his hands, but it is a mouthful: "Laozi is doing this, off your ass?"

Lin Tianyi is sinking. It has already been accustomed to the words of the sword unparalleled, but it is the Junxiu Youth Skip next to him: "Who is this person?" It seems very mad. "

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