Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 203 Death

The sword is unparalleled, when the blood of the surrounding people is completely boiling.

Sweeping the northwestern dynasty, creating a new myth!

Myth, what is myth?

A small dynasty, against the flow, put other many medium-sized dynasties, even the two large dynasties, this is myth!

And the sword is unparalleled. At this moment, I dare to tell them to create myths ...

"I believe you." Su Luzhong suddenly watched the sword unparalleled, and there was no doubt.

Yang Zi Xuan also looked at the sword and worsen, the indifferent face, slowly exposed a smile.

As for Baili Chen, Feng Yu Tian, ​​Mu Yingjing's eyes look at each other, and it is also laughing, but more is looking forward to.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled to sit down in this air, closed his eyes and started a breakthrough.

Yang Zai Xuan, Suofang five people wait for him to ensure that this time in the sword is unparalleled, will not be disturbed by people.


Within a jungle, the jungle of the sword is not far away, the many geniuses in the Dawu Dynasty are waiting here, and the black woman in them, but at this moment, it is fully hatched a worm egg.

Not long, the eggs have been hatched, and a flying insects appear in the sight of everyone.

"Cheng." Black woman looked up.

"Is it finally good?" The bloody feather smiled coldly and said: "Let's take the way."

The black woman nodded, and then they followed the flying insects directly in the direction of the sword.

On the emotion, the monarch from the Twelve Dynasty, and the strong people of the ancient sects have taken note of this scene.

"Blood beetle? It seems that the Dawu Dynasty is completely eye-catching the few little guys in the Tianzong Dynasty."

"Hey, some people have breeding the blood beetle, but it is necessary to use their own blood to raise it. The big genius in the Daxie Dynasty is really."

"There is a blood nematode, and the people of Daewoo will meet again with the talents of the Tianzong Dynasty again, and this time the Tianzong Dynasty will have no rooms!"

"Indeed, after all, this time, even the bloody feather is coming, even if the Tianzong Dynasty has a genius from that place, she can be self-insured in front of the bloody feather."

"The bloody feather, the second enchanting ranking, he is the first dream of the ranking, it is two monsters, they are far more than other geniuses."

The top of this group is talking at will, and it has already been determined that this sudden dynasty has no chance.

Even the emperor, I also frowned at this moment.

Although he is very busy, he also understands that all the genius of the big dynasty is concentrated together, even if the bloody feather is coming, the six-person team of their Tianzong Dynasty is impossible to resist.

Can only be thoroughly swept.

"Look, the little guy called the sword is, and the genius of the Dawu Dynasty will be killed, but he is sitting there. It seems that it seems to be aware of understanding?" A strong person from the ancient Zongmen suddenly Tao.

"Oh?" The strong people of other ancient sects have also seen it.

"Haha, it's really!"

"Do you have a real understanding now? Hey, it is late!"

"The genius of the Daewoo, the genius of the Dawu, you have to have encountered them. At this time, even if he has achieved breakthrough, can you change?"

The strong people of these ancient sects are talking.

On the first day of the battle, they are still interested in the swords, after all, the sword is not born light, strength is strong.

A few days ago, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no further progress, which has made them completely lost interest.

Even if the sword does not seem to have something to understand, how much can you improve?

The strong man of Dawu Dynasty is coming soon, and the final result is not just completely rolled?

"Hey, a waste from the small dynasty." Mo Lingtian is not a sword. He is more interested, and there is only one of the bloody feathers.

The sky is on the middle of the jungle.

Yang Zi Xuan, Suiro and others are careful, can be discontinued ... !!! Bamboo

A broken wind came, and then the breath of breath appeared in front of them.

"The Tianzong Dynasty, let's meet again." Gu Yan first smiled.

When I saw that the Greatness of the Dawu Dynasty actually appeared in them, Yang Weixuan's top color immediately became gloomy, and at the same time they also noticed that at this moment, the top of the top of this group of genius, the face is cold, is interested in looking at their young man.

" !"

"It's him!"

"The second monster ranked second!"

Yang Changxuan's face is more ugly.

It is important to know that there is just ancient Yan, Zhang Ying's team has been uncomfortable, but it has not had a good counter, but now it is not only the two teams come together, but also a lot of monsters. How can this be against?

"What should we do, is we escaped?" Mu Yingying can't help.

"You can't escape." Su Fu shook his head directly, "The third thing is in the critical stage of breakthrough, we can't let anyone bore him, otherwise he can't break through, but may even be interrupted by the road."

"It can't escape, it seems that only fighting!" Baili Chen sound cold.

"Nothing, I can only fight." Yang Changxuan is indifferent, and the golden spirit of the golden spirit is raging again, and the terrible breath suddenly bursts.

"Haha, emperor." Ling Bloody saw Yang Zi Xuan's body surface covered gold spirit, flashing excited, then the body is directly floating.

"Yang Tian, ​​I will kill, others will give you."

When I heard the bloody feathers, the ancient Chinese, Zhang Ying frowned, but she didn't violate it. When the two teams they were directly rushed to Su.


The giant ax in the ancient Chinese is screaming, as if it can open the world.

Zhang Ying is holding a long gun. The dark gun is like a cone, and it is jealous.

As for the genius of other Dawu Dynasties, they also showed killers at this moment.

No one is closed, I have made all my best.

"Blocking them, don't let them get close to the old three." Su soft is low, the body is soothing, and it is straightforward to have a bit more than a long time than before.

The green flood floods throughout the world, covers the genius of many Dawu Dynasties that kills in front.

Subsequently, this green torrent appeared in a green spear.

"It's this trick!"

"This woman is really difficult!"

"Be careful, these spears are stronger than those sciks before."


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