Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 204 breaks! Four swords! Jin Dan is full!

The Daewoo Dynasty's days, including ancient Chinese, and the two of Zhang Kong hurriedly stopped to resist the offensive of this spear.

In Beri Morning, Feng Yu Tian, ​​Mu Yingying three people have a madness, directly killing this moment.


The terrible roar is blown out next to the empty out, but Yang Zi Xuan has already handed with the bloody blood.

Booming ~~~

A strong energy fluctuation swept, when it was about to swept the sword, it was stopped by a green torrent.

Tianzong Dynasty collides with the genius disciple between Dawu Dynasty, and immediately fell into the stage of hot.

Yang Zi Xuan kills it directly with the bloody blood.

The bloody feather is called a monster, and the strength is indeed strongly strong than the genius of many dynasties. It has to be too much than the ancient Chinese ranked third in the standings.

However, after Yang Ren Xuan broke through the hustle and yin and yang, the strength also skyrocket, especially if he made his efforts to break the emperor, and the emperor was brought, so that his strength became very terrible, completely qualified to positively eligible for bloody feather .

As for the other genius of Daxian Dynasty, it will fight with Suofang.

Su Soft's breath once again showed the means of green floods, plus the hundred miraphic three people assisted, hard to block these genius of Dawu Dynasty in a short time.

The entire battlefield seems to be in a deadlock.

It is actually clear that the Tianzong Dynasty has a fundamental support for a role.

Although Yang Zai Xuan is very bought with the bloody feather, it is very reluctant. The bloody bloody feather has not been fully, and he has pressed him, and it is just the morning and evening.

And Su Soft, Su Fu Shi exhibited the green flood, this means is not easy, she also can't support it.

But this, the sword is unhealthy.

Now the sword is unparalleled, I have closed my eyes, and my whole body is invested in breakthrough.

In the surrounding body, there are four swords to slow down.

Yang Zi Xuan and others know that swords are unparalleled, but they all consciously believe that his breakthrough is a breakthrough in spiritual power, just from Jin Dan to achieve a breakthrough to Jin Dan.

It can be actually, the Breakthrough of the sword is unparalleled, and the spiritual force is not referred to as.

But the sword!

At this moment, the four swords he sent out have already been bursting out. In the four swords, the swords of the wind, the fire sword, the dripping sword has already been combined, the only land remaining.

The earth swords, the sword is very early, and in the four swords, the feelings are also the highest.

However, he has never been able to combine the earth swords with other three swords.

But now, just in the battle with ancient Chinese, he found a breakthrough, which made the earth swords with the other three swords.

Now, he feels that the swords of the earth have been gathered in other three swords, and there is not long time with the three swords, completely combined.

Since then, the four swords of the sword are unparalleled.

The swords of the earth, the fire sword, the drip sword, the blast of the sword!

Four kinds of swords, perfect combination!

Four swords!

At the moment of combination of these four swords, the sword is unparalleled, and that has been stopped for a few months. It has never been refined and cultivated, and it is villain, and it is water to the stream. The top of Jin Dan, directly breaking through the golden Dan!

Sword breaks!

The spiritual force is repaired, and it also broke through.

When all this is completed, the sword is unparalleled, and a glance is fierce!

On the battlefield, the fierce battle is still going.

Su Fu face has not been shameless, but it is still a teeth, and the green flood is crazy about blocking ancient Chinese.

As for Baili Chen, Feng Yu Tian, ​​Mu Yingying three people have been seriously injured, but they are still desperate.

"Haha, the power of this torrent has been greatly weakened. This woman can't help it. I will give me a shot." Gu Yan smiled, the giant ax in his hand did not leave the anger Split.

The giant ax in the big thunder is smashed on the green flood, and suddenly the green flood festival defeated.

Su Skou sprayed out of blood, consciousness is a bit embarrassed at this moment, the corner is still murmured, "can't, you can't let them approach the old three, no one, no!"


Su Soft is blowing a blood, and the breath on the body has gone to the extreme, and the power of the green torrent is greatly weakened at this moment.

Su Soft struggled, lifted his head, still wants to fight again, can be placed on her shoulder with a palm.

Su Guangyu is a shake, the next consciousness turned, when he saw the sword when she was in her, and the sword of the smile was unparalleled, Su Mou is a happy, and the face also reveals a smile.

"Old three, you finally ... breakthrough!"

Suilou voice is weak, and her words just finished, the next moment is unable to close, soft body is directly towards it.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately put Su Ziro in his arms.

When I saw Su Soft swallowed Dan medicine, the weak breath was slightly stable, and the sword was unparalleled.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, only to come to the battlefield, watching the surroundings.

The sword is unparalleled first to look at Baili Morning, Feng Yu, Mu Yingying.

These three people have just fight for a battle, and now they are seriously injured, the breath is weak, but they are barely saved, but they are not as fascinated like Su.

The idea of ​​the sword is unparalleled. These three people are barely looked up, watching the sword.

The eyes of these three people are very complicated.

Seeing these three people, the sword was unparalleled, and then he saw the past again.

At this point, the sword is unbentered.

I saw that Yang Zexuan at this moment is lying in the central center of the air, and there is a mouth of the mouth, and there is a arm on his side.

That is a broken arm!

A broken arm just being cut!

And this broken arm, the sword has not been recognized, it is the broken arm of Yang Zexuan.

"Old two, was broken by people!"

The sword is unparalleled to see this broken arm, the body is not huge, rumble ~~~ The brain is also a hundred million thunder in the rolling.

The cold eyes gaze his strong, and a strong killing is also fierce, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is a scorpion roar.

"You all have died!"


PS: The climax is coming!

Hey! Roaring twice, hehe.

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