Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 205, you have to die! (The thirtieth is more reward! Ask everything!)

"You all have died!"

The snoring is shocked, and the echoes of the Tiantiang are ringing, which makes the genius strong in the field of the Dynasty.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is slowly putting Su Soft is lying next to it, then get up, ! The three killer swords appeared in his hand, then his steps were stepped off, and the gains of this group of Dawei Dynasties were in front of him.

"Old three." Yang Changxuan opened.

The sword is unparalleled, and Yang Xuan watched the past.

Yang Zi Xuan took a smile on his face. This smile was very embarrassed. "Next, he will give you."

"Well." The sword is unparalleled, and then the pace continues to cross.

Every step of each step is very slow, and it has stepped through the ground.

"Well?" The genius of Daewoo Dynasty is one of them.

"Take it?"

"Yin and Yang emperor?"

"No, he didn't enter the yin deficiency, just Jin Dan is full!"

"A first Tianjin Dan, can you take a flight?"

These geniuses in Daewoo Dynasty were very surprised.

And the sword was not looked up, and he saw this group of this group. He first looked at it, and he was the bloody feather.

"The old arm, is you cut off?" The sword was unparalleled, and there was no mood.

"It's me, what do you want?" The bloody feather mouth is slightly tightly, the sorrowful smile, but it does not place the sword.

He is very arrogant.

The entire East Hunting Twelve Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty, and only the dream of Tianxian Dynasty was unsatisfactory.

Others, he did not put it in your eyes.

"It's you."

The sword is unparalleled, and the next step is taken out.


The shape of the sword has appeared next to the bloody feathers, like transient.

"You cut off the two arms, I will break your arms, I will give him a broken, not too much." The sword did not ring the voice of the squid.

I just had a bloody feather that smiled and smiled, but I was awkward at this moment.

He is difficult to see, seeing when he won't know when he is, there is a cold sword.

This sword is fierce, in this moment, from his two sides, put his two arms, all over!

"How is it possible?" The bloody feather head suddenly turned off.

He can't believe it happened.

Who is he?

He is a bloody feather!

The two major enchantings recognized by the East, but now he has heard a small person he heard from the small Dynasty and even he heard, a sword directly cut your arms?

too fast!

This sword is too fast!

Even he can't make a slight reaction, his arms have been cut off.

And then the sword was unparalleled to hold the box, and he slammed directly.


This boxing is smashed in the abdomen of the bloody feather, and the terrible power broke out, and his Dantian directly shook it.


The bloody feather immediately spurted a big blood, and the face was very pale.

"I, my Dantian ..." The hardships of the bloody feathers have emitted whispers, and the snoring is also sprayed from the mouth.

The sword is unparalleled, and the arms are cut off. Dantian has been abolished, the bloody feathers are not struggling, and they are caught by swords, they are unparalleled by swords. .

Combining, the sword is unparalleled, and the bloody feathers are like a dead dog, and the one who is located in Yang Renxuan has smashed the past.

The bloody feather shape is smashed on the ground in front of Yang and Chang, so that the whole land is one of them.

"Old second, this person is a thousand knives or Ling to death, all by you are the Lord." The sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, the whole battlefield is silent.

Yang Zi Xuan looked at him in front of him. It has nothing to do with the dead dog, like a dead dog, first breathed a cold, and then nodded toward the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, it has retreated the bloody feathers, but its eyes are the 14th genius of the Dawu Dynasty.

Among these fourteen geniuses, including ancient Yan, Zhang Ying, such as the top ten, the top ten of the list.

At this moment, these 14 geniuses look at the sword unparalleled eyes, but they look like an unprecedented devil.

The bloody feather is in their eyes, it is already the existence of the monster level.

The result is in front of this person, but it is instant to be killed.

What strength is this?

"Daxie Dynasty, the Twelfth Dynasty Dynasty, one of the two large dynasties!"

The sword is unparalleled to look at these 14 Daxie Dynasties.

"I am very curious, if you are all the genius of the Dawei Wang, you will die in this valley, will it be a side?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the three kids swords in the hand are settled.

No , first style, virtual!

The same ideal, but when the sword has no double four swords, then the trick is applied, but the power is much more powerful.

call out!

I saw a cold sword light swept this moment.

The sword is light, silent.

The spatial space throughout the world seems to stop the flow.

The 14th genius of Daewoo Dynasty genius in the moment of seeing this sword, a big change in the face, desperately thinking about it, wants to escape the sweeping range of this sword, but they will soon discover.

Their speed is too slow!

At least there is too much too much slower than the cold and cold.

They even looked up the opportunity to resist the weapons, they were directly brushing by the sword.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! ......

A sound of the Jian Feng in the body sounded, a total of fourteen.

Where is the 14th genius of Daewoo Dynasty still standing, but it can be embarrassed, horror, despair!

Rotating ... !!

The fourteen stones are unable to fall on the ground.

In the case of a sword, the Dawu Dynasty's fourteen was in the outside world, it was called the top genius, all of them!


There is no quieter in the world.

Just a teammates who even the sword, the awareness of the hundred macarthorn, Feng Yu, Mu Yingying three people were shocked.

As for the Yang Zai Xuan, the feelings are still indifferent.

After the sword is unparalleled, the genius of Da Yu Dynasty dynasty is not completely stopped, and the cold eyes are looking at a wood in the near.

"I have seen it for so long, but it should be an appearance."

The voice fell, and the sword was unparalleled to raise his hand to the woods.

The sword light waved, and the three big trees were swayed. At the moment of those big trees, a road shape was also connected, and these figures were not good, and the head is a one. Bloody youth.

However, at this moment, this blood robe is a young man, or the other people, watching the sword unparalleled eyes are full of fear.

"Dairy Dynasty?"

Seeing this group, the sword is unparalleled, "Daxie Dynasty's genius is dead, and I don't mind, I will erase your fairy dynasty from this integration battle!"


PS: Brothers, thirty chapters have completed.

It was too sudden to play, I thought it was going to be on the shelves next month. At that time, I could prepare a five or six chapters, but I didn't expect it to have so much in advance, so I only have to prepare for 30 chapters, but it doesn't matter. How long does it take? There is also an outbreak.

In addition, from tomorrow, the update speed of this book will gradually increase.

Updated tomorrow, still starting from 12 am ... This extremely hunting real climax is just beginning, hehe!

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