In the face of this sudden attack, the red-haired old man is also showing an amazing power.

I saw that he held a knife with his hands, and the knife of the knife rushed to rolling blood cloud, but it was successful.

Pong! Pong!

Two giant sounds, after all, is an enemy two, and the opponent is still a true greatness of the two goods, especially the madness of the Jiu Hao Lord, and only the red-haired old man has been shocked. , The body is also quite wolf.

And his figure has not been completely stabilized, and the sword is unparalleled, and the swordsmanship of the frenzy, it has been attacked.

Xuanluo Sword, Four Sword Method.

The mixed element is a defensive sword.

An learning is like a demon, it is a speed-up sword.

The wind is raining, it is the most important taste of the power.

Moving like a blast, as heavy rain!

Especially in the sword, there is no pair of body, the extension of the ancient blood is full.

This sword is the paint black spear than the Nine Hosheng, but also more than one point.

"This little child?"

The red-haired old man blinks, he can never put the sword unparalleled zone in the early days of the eye, so he has went all possible to go to the attack of the Jiuwei Holy Lord and the nine emperor.

But now, when the sword is unparalleled, the sword is really appearing in front of him, but the red-haired old man is fierce.

Subsequently, the war knife is also desperate.


The low collision sounds.

At the moment of the sword unparalleled blood and swords and red-haired old war knives, the horrible power also broke out in an instant, forming a great impact role in the red-haired old man.

The red-haired old man is even the big power, but the body is also awkward, and the spray is sprayed with a big blood.

His face is very miserable, and the breath has greatly weakened.

"The sword is unparalleled, so good!"

The Jiu Han Lord has seen the sword with the nine-level emperor.

And this time ... !!

A man and a female two have the fastest speed to gallop their position, and the two emperors are oppressed.

"I will stop them with nine, swords are unparalleled, you quickly ruined the Cross." Jiu Han is low.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point, nor has some hesitation.

I saw him a step, but the figure was in the fastest speed of this golden vortex, the huge rural stone rummed.

The Jiu Han Lord with the nine emperor is the first time to resist the galloping man and a woman, including the red-haired old man who is unparalleled by the sword, and has been entangled by the nine holy owners. .

The three emperors surrounding this golden vortex all year round have been blocked, but the sword is unparalleled without anyone.

Just instantly kung fu, he has come to the deepest place of the golden whirlpool, that is, the foot of the foot is high, just in front of the Cross of the mountains.

In front of the Cross-distance standing in front of the Cross, the sword can really feel the pure energy of this Crown.

This pure energy is too large, big far beyond the sword unparalleled imagination.

The most eye-catching energy that swords have seen, which is the genometric god pointed to the endlessness. At the beginning, he also gave a lot of great improvements in his own power.

However, the fine power of the Taiji Shentan contained, although it was pound, but it can be more than the huge royal queue, but it checked too far.

This horrible, a pure energy, no wonder it can continue to maintain the run of the dark mills of the outside world.

"As long as it ruin it, the dark mill can stop, I have a long chaotic world, but if it has been there, I have the world's chaotic world to disappear!" The sword has no strong sperm. mango.

There is no choice, and the sword is unparalleled and there is no hesitation.

! ! !

A shocking sword, self-sword is unparalleled.

This sword, there is a supreme, like the sword of the emperor.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the ancient blood is also crazy.

However, in his upcoming swordsmanship, the Crossfold is completely destroyed.


A dark ax, but there is no sign, it is coming directly.

This ax, carrying people have no endless destruction, and there is already a unparalleled look at the swords.

"Is this?" The sword did not have a double-color change, and the emperor in his hand has not completely accumulated it, but it also waits.


A loud sound, time and space shame.

The pounds are like ocean, and instantly swept around.

The sword has no double-shaped, the pace is not a step, and his scorpion has seen it directly in front of him.

Under the coverage of his endless power of the ocean in front, I didn't know when I had a figure.

He, only one meter is six high, but the body is extremely strong, the muscles are encouraged, emitting endless fierce, feelings, as if a live wild beast.

This beast, who holds a war ax, and the sword is walked.

"Is him?" The sword was unbloled.

In front of this, this is like a beast-like bald man. It is the most powerful person who has been in the Silver Wing God before the Silver Wings.

His ax is extremely terrible. When the power is strong, the ax is enough to give the nine emperor to gain serious injuries, and the strength is better than the nine holy owners.

Now, the beast man actually appeared in this golden whirlpool, just when he was about to cut the Crown Cross, suddenly shot.

"How? How can he appear here?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It seems that my appearance is a little unexpected to the sword monarch?" As the beast-like bald man Ling Zong, I watched the sword. Even the sword is still the same, but this Ling Zong But still in an instant, his identity.

"In fact, I have been waiting for the sword monarch, I have been a long time, no, I don't know if it is me, it should be us."

With this lingering smile, after his body, the three movements were immediately emerged.

The atmosphere that has been emitted by the three shadows has reached the hierarchy of the peak of the chaotic border, and the three people have been seen before the swords have been seen when the silver wings, like that, there is a purple hair, Purple It is here.

"The sword monarch, waiting for a long time." The purple hazelle man said.

The sword has no double-finish, looking at the scene in front of you, even if you are stupid, you can understand that he has already fallen into the trap of others.

These four people in front of me, I have long been at the heart of this golden vortex, just waiting for him to shoot, and arrived in the net.

This is a trap and is a circle.

And he is now in the top position of this trap.

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