Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2035 Trap!

"Since these four appear here, the gold swirl outside ..."

The sword is unparalleled, the power is immediately extended, and there is a void outside the golden swirls, and the five body shape is galloping.

That five people are in the past five emperors.

If the five people are really in the Palace, they can get the time to get 10 breathing. Now ... From the sword where they choose to do it now, but only the time of several breathing, it is obviously this The five people have long been coming from the Palace.

Now the golden vortex is the core, that is, in front of this Crown, there are four emperors including bald men.

In the periphery of the golden vortex, the three emperors who have been responsible for sitting here.

From the Palace Palace, I will enter the five emperors of the golden vortex.

All of these are added, and there is a full foot and twelve emperors!

Twelve great!

Whether it is to the Chinese Union, it is still a powerful force for this three royalties.

Now, there is no double in the sword.

"It seems that you have to know how we will do it today?" The sword is unparalleled in front of the beast-like bald man Ling Zong.

"Of course, I don't know, I don't just alone, even this officer, in fact, it is also the scorpion of our special arrangement, is the opportunity to deliberately give you." Ling Zong smiled.

"It turned out that it seems that this time I have been destined to plant the head." The sword is unmainted.

"Planting the head? But this is simple, the sword is unparalleled, today you have died here!" Ling Zong sound is cold, but it stepped out.

! !

The dark ax, destroying the sky is in the world.

As a result, it became the focus of this world.

The sword has no double-finish, while this Ling Zong shot, the blood peak in his hand suddenly waved at this moment.

Endless looks at the moment.

Xuanluo swordsmanship, blasting!

The strong sword is in an instant, in an instant collision with the dark ax.


The sound is falling, the sword is unparalleled with the Ling Zong, but it is quit Qi Qi, and the two are actually spelling a flag.

"What?" Ling Zong was shocked by the sword.

He remembers, not long ago, in the silver wings, although the sword is unparalleled, it will show a horrible body skill, let them join hands to kill the time of eight breathing, but in real battle And the sword is unparalleled with the general emperor.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, and the power of the sword is quite right with his ax.

"This is long, his strength, it has improved so much?" Ling Zong was shocked, and the spin is more exciting.

"I shot together, kill him !!!"

Suddenly, the three emperors after Ling Zong, also shot at the same time.

"Hey!" The sword didn't have a passion, and it also greeted it.

At the beginning of the silver wing, even if the Six Emperor's enlightened, the sword is unparalleled, not to say that now only four people, and he still refines the mid-defensive celestial body.

However, he is not afraid, but the Jiu Hao Lord of the golden whirlpool, the nine emperor can't support it.

They have only faced the three emperors to be very calm, but the five great emperors from the Palace Palace have also appeared in the golden vortex.

It is equivalent to the eight great emperors, and a total of the nine holy owners with the nine-level emperor.

He can no swords are unparalleled, and how to support almost unsuccessful physique.

Just two ways of work, the nine emperors have been hurt, and the nine holy owners are also injured.

! ! !

A stallful breath suddenly spreads from the nine emperor.

The nine-level emperor is filled with a strong powerful force. The power, it is the power of the stars.

The nine-level emperor, has been used to use the star secret.

But he only refines the first volume of Star Secrets, can only break out ten times, facing the siege of many emperors, the same is in the wind.

And the most important thing is that his stars secret can only last for ten breathing time.


"How to do how to do?"

The Jiu Han Lord is anxious to have a fire.

They didn't think of it, this time this seems a rare opportunity, it turned out to be a trap that was arranged by the other side.

And the other party actually knows that they are mixed into the emperor.

Why is the other person know?

The Jiu Hao is not understanding, but at this moment he doesn't think much.

On the other side, the four emperors that are being siegered by Ling Zong are unparalleled, but they are all the strength of the body with the body of the body, and they have passed out from the core of the golden vortex, and there is a nine holy owner, nine emperor Next to it.

~~~ I saw the sword unparalleled, and his villain has skyrocked at this moment and has skyrocketed nearly 100 times.

Above this huge body, a piece of head is also movable.

I saw that his huge population was already a huge space black hole, swallowing everything in the world.

And his swordsman also concluded, driving unique swords, actually to be siege to the nine and the holy owners, the eight emperors of the nine-level emperor are all onseparable.

"Hey! I still want to follow the last time, is a person block all of us?"

That Ling Zong saw this, it was a cold, and the Li Mang has skyrocketed, "" full shot !! "

Twelve Emperors were irritated by the sword unparalleled move.

Want to fight against them twelve people?

What did the sword do not have these emperors?

Suddenly, the twelve emperors have skyrocketed, and one is full.

"Jiu Hall, nine" emperor, return !!! "

The sword is unparalleled, it is a burst, but it is exhausted to resist the attack of these twelve emperors.

The Jiu Han Lord and the nine-level emperor are also changing, they know that since the other side is prepared, then this time they want to destroy the crime, it is unlikely, now the urgency, it is the life of your own, Let go first.


Take the sword unparalleled Kung Fu, the Jiu Hao Lord has burst the fastest speed with the nine emperor, and goes outside the golden swirl.

As for the sword, it is the side of the battle.

At the same time, the twelve great emperors, the sword is unparalleled.

But there is a little but no doubt, even if it is twelve, it is unparalleled, and it is a short time, I also want to kill the sword.

After the self-cultivation became the first volume of too ancient deficiency, his body is much stronger than before, and he wants his body to be damaged, and it is impossible to be easy.

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