Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2036 Escape! (Tenth more !!!)

(Continue ten, ask for a subscription, seek everything !!)


After the war, the sword was unparalleled with the range of golden swirls, and the direction of the Emperor of the Emperor.

And at the same time in the golden vortex, there is inside the Palace.

Emperor's cultivator is gathered in Emperor at this moment, which was originally equal to the giant of the peak level of the chaotic border.

but now……

"What happened? How did these giants?"

"This officer has just begun, these giants have not truly submitted, how can they leave?"

"What is it?"

These cultivars are all awkward.

Even those of those emperors, are the same.

I don't know what happened one by one.



Dramatic roaring screams throughout the peak, and many practitioners staying in the Palace have naturally heard the first time.

At the same time, they also induced a strong powerful power of outbreak away.

"what happened?"

"This, what happened?"

These practitioners can no longer be calm, and they have walked towards the void of the Palace.

After coming to the void, they can see the huge movement of the top of the golden vortex in the eyes of the sight.

These are just the early days of the chaotic boy, and the mid-term cultivators, suddenly surprised.

"Someone handed over in the gold swirl?"

"Who, good courage!"

"No wonder five leaders will leave directly."

This is a sigh of sigh, and some people have passed out from the golden vortex.

The natural is the nineth of the Jiu Hao, the nine-level emperor, and his two speed completely broke out, and did our best to rush to the position of the emperor.

There is no long after he comes out, the sword is unparalleled and the twelve great emperor is also coming out of the golden vortex.

They have been crazy.

There are many cultivators in the Palace. At this moment, I also saw this scene, and I fierce a fierce.

"Ten, twelve giants?"

"This twelve giants, who launched one person? Scorpio, I really didn't miss the wrong? And that person seems to be just a chaotic border!"

"How is it possible? In the early days of the district, it is impossible to block a giant. How can I block 12?"

A piece of exclamation, an incredible.

However, do they don't believe it, the fact is true.

After walking out of the golden whirl, the sword is still retreat, his body is huge, relying on the Xuanluo sword with the nine-eight arms, hard and ethically, the twelve emperors all over, and this twelve great emperor Also have fully handed it.

However, even if the twelve great achievements are all right, and once again attack on the sword unparalleled, the sword is unsatisfactory, his breath has maintained the top peak.

He is actually, one has blocked the twelve emperors.

"That, that person ..."

Among the people in the Palace, Lin Tianyi, which is a son. It is wide-eyed at this moment, and he is dead and staring at the figure that was killed by the twelve emperors.

Although the sword is now unsatisfied, he has not unloaded his camouflage. He is still the way of the man, this Lin Tianyi will recognize it.

"A beast, it is a beast !!!"

"How is it possible? How could it be him?"

Lin Tianyi is incredible, and the roar is also emitted in the mouth.

"A beast, is it him?"

There are also people surveying around.

The sword is unparalleled in the Emperor for 20 years, and some people will recognize the swords.

It is to be recognized, they are incredible.

Because in their impression, this gasty beast is very horizontal, some are not reasonable, but its strength is quite right with them.

Especially Lin Tianyi, he also paid his hand in front of the beast, and even defeated the other party.

All along, no one has doubt any doubts about the strength of the beast, and it feels that his strength is normal.

Or is a good sword without a pair of hardships, whether it is strength or character, all the camouflage is perfect, can't find a slightest flaw.

But now ... Cong's strength is also resistant to the twelve emperors, and even the twelve emperors can't help him, what is the abilities of the earth?

"This guy !!!" Lin Tianzhi grazing his hands and vibrating his heart.

"Tian Hao, is the person we encountered before the edge of the big array?" A Junxiu Youth around Lin Tianyi also murmed that it was shocked.

Under the eyes of everyone, the sword is unparalleled.

In the most edge of the Big Array, a little small corner in the eyes, the Emperor of the fire has been hidden there, and next to her is a hint of space crack, this spatial crack is very small, but it is She paid out the ancient treasure as the price.

When the sword is unparalleled, the Emperor of Wanli has been waiting here.

But at this moment, the noodles of the Emperor of the Emperor are extremely ugly.


"Is it a trap?"

"How could this be?"

The emperor's silver teeth is bite, and the body is also trembling.

At this time, in the voids in front of her, the two people came to gallop.

"Jiu Han Lord, the nine-level emperor, hurry over, fast ..." The words of the Emperor of the Tale have not finished, but the eyes are still a sharp way.

~~~ I saw a strong breath suddenly gradually rising from her, and a shadow was slowly condensed.

This is a shade, like the air-like mid-year middle age.

This stole middle-aged, there is no sign, actually appearing behind the Emperor of the Emperor.

"The last fish is here? And I have already opened the time and space channel with the outside world." There is a few points of power. "This mid-auger muttered, that is like a warm jade palm, but it has lightned The emperor came behind.

The Emperor of the Emperor of the Tale, hurriedly wanted to avoid, but found that this palm has been dead and locks her.

Under the helpless, she had to take the hard work.

Can meet ... !

A low loud noise, the emperor of the fire is shaken, the throat is also a sweet, and a hint of blood has spilled from the mouth.

"This person, so strong !!" The Emperor of the Talence is horrified.

Although she is only a general, she can only be average, but it is also a great power, but now the other party is only a palm of her, this strength, even if it is a nine holy owner. There is no doubt that this person in front of him is a super power that fights unbearable.


PS: Today is ten!

Brothers, have buoyed more than two consecutive days, and now this book is in the fifth and behind the book.

Our goal is the first!

Shock first, impact the fantasy king! ! !

Fight, war!

Everyone supports me, give me enough power.

Warm tomorrow, continue to break out! ! !

Roar! Roar!

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