Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2041 failed

These emperors in the three emperors immediately thought of the way to fix the golden vortex.

This golden vortex is the core of the Crown, and the Crown Rock can fix it as long as it is not destroyed.

What's more, the sword is unparalleled to destroy the golden whirlpool as much as possible, but he still never hurts the fundamental of this golden whirlpool. Under the three emperors of the three emperors, only a few days, will Golden vortex repairs.

This huge golden whirlpool is also completely recovered, only that the temperament remains, still filled in the corner of the golden vortex.

After the gold swirls were completely repaired, these great achievements in the three emperors were also carefully searching. Unfortunately, they did not find the treasures after the sword did not have died.

In this regard, they are all helpless.

This golden vortex drives the dark mill, and there is also a time-to-air connection with the dark mill. The so horrible energy storm is very likely to pass the sword unparalleled treasure through time and space. These great emperors are involved in the dark mill. They also have no choice but to.

Emperor also gradually calm down.

Of course, what happened here, I also went to the three big hegens of the dark void.

Cold as snow, the magic (the wild man), the blood of the blood has been gathered together.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is finally dead." .

"Hey, this kid has been adding to us before dying." Magic is a cold.

"No matter what to say, the sword is unparalleled, and the Emperor of the Tale is also dead, just only the nine-pointed holy owners, the nine emperors still stay in the third emperor, and they have doubled them. I don't have any waves. Next, we only need to fully deal with the anti-fall of the chaotic world. "

"Well, those who know their four strong teams have failed. After breaking, they will inevitably try their best to assemble the power of countless strong people in the world, the front is strong, trying to go to this big burst. However, as long as the Crossing is intact, this big array is indestructible, they are destined to fail. "The magic grinned.

"This is a must, for this big array, for this dark mill, we carefully prepared for so many years, and what they can easily destroy it easily? This time, the ancient chaotic world is willing!" Hold your hands, and the blood is surrounded by blood.

The devil is also confident.

Only cool, sitting there, but it is not sent.

But if you look carefully, you can find that her look is a bit complicated.

"The sword is unparalleled, is you finally dead?"

"Oh, I thought you really came to the end, appeared in front of me?"

"It seems that you are just so."

A smile in cold, the look of the snow is also recovered quickly.


The three emperors are extremely distant voids from the Emperor City.

Two figure converges the breath, hiding here.

These two people are naturally two people who escaped from the Emperor.

"The Jian Mun is the message of the Emperor of the Emperor, and now there is no one to respond, it seems ..." Jiu Han is the main color.

The nine tips next to it are also silent.

After escaing from the Emperor, they immediately gave the sword unparalleled, and the Emperor of the Wanli continued to communicate, but except for the first sword without double transmission back, there was no such message.

this means……

"It's fallen." The nine emperor sighed, his heart was grief, but more but more helpless.

It doesn't help but.

In the case of the case, he can only escape with the Jiu Han Lord, so you can survive, and keep the two great power for the vast chaotic world.

If you stay there, it will undoubtedly, there is no possibility of any birth, and it is difficult to help the sword unparalleled and the Emperor.

It can be said that he has been the most ration and most correct choice before him.

This sword is unparalleled with the Emperor. Therefore, there is still some of the complaints for him. Instead, he is fortunate that he has escaped, and the four strong teams are all buried here.

"The sword monarch is already falling, then you have two people, what should I do? Continue to see the Crown of the Cross?" The nine emperor saw the nine Hosheng Lord looked at the past. But there is no one bit.

The four days ago, I was ready, but also chose the best time to think that the best, but I didn't expect to fall into the other party trap.

Now the four people fall two, only two of them, is it mixed into the emperor?

I don't say that he is in the realm of the two, even if you are lucky, you want to destroy it, according to the Cross, it is absolutely impossible.

"Don't worry first, the sword is not the twinkling of the pass, let you have two people to stay in the three emperors? Let's find a place to hide, and inform the things here first." Jiujing Main road.

The nine emperor Jun also nodded.


The vital chaotic world, the void around the dark mill, the temple.

Many of the big gods in the top of the Holy Leverage, they all gathered here, but at this moment, these gods were extremely ugly, and they did not send.

They all got the news from the soul of the nine-level emperor. I know that the four strong teams entering the dark mill, falling into the other party traps, and is surrounded by the thirteen emperor, among the swords and unparalleled, the emperor of the fire is falling. There is only a nine-King Holy Lord to escape from the nine emperor.

"The Crime is in the core of the three emperors, there are too many strong people, the four signs of Jiu Dou, the Sword Monarchs have ended the end of the failed, which means that my Holy League wants to mark from the dark The inside is destroyed, it is impossible, so I can only do it well. "Bai Di's indifferent sound echoed, broke the quiet in the hall.

These big emperors present were all over the white emperor.

"For more than 20 years, under the guidance of my Holy League, the ancient chaotic world has prepared, but it will gather all the peak power in a short period of time, but it is not easy, you must step up the speed, especially those special ethnic groups. There. "Bai Emperor Shen Sheng.

These emperors have nodded.

"Nine, you are staying in the three royal directions, you are looking for a place to hide, and you can also discover your use in the future." Bai Emperor told him.

"Yes." Nine nine emperor nodded.

"Okay, go to prepare." Bai Emperor waved.

And he did not mention the sword unparalleled and the emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor.

Although these gods around these gods have some doubts, they have not asked, they will be left soon.

But the soul of the nine-level emperor is divided, but left.

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