Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2042 gamble

(Today is still ten, first updated six chapters, there is a four more and I am working hard, the code will be updated, and the ten before the 12th point is absolutely updated! Ask everything!)


In the big temple, there is only a white emperor, and the soul of the nine-level emperor is divided.

"Bai Emperor."

The nine-level emperor looked at the white emperor, just when everyone left, Bai Emperor went quietly to him, let him stay, obviously some things I found alone.

"Nine, I ask you, have you seen the sword monarch and the Emperor of the Toyan?" Bai Emperor stared at the nineteen emperor.

"This is not." The nine emperor shook his head, "but the time and space channel, the Emperor of the Turogu is only opened, and it is impossible to open the second time, and the emperor, they face the foot and thirteen. The murderer of the great power, the sword monarch is almost no possible. "

"And their messages, but also have no messages."

The nine-level emperor judge is based.

In that case, the sword is unparalleled with the Emperor to live, it is really a reality.

Bai Emperor is a slight frown, and he is said: "You said before, after you escaped the emperor, the sword did not double the message to you?"

"Yes, he said that I have to stay in the third emperor, don't hurry." The nine emperor.

"Is this?" White emperor nodded, "Okay, it's okay, you go."

"Yes." The nine emperor didn't understand what the white emperor wanted to ask what it was clear, but he didn't think much, soon leaving.

In the big temple, only the white emperors were sitting there, and the white emperor at this moment fladded in a glitter.

Just in all people identified the swords and unparalleled, the Emperor of the fire has fallen, but his heart has a doubt.

After all, it is reversible. He is very clear that there is a strong ability to reverse the seventh step. Although the sword is unparalleled is only in the first stage, but if you want to kill him, it is not easy, not to mention the sword. There are also many strong base cards, and there is a presence of a seven treasure goddea he gives.

"Little guy, I hope you are alive."

White mysteriously, there is also a hint of expectations.


The three imperial world, the emperor.

That is in the center of the three sculptures, that huge gold vortex has returned to normal operation.

The entire golden vortex is incomparably huge, and the damage to this battle has been completely restored, and there is almost no one if there is a lot of traces.

If the only thing is left, it is still a powerful breath that is still full of golden swirls.

This feeling is still quite strong, and in the three emperors of the three imperial world, these Shensha will only dissipate over time.

But at this moment, when everyone has made attention from the golden whirlpool, the most important thing in this golden vortex, the remaining spiritual breath has begun to bring together, and before a lot of emotions in the golden vortex. The power also resumes aggregation.

Only a moment, a movie re-emerged within this golden vortex.

He looked up, showing a cold and young face, and it is a sword that has fallen. ! !

He, still alive! ! !

The sword is unparalleled in the deepest place of the golden vortex, converges all the breath, and the eye is around.

From the surrounding void, there are still some kind of power to go back to him. When many of the people have gathered, the sword is completely restructured.

But his own power, but there is only no more than one complement.

"It seems that I will win."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is no endless light.

He has passed countless times of life and death, and he has fallen into a crisis in countless times, caught in a desperate situation.

But the more it is in the uncertainty, the more calm, the more you can get accurate judgment.

Moreover, he dares to fight, dare!

This time, for him, it is a gamble!

Among the previous bats, he was surrounded by thirteen emperors, and the surrounding Emperor had a big array. He has no chance to escape. In this case, he wants to live, only one The way, that is, let everyone think he is dead! !

To put it bluntly, it is dying.

But it is difficult to deceive, why is it difficult to deceive the thirteen emperors? The average person cannot do it.

Can be refurbished, the sword with perfect chaotic population, but it can be.

Therefore, he deliberately saving his body, reaching nearly 10,000 feet.

He does this, it seems to be the last crazy, in order to give the gold swirls, it can actually have a goal, that is, after the body crashes, the power can escape the wider, best Under the sweep of the energy storm, all corners of the golden swirls are covered.

Next, he clearly has a relatively abundant power, but under the siege of the 13th emperor, he did not use the body to constantly restore the body, but cause a pair of gods can't hold, the breath is getting weak and weak, will soon Crash scene.

There is no doubt.

So, with the scene of the mind in the mind, he had a madness in his mind. He slammed to the high of the earth, and he couldn't hold the thirteen emperor's crazy attack. Under the sweep, these Shen Li fits to the corners of the golden vortex, which leads to the golden whirlpool to have a sword unparalleled powerfulness.

In fact, if it is else in other places, for example, in an empty void, the thirteen emperor will definitely take the sword without a double, and annihilated, but it is a golden whirlpool, this golden vortex is against the three emperors. It is too important to say that his power is covered and too wide, so that the thirteen emperors can't completely annihilapidize, so they can only let these Shenshan will continue to stay in the golden vortex, let it dissipate.

After thirteen the Emperor fixed the golden vortex, they left.

At the end of the end, these emperors did not doubt, the sword is not alive.

They can't doubt, because the sword is unparalleled, it has been completely collapsed, and it is still in their own, and the thirteen emperors see clearly, in which case the normal cultivator is definitely It is impossible to die again.

But they don't know terrible.

It is also unclear to reverse the true ability of the seventh step.

So, the sword was unison.

He gambled.

He rely on his perfect chaotic body, as well as his camouflage, and lively thirteen emperories.

Now, when everything is stable, the thirteen emperors no longer pay attention to this golden vortex, the sword is unparalleled, and the body is re-fixing.

And those of the three emperors, but nothing.


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