Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2043 is not dead, there must be a blessing!

(7 more!)


"Fortunately, I gamble, otherwise I can only take care of all, to show a lot of base card, to fight." The sword is unparalleled with hands, such as the result, maybe he can give the big emperor of the three emperors. There is some casualties, but he will definitely die, this is unquestionable.

Now, at least he lives.

In the golden swirl, with the sword, there is no double, you!

A black light immediately broke it, and it was a sword unparalleled, and his many treasures, including blood peak swords, and mountain river social maps were in this Qiankun.

And this Qiankun quite has been covered by his power. The most important thing is because he is still alive, this Qiankun ring has the Lord, will not exudes any breath, add the strength of the power, then Thirteen emperors did not find it.

Wearing the Qiankun in his hand, the sword was unparalleled to put on the Wu Bao War, and he also took out two tolerance.

These two monks are the nine-level emperor, and they can contact swords without pairs in the three emperors. The sword is not double simple to sweep, and they know that the two emperors have fled the peak. After giving him how much message gave him.

However, the sword is not a double brow, but it has not responded, but the two strokes will be re-returned to Qiankun.

He is still alive, but now I don't want to know, even if it is a Chinese people! !

Next, the sword is unparalleled, but it is the most intimate in the golden vortex, that is, the huge royal stone, here, the faintness has a golden light, which is more dazzling than the golden swirls. Agents, and this golden light is actually a special forbidden.

"No accident, this is the key to the golden vortex." The sword is unparalleled, and his figure has come before the golden ban.

His Shen Li Yi was scattered in the large golden vortex, he also carefully drilled this golden whirlpool, followed by him to discover the presence of this heavy gold ban.

He saw that this golden ban is extremely mysterious, and the pneumatic energy of the Crossing is actually caused by this golden ban.

In other words, if there is no such golden ban, the golden vortex is not able to take energy from the Cross-Cross, and it is more impossible to drive the dark mill operation.

"I didn't know this gold swirl. I only know that blindness causes damage to gold vortex. Although the golden swirls are damaged, but the strong people in the three imperities are very easy to fix. "

"If I can find this golden ban, I want to destroy this golden ban, and the big emperors of the three milings want to fix it. I am afraid that it is not too much." The sword smiled.

"Don't worry, let's take a look again."

The sword is unmainted, but it is slowly in the golden ban.

Suddenly ... rumble ~~~ The vastness of the sea is straightforward, and there is no swim.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, but the arrogance is big.

He is able to feel that this golden ban contains incredible sperm and pure energy, and these fine energy is not used by the surrounding gold vortex, which can be directly absorbed.

"Is it said ..." The sword has no double eyes, but the bottom has risen a year.

This idea is rising, and it can't still be suppressed.

I saw that the sword was unparalleled slowly, and the whole person did not enter this golden ban, and was completely covered by this golden ban.

After the golden ban, the sword is unparalleled. It feels that the whole person completely caught the ocean of the pure energy. These are too pure energy, and it is too vast, and the vastness is not from the whole of the body. This kind of shudder is excited.

The sword is unparalleled only, I feel that blood is completely boiling, and the cells are even more cheering.

He did not deliberately guided it, but the thorough energy around it was already used in the body of his body, and he was directly refined by his body and then absorbed.

This speed of refining and absorption is still very amazing.

The sword is unparalleled directly, and it starts to absorb it.

And under this absorption, he has only reached a good power, and it has also begun to recover the amazing speed.

1%, two0% ...

In just a long time, his skill has recovered more than 30%.

"Haha, this is the speed of recovery," I don't know how much it is faster than the king! "The sword is unparalleled.

Kings, I have been parasitic in his body, I have been fighting side by side, and I have a full force to help him restore the power and restore injuries.

However, when the sword is unparalleled to reverse the seventh step perfect chaotic body, the recovery speed of Kings is not so big to help the sword.

This dark roll is a row, and the danger is incomparable. The sword is unparalleled, and he doesn't want to follow him. Therefore, he deliberately stayed in the green world, and even give the king. It took a drop inheritance of the blood, it was done the worst plan.

Once you fall, you can use this drop inheriting the blood and look for the next ancient god.

Fortunately, otherwise, in his body, it is very difficult to cover up in this golden whirlpool, and it is very difficult to cover up.

Now, although the sword is unparalleled to restore the power for him, but stay in this golden ban, the continuous sterling energy is used, and the effect is still strong.

Two days, he has been completely repaired.

But after this step, the sword is still never left this golden ban, and it still does not stop the absorption of pure energy. On the contrary, he refines the absorption speed faster.

"The so-called big hard is not dead, there must be a blessing, it is true !!!"

The sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear, this golden ban, it is definitely a major opportunity to him.

One day big machine!

It is to know that when the first stage to the third stage is the first stage to the third stage, it is enough to accumulate.

To this end, the sword has a lot of energy, through the Taijie Shennan, absorbing the star magic nuclear nucleus, which is extremely difficult to accumulate itself.

Reversal of the seventh step chaotic supreme, the perfect chaotic body, is based on the construction of fineness, so this step from the first stage to the third stage, the same is the vast accumulation.

Now, the sword is not doubles in this golden ban. This golden ban is ingestted from the endless sperm and pure energy from the Cross. It is fully improved by refining and absorbing these sperm. !

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