Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2044 Chaos Supreme Second Phase!

(8 more!)


The sword is not doubles in this golden ban, which continues to improve his own power.

And this golden ban, the original, the sword is not doubles in the golden ban, almost no one can find it.

Like the huge golden swirls, there are still three emperors sitting here all the year old. These three great sectors will also release the soul to sweep the golden vortex, but their soul is not able to induce the scene of golden ban. Naturally, the sword is unparalleled.

With the naked eye, then you can't see it.

Therefore, the entire golden vortex is still calm.

The sword is unparalleled in the golden banned, and it is unscrupulous, and no one knows.

As for the dark mill, there is no impact, continue in the slow operation of the Outdoor Chaotic World, crushing everything.

As crushed, its volume is getting bigger and bigger.

Many strong people in the Out of Chaotic World are prepared at the fastest speed.

In this situation, the time is slowly passed.

A sway, thirty years passed.

In the golden ban on the Crown Rock, then the sword is unparalleled than this eye to absorb the pure energy, and his eyes suddenly opened.

In an instant, the breath on him has changed the earth.

Before it was just a general god level, but this moment, it has reached the earth of God!

"Chaos supreme second phase, arrived!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom of the heart is also a ray.

You know, he just stepped into the seventh step of the reverse repair, not long time.

If it is normal cultivation, at least tens of thousands of years and even longer, it will have the opportunity to enter the second stage.

But now, it is in this golden ban, staying for 30 years, he will break through.

This ... is the opportunity! !

It can also be said that the sword is unparalleled.

After reaching the second phase of Chaos Supreme, the overall strength of the sword is unparalleled, naturally has skyrocketed.

First, it is a lot of life.

Subsequently, it is the power.

From the first stage, it is also a quality transformation of his power. It has a few times in the strength of Shen Li, the most important is the vastness of the power!

The second phase of the power is abundant than the first stage, there is so abundant power, which represents his life-saving ability will rise again.

If he said the first stage, a power can only make your own popp up four times.

So now, even if his body is again improved, the recombination is more difficult, but he is still a vast power, but it is still enough to support his population of seven times, and even eight times.

More variants, more terrible.

"Unfortunately, this breakthrough, my ancient blood, did not improve." The sword was unimaced.

In his eyebrow, there is still only eight ancient stars, and there is no helplessness for this sword.

But in any case, his strength is still big.

"The first stage before, with my own cultivation of the elderly, the first volume of the ancient virtual sky, plus the ancient blood, and the power of power is superior to the general emperor, hard to fight, even the three emperors The name of the beast-like bald man (Ling Zong), only can only be quite with me, now, my skills have risen again, and the strength of the power is powerful, the big emperor of these three emperors, I am afraid that no one remembers I."

"Even if I encounter the beast man, I can suppress him." The sword burst into a dazzling light.

From the first phase, it is across the second phase, his war is a mass change.

Now he, in the emperor, it is definitely standing in the top, the Holy League, except the white emperor, I am afraid that no one is his opponent.

And not only strong power, the life expective ability is more powerful, near invincible, if the only disadvantage is, I am afraid that it can only be detrimental to the feelings.

Can be achieved in such a short period of time, the sword is unparalleled.

Light spitting, the sword is unparalleled, it took out a trick, this enormature is naturally a nine emperor.

"Jiuzhao Emperor." The sword is unparalleled to the nine emperor.

Far away from the Emperor City, and extremely far away, an unattended mountain range is a temporary opening.

The Jiu Han Lord with the nine-level emperor, hiding in this cave in this thirty years.

When the sword is unparalleled, the nine emperor immediately induced.

"The sword monarch is the news of the sword monarch."

Originally, I was lying in the nine-level emperor, I stood up, and my eyes were more embarrassed.

"What?" The Jiu Han Lord on the side was immediately alarmed, even the nineteen emperor saw it, "Nine, what did you just say?"

"It's the sword monarch." The nine emperor is excited, "he came over."

"How is it possible?" Jiu Hao is incredible.

The sword is unparalleled is not as early as 30 years ago, is it falling?

In that case, he should only have false, never have any vitality?

How did I get three decades, but suddenly came over?

"Hurry and ask." Jiu Han is connected.

The nine-level emperor immediately took out the inquiry, asked the first time, "Sword Monarch, really you? You are not dead?"

"Of course, I am living very good." The sword is unparalleled.

"How come? In that case, how do you escape?" The nine emperor is unbelievable.

"I didn't escape, I still still stay in the emperor, and I am in the golden whirlpool, I am just in a special way, the big emperor of the three emperors mistakenly think that I have died, as for some For detailed reasons, I can only say that I have some unique ability to reverse it. "The sword has no double.

"Is this?" The nine emperor monks, he also knows that the reversal is terrible, and every step is unique.

But he doesn't know what the ability to reverse the seventh step.

Now it seems that it is to reverse the unique ability to retrieve the seventh step, saving the sword.

"Great, you can live, it is really good." The nine emperor was surprised with the nine Hosheng Lord, and the nine emperors asked again, "Wan Ro, how is she?"

"The Emperor of Wan Luo fell, I looked at her, she showed the stars secretary before death, and burned the soul, and strive for me." The sword did not have a double voice.

The Emperor of Wanli, even if he didn't make much feelings with her.

But this time, four of them are comrades who have experienced life and death.

The choice of the Emperor of Warro's finals is even more respectful.

There is no doubt that the Emperor of Wanli is a hero who died for the chaotic world.

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