Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2045 has a storm?

(Ninth! There is also tenth day!)


If you hear the sword is unparalleled, the Jiu Holy Lord is silent with the nine-level emperor, but it has not been accidentally unexpected.

The sword is unique to survive the unique ability of the reversal, and the Emperor of the Roul, there is no ability.

"No matter what to say, you are now alive, it is already a happy event, I immediately inform the Shengshi." The nine emperor said.

"Don't worry." The sword was unparalleled but broke.

"What happened?" The nine emperor was confused.

"I am still alive, you don't spread out, you will know that you will know with nine quiet." The sword has no double.

"Sword Monarch, you is ..." The nine emperor first is first, but it quickly reacted.

The nine holy owner next to it also squatted, "The sword is unparalleled, what you mean, I have the inside of the Chinese, a bloody door or Huangquan Palace?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point. "Is there a little doubt?"

The nine holy owner and the nine emperor are all sink.

They can become the emperor, the mind is naturally not general, no sword is unparalleled, they have doubt it before.

You know, thirty years ago, they have been fully prepared, to find a time, in the hands, and the sword is unparalleled.

Under normal circumstances, the gods of the three emperors are impossible to know that the sword is unparalleled. Don't say deliberately furnished traps, please enter the .

But in fact, the Emperor of the three emperors didn't just know that the sword was unparalleled. They had already been mixed into the peaks, and even absolutely grasp it.

I would like to think that they have just come to the third imperial world, they immediately have six emperors to find them and have a gliped them.

They have almost concluded that their whereabouts have been mastered by those strong people in the third imperial world.

And why will it be mastered? Naturally there is a ventilation newspaper.

"Our actions are not open in the Holy League, knowing only the highest level of the Shengshi, which is the many emperors, is it, the emperor of my coming is, someone will be the advice?" Nine Hosheng ä » Close frown.

One of the highest layers of the Great Strong

If there is a sputum in the emperor, then this person is also too deep, and the means will not be too high.

"It is still unable to determine if there is a traitor in the highest layer of the Shengshi, but for safety, our next action is not open, nine emperor, if you communicate, the top more can only live me alive. I inform the White Emperor. "The sword has no double.

"Understand." The nine-level emperor nodded.

Many great emperors in the Shengshi, Bai Emperor will definitely be the advice, which is unquestionable.

Because if Bai Emperor is a stylistic, then the ancient chaotic world is not expected to exist.

As for others, it is possible.

Just even the Jiu Han Lord and the nine-level emperor two people ... Although the nine holy owner with the nine-level emperor, he has made all the best after entering the three emperors, and the sword is unparalleled. Even if he is two people. The probabilistic possibility is minimal, but the sword is unparalleled in case, there is no first time to send them in the first time when you reorganize themselves.

After all, once the nine-level emperor or the nine people are really a treason, then they will immediately notify the three emperors of the three imperities, and the sword is unparalleled.

Until now, he has skyrocketed, and there is already enough to face everything, he will come to the nine tips.

The ancient chaotic world, there is a hall of the void around the dark mill.

"Sure enough,?"

The white emperor sat there and received a message from the nine-level emperor's soul, and there was also a variety of light, but did not be too unexpected.

Thirty years ago, he doubt that if the sword is unparalleled, it is really fallen. Now, he seems that he is really dead.

"Bai Emperor, Jianjun Lord, let you spread the news he still alive, and he is ready to do it again, and has already planned the plan, but you need a white emperor. "The soul of the nine-level emperor is separated by the soul, but also said that the sword is unparalleled.

After the White Emperor listened, nodded, "The plan is good, not only can take it, and can also verify that the highest layer of the Holy Armer is really adversible, but this plan must have a premise, then he is really Alive from the peak. "

"Nine, you tell him, I will fully cooperate with him, but he will take care of himself."

"Yes." Nine nine emperor nodded.

Emperor Peak, that huge golden whirlpool, sword unparalleled through the nine emperor Jun, after he got the reply of the white emperor, he was also ready to do it.

Light spitting, swords and unparalleled scorpions are looking at the golden ban in front of them.

This golden ban, is a great opportunity for him.

In just 30 years, he broke through this golden banned to achieve the second stage.

And if he continues to stay in the golden ban, let the body can continue to increase, improve the top of the second phase, even to the third stage, which is the ultimate stage of the seven-step.

Just reach the third phase, it takes time, it has been too long.

From the first stage to reach the second phase, it took 30 years, but from the second stage reached the third phase, at least three hundred years, and even longer.

Although it is for now, there are hundreds of years, but even thousands of years.

However, he solved, the vast chaotic world can't afford it.

To know, the dark mill has been rushing and sweeping all over the year, and a nation is in front of it.

If it makes it run for three hundred years, this dark crushes will inevitably reach horizon, and even if the sword is unparalleled, the crimp is destroyed, and the ancient chaotic world is estimated.

So he can't afford it, you must immediately take it now, let the dark mill stop.

"This golden ban is the key to ingesting the pure energy in the Crown, first destroying it." The sword was muffy, the blood peak sword has appeared in his hand.

A strong sword, since the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, there is still a good power than thirty years ago.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is now fierce.

Moving like a blast, as heavy rain.

It is in the Xuanluo sword, most paying most of the powerful, blasting!


A horrible sword is the core of the golden whirlpool, and the first time is fierce.

This gold-banned power is also extraordinary, and the general emperor attacks, this golden ban can resist.

But now, under the sword in the sword ...


This golden ban is like cutting with tofu, cutting directly from it.

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