Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2049 personally shot



"I want to go, no one can stop!"

The sword is unparalleled, with absolute confidence.

This kind of confidence is not only because of his strength. It is already able to siege in front of these two emperors in front of them. The most important thing is crushing. The source is also the key to Emperor Peaks and Naji City.

The Crown of the Cross, and the Emperor and Emperor's Big Arrans have shaped the same.

Without the obstacle of the surrounding big array, I want to completely leave him with this thirteen emperor?

That is the joke.

"Rolling !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sound contains endless pressure, just like the horizon.

In front of him, he was originally four emperors, but when they saw the sword, there was no double, the horror sword was bursting.



These four great fellows did not hesitate.

I didn't dare to block the sword.


Ling Zong, who is behind the sword, I can't help but be big.

However, he also clear, don't say that these four great emperors did not show up, even if they really shot to block swords, it is estimated that only the sword is unparalleled.


The sword is unparalleled, all the way, directly, and go directly outside the Emperor City.

And these thirteen emperors have followed behind the swords, but they can only follow it.

Just a moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the emperor has rushed out of the emperor, but it continued to drain in the vast territory of the three emperors.

The thirteen emperors did not have a way.

Ling Zong. "

The sound sounded, and the mid-year-old face with Ling Zong and row, "This sword is not double than 30 years ago, it is much more powerful, and I can't stop him at all, I will go."

Ling Zong body is a shock.

He frowned, although he had endless, but also known that the mid-year middle-aged is the fact.

"Tell it."

Ling Zong sighed, and even if it had already taken out to people.


The dark void, the three big hegens, sitting there.

But the face of the three people is extremely ugly.

They are in this dark crushes, this dark crushes are now controlled by them, but with the crush of the Crown, the dark mill lost the source of strength, this is completely stopped.

And if you have not found another huge royal stone in the future, they can't run the dark mill again.

"The sword is unparalleled." The burly magic of the body made a shock roaring. His eyes were also rolled, "the group of waste, what did you do in the end of the 30 years, not to say that the sword is unparalleled. What is it? How come people still live well, and destroy the Crown of Cross? "

"In addition, after destroying the Cross, this sword is unparalleled to escape the emperor. Escape from the Emperor City. Thirteen Chaos of the Dynasty. It can't stay him, but also to us. Ask for help? "

"Waste, a group of waste!"

The devil is crazy and screaming.

The breath that is emerging on the bloody body next to him is also extremely cold. "This black crushed disk is the cost of spending a lot of money, but now there is no double to be destroyed by the sword, and the blood is dissipated. This sword is unparalleled, really damn !!! "

The magic monks have the blood of the sword to be full of hate.

Only the cold is like a snow, but it is flashing with the color. After she is silent, she will open: "Things have happened, now I have complained that these are late, let's think about it, how to do it ? "

"The dark mill is stopped, and the Shengshi will definitely have actions, we have to carefully prepare for it."

"Well." The magic is nodded, and it is calm down. "This way, you will stay here to prevent the Holy Sales, as for the sword, I personally, I have to look at it, this sword is unparalleled What can be resistant, there is no way to do the thirteen emperors in the three emperors !! "

After saying, this magic is ignored that the snow is cold and blood, and the figure is already in the third imperial world.

Seeing this blushing, it's cold, and the eye is slightly shrinking.

Originally, she is going to come to go to the sword, but now, since this magic is rushed, she naturally does not speak.

"The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, thirty years ago, in that case, you are not dead, it is enough to be enough."

"Look, I really really hit you before."

It's cold, but the mouth is a strange smile.


Just in the third emperor, fighting at the same time.

In the dark mash around the dark, many big gods in the top of the Shengshi have also gathered together, and it is a white emperor.

These emperors who have been temporarily convened by Baili, and they are aware of consciousness. At this moment, they are quite doubts. I don't know why Bai Emperor will suddenly call them.

When people arrive together.


The white emperor opened, surrounded by, "There was a happy event told everyone, the criterion of the crime was broken, the dark mill was still stopped."


A stone aroused a thousand waves.

These gods around, all of which exposed horror.

Since 30 years ago, I learned that the four teams sent into the other party's trap defeated, and even the sword was unparalleled with the Emperor of the fire, they did not report any hope from the inside. Instead, all energy is placed in preparatory power, condense all of the high-level power of the chaotic world.

But now, thirty years have passed, their preparation is not really sufficient, and the white emperor tells them that the Crown is broken, the dark mill has stopped?

I learned about this news, they didn't believe it, but soon, they finally determined after finding the scene of the dark mill.

"This dark crushes, no move!"

"Sure enough !!"

"Haha, actually stopped?"

These gods have been ecstatic, some are even very happy.

There is no way, this dark crushes are too big for the threat of the ancient chaotic world.

If it is running, it will take the smoke to disappear, and the time spent in this step will not be too long.

Because of this, they have been nervous and have been trying to stop the dark mills, and they have made a small effort for this.

Now, when they know that this dark crushes are finally stopped?

Of course, in the surprise, they are more doubts.

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